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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. Pety Pop

    Pety Pop Space Hobo

    yea i understand that. hell I'm not even that upset over the diamonds and whatnot, I'm mainly upset over losing my cosmetic gear, hats, sets, etc. Things I'll have to randomly re find again. bummer.
  2. derSchotte

    derSchotte Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, after the last Update i got the Problem that i cant connect to my server with any character that has a singleplayer universe. If i try to connect with a character that dont have a singleplayer universe everything is ok.

    i hope that helps
  3. FormyZee

    FormyZee Void-Bound Voyager

  4. Pety Pop

    Pety Pop Space Hobo

  5. Mendacium

    Mendacium Industrial Terraformer

  6. FormyZee

    FormyZee Void-Bound Voyager

    Yep, I noticed. still those that did not update should maybe wait for the fix.
  7. Pety Pop

    Pety Pop Space Hobo

    Ok well I already lost my items from earlier when the update came out, however my brother is about to get off work. I emailed him letting him to know about the back up saving, but your saying it wont matter? Should i tell him to hold off on even opening up Starbound?
  8. idk if anyone else is having the same problem -- but I can no longer set my home planet
  9. VinchenzoJackal

    VinchenzoJackal Big Damn Hero

    Bug here.
    A past fix was implemented long ago so Po's do not one shot the player, but such a thing only works with Po's in the Alpha Sector...
    I mentioned this bug elsewhere on the forums at one point, and this was a discovery by me and a friend whom I bought Starbound for named Makeria.
    Suffice to say... Po bug fix is bugged... how surprising a bug fix is bugged is... it is indeed surprising...
  10. Radial

    Radial Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Found this bug after discovering bullets activate proximity sensors. If you have sticky type bullets, like Plasma bullets, Sticking one to a door an then opening them causes the sticky projectile to slowly slide across until they explode.
  11. FormyZee

    FormyZee Void-Bound Voyager

    I did a backup on my sons game before starting it, and items was gone for him anyway, so it seems like it doesn't matter if you use backup or not. Still doesn't hurt to make one just in case =)
    Heck even the built in shiplocker is gone :chrono: I want that back at least :cautious:
  12. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    How lucky of you. My fuel hatch is missing.

    Also I'll update the thread today, sorry for the delay.

    Dear visitors of dem threaddo. If you can, please, check the OP and write all the bugs that were fixed. Sadly, I can't check myself right now, so if you've got any spare time - please do write them.
  13. Dyskord

    Dyskord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    After wiping shipworld (because locker went gone) and universe (because, why the hell not?):
    Unable to select alpha sector in navigation screen (symbol in top right corner missing), also unable to set homeworld.
    Related to that, before deleting my universe, selecting "set home" on my old homeworld deleted the setting entirely, and also unable to set homeworld again.
  14. soulnotsoldier42

    soulnotsoldier42 Space Hobo

    In my Human game, the character I've played the most thus far, the ship's storage locker right next to the teleport bay decided to randomly disappear, with all my loot in it.

    Most of my stuff is still on planet, which is nice, but I lost all of my chests and anything that could help me store all my junk, as well as all my molten cores.

    Attached Files:

  15. Mozai

    Mozai Void-Bound Voyager

    Can't load a savegame that has a modded item in player inventory.

    What I did:
    - savegave from previous version of Starbound, has a modded item in inventory
    - removed mod from .../starbound/mods/ directory because it is not compatible with 'v. Enraged Koala'

    What I expect:
    - game starts
    - player inventory has "Perfectly Generic Object" instead of the modded item

    What I saw:
    - game window closes without any message
    - .../starbound/starbound.log reports "Error: Fatal Exception Caught: ItemException: Overwriting item in PlayerInventory::setItem"

    Attached Files:

  16. The Mage Of Mist

    The Mage Of Mist Phantasmal Quasar

    I had the same problem but then I made a new character without mods and got this error:

    Error: Access violation detected at 0x637548 (Read of address 0)
    Error: Stack Trace...
    008585D0 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarSignalHandler_windows.cpp:16)
    004F14D7 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarUniverseClient.cpp:461)
    00430EB5 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/frontend/StarMainInterface.cpp:233)
    00402103 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp:201)
    00406CA2 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp:480)
    0040AA24 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/application/StarApplicationBase.cpp:200)
    00408214 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/main.cpp:38)
    004F0F71 (\SDL-1.2.15/./src/main/win32/SDL_win32_main.c:318)

    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down world alpha:-37230653:68737239:4315404:3:2 due to inactivity

    I can't play the game due to this and the other error above :cry:
  17. Sirsir94

    Sirsir94 Orbital Explorer

    Penguin is broken again. I set up my usual dirt bunker and all my arrows noclipped through him. Then he just stopped moving, i jumped up out of my bunker and had to literally hit the penguin to do damage while the thing just sat there.

    And apparently I pressed the wrong button for a screenshot. Frack
  18. Radiated Ronin

    Radiated Ronin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wait. I have been reading about the missing container issue. Does backing up the file do anything? I would hate to lose my Alien Skull Mask!
  19. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    If you didn't do it before, you've lost it already most likely.
  20. Radiated Ronin

    Radiated Ronin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Even if I haven't played in a week or so?
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