Race Faircrypt (now with a default ship design)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by UnsoundM, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You sound like such an uneducated fool. In my opinion they LOOK like robots, if you could actually read the post above instead of going off on one about me being wrong and you being right, then you would see that I said they look like robots, and not that they actually are robots. Also it's really arrogant to proclaim that some is "Wrong, just wrong", without any evidence that they are whatsoever. Just stop the argument you're embarrassing yourself.
  2. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    Now there's an actual opinion: They do bear a resemblance to robots.

    That's now what you said, however. Lets, once again, look at WHAT YOU HAVE ACTUALLY SAID.
    Lets look at this statement. "There is already a similar machine/robot sort of race in the game." This statement is not a matter of opinion, this is a statement intended to be taken as fact: It is an incorrect fact, but that's beside the point. You said there was already a robot race in the game (true) that was similar to this race (false). This is not an opinion. It is not a "I feel this is too similar to the other robot race we already have," it is not a "I think these guys are too robot-like." This is a statement of "these guys are robots." This statement has, repeatedly, been proven false. The Faircyrpt are provably NOT robots: They bear a resemblance to robots if all you've done is look at their art, but even then, it's pretty much only their face that looks to be robotic: The rest of their body looks to be some sort of suit.
  3. Game³oid

    Game³oid Big Damn Hero

    Love it!
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  4. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Would both of you just stop it? @Cynthio and @The5lacker It's pointless. What was said, was said. It is done. Leave it.
    (Not that I'm an entirely innocent person myself.)
  5. OuttaThinAir

    OuttaThinAir Big Damn Hero

    Nice work! Though reproduction is going to be a problem...
  6. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    DNA is delivered through sterilized tubes.
  7. OuttaThinAir

    OuttaThinAir Big Damn Hero

    Yeah. Makes sense. Must look weird going to a Faircrypt wedding. Unless they don't have weddings... O_O
  8. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    Here comes the bride.

    All dressed in...latex.

    [voice=George_Takei]Oooh my![/voice]
  9. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    They are a very scattered race, so I guess a wedding for them is probably just the two people involved and MAYBE somebody to declare them official. More often than not they'd probably just personally acknowledge that they want to be together and then just officially consider themselves in a union without the ceremony.
  10. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    The other thing sounds too human, tbh. Maybe they just don't need official declarations? Maybe they don't even have constant mates?
  11. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    That's a cool ship.
  12. OuttaThinAir

    OuttaThinAir Big Damn Hero

    I think that would probably make sense, because they're also aliens, and therefore may not have had a ceremony to begin with. At all.
  13. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    The ship doesn't have any engines on the bottom, only on the left.
    Also, I doubt they would be reproducing: wouldn't children just die due to lack of an environmental suit?
  14. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The large flat black section on the bottom is meant to have the thruster animations coming directly out of it.
    Sterile isolation of newborn children isn't even science fiction, most hospitals do it as standard practice these days on premature infants. In the Starbound Universe were cloning is already basically a thing (when you die) it could just be at the point where the complicated process of pregnancy and birth is taken out of the equation all together.
  15. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Made, born and kept in a sterile room until a suit has been made.
  16. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    I think that the respawn and the birth would be a big problem. Maybe, just maybe, the suit is able to support them for a loooong time, add in a naturally long lifespan, you can practically live forever.
    With birth, we could have it be something with the suit.

    Building upon that with the suit, maybe it can be an organic/mechanic (nano-bots or tiny spiders) fabric able to heal (not in-game), allowing it to be made into the child if you can insert some of the bots/organic creatures into the body while still pregnant so the suit is automatically born unto the body before reaching the air of the outside world.

    Just gotta throw that to the masses and hope some ideas form. Hahaha
  17. Malachai18

    Malachai18 Tentacle Wrangler

    I love this idea. Is it possible for the suit to be made as a collection of different metals and designs, rather than a single type of material. Also, it needs a species story (like defeating the Mini Knog for apex or disproving kluex for avians). Do you have any ideas for that? Because I've nothing.
  18. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    I think that a cure is good. They are searching the universe for a way to be able to take off their suits and finally be able to feel and breathe and smell.

    EDIT: I will try to flesh it out later. Expect a PM from me @UnsoundM
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2014
    Sgt_Hankey likes this.
  19. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Maybe what they consider beautiful and what little culture they have, is a fascination with machines and technology?
    Gizmos, Cogs, Pipes, Cables, Robotic arms, electronic scrap, all of that stuff. Maybe a sci-fi steampunk theme of sorts?
    Seeing as Steampunk is about leaving machines' organs revealed, as they wouldn't waste materials to cover it up,
    and sci-fi because they're highly advanced, and probably don't rely on steam power anymore. :p

    It's just a rough suggestion. All I'm saying is just that we can't leave them with nothing, since there are many items, objects and functions in this game that are purely aesthetic.
    It's too boring and generalizing to say that No Faircryptian likes culture or has enough time and resources to make aesthetic machinery.

    Or some of them could be dreamers, who look back to the Resonance and try to relive that world through art (Paintings, Furniture) or stories (Books).
    Of course this would mean you'd actually have to settle on a cultural background.
    Malachai18 and Peachy like this.
  20. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    Heck, seeing as they focus so much on returning their species to glory, why even bother with formalities?
    And then do as rabbits. Though I'd imagine there not being any kind of love involved, it's just the social norm to fertilize as many as often as possible.

    Maybe there isn't even any funny-business? It could all be done in tubes.
    Like the children being "Grown" in tubes alike the ones you find in Apex labs, or if you've seen the new Superman.
    At least I'd imagine it being difficult to wear the suit and be pregnant at the same time. Though they'd probably be able to find an easy way around all difficulties.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014

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