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Closed Starbound BETA: Bugs Database LU 8.29.14 (Not for nightly)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by Alucard I, Dec 6, 2013.


Are *you* helping developers to fix all the bugs?

  1. Of course! I'm the most helpful here! :)

  2. Nah, I'm too busy playing this awesome game. :D

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  1. DarkLordSteve

    DarkLordSteve Lucky Number 13

    that error you got is very similar to mine. mine said slaves as well. wierd...
  2. Pety Pop

    Pety Pop Space Hobo

    After the Enraged update, all storage containers and associated items are gone. This includes the Ship Container and the Fuel Box. Now missing all uncommon tiered items and higher, as well as not being able to leave the current planet. Confirmed with two other players. Just a heads up, keep up the good work though guys, great game!
  3. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Confirmed. the containers with items inside completely vanished while the empty ones cause a crash.
  4. LuchKot

    LuchKot Orbital Explorer

    Using the furnace crashes the game.
    Using containers crashes the game, too.
    Containers are disappearing after each crash.
  5. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To follow up on my confirmation: New character's containers work perfectly. Meaning, item containers that were created in Furious Koala no longer work. They will crash the game or if containing items, completely vanish
  6. VinnyTheGuy

    VinnyTheGuy Void-Bound Voyager

    For the missing containers bug, this can be fixed by restoring an old save if you have one. It worked for me.

    The container crashing bug can be fixed by smashing the container or crafting bench or whatever it is and replacing it.

    The fuel gauge is broken. This makes playing the game impossible as of right now.
    RatixFarrence likes this.
  7. RatixFarrence

    RatixFarrence Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The container glitch also affects planets when they are created prior to patch.
    Breaking the chest should allow you to take the items out of it, however.
  8. Sirsir94

    Sirsir94 Orbital Explorer

    Ok then
    Chests missing in the dots given. Funny thing is the floating ones stay up even when updated. I can open the furnace on the top left, which has sand in it, but not the one beneath it which is empty. Also I can access the ship locker with no issues

    Actually all the chests except the ones on the far left have items in them. Not saying your wrong just that it isn't that simple. Also breaking and replacing (and refilling) existing chests fix the issue, and if you try to open a chest that isnt there it crashes as if it were there,

    And yes I have the same Fuel issue. I can travel, but I can't put in more fuel.

    EDIT: putting a container of the exacat same type where an old chest was does not seem to help the issue
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  9. Randys950

    Randys950 Master Chief

    i cant access my fuel tank....and i lost every storage unit/devices on my ship...and i had alot of gear, minerals, and treasure in them....
    i really hope i dont lose all my stuff :(
  10. Randys950

    Randys950 Master Chief

    (i hope this link works)
    but note the missing ship storage unit on the left
  11. Syfe_Fireshard

    Syfe_Fireshard Pangalactic Porcupine

    so uh... tried to open my cola machine.... and it crashed......
    Error: Could not load /interface/chests/chest0.config asset, attempting to use default.
    AssetException: Could not read variant asset /interface/chests/chest0.config
    caused by: AssetException: No such asset '/interface/chests/chest0.config'
      0052B050 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarAssets.hpp:18)
      00530D3C (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarVariant.hpp:41)
      00526A7F (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarAssets.cpp:1003)
      ... (4)
      0053230C (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/StarAssets.cpp:688)
      007A9E12 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/game/objects/StarContainerObject.cpp:132)
      0046E450 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/frontend/StarContainerInterface.cpp:29)
      ... (3)
      00405C53 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarAny.hpp:465)
      00406C77 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp:401)
      0040AA24 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/application/StarApplicationBase.cpp:200)
      00408214 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/main.cpp:38)
      004F0F71 (\SDL-1.2.15/./src/main/win32/SDL_win32_main.c:318)
    Error: VariantException: Improper conversion to VariantMap from null
      0084C524 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarVariant.hpp:13)
      007A9E26 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarAny.hpp:465)
      0046E450 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/frontend/StarContainerInterface.cpp:29)
      ... (3)
      00405C53 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/core/StarAny.hpp:465)
      00406C77 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp:401)
      0040AA24 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/application/StarApplicationBase.cpp:200)
      00408214 (/Users/builder/starbound-slave/releasebuilder-windows/build/source/client/main.cpp:38)
      004F0F71 (\SDL-1.2.15/./src/main/win32/SDL_win32_main.c:318)
    Info: UniverseClient: Client disconnecting...
    Info: UniverseServer: Shutting down ship world for client 'Syfe Fireshard' <1> (Fifo <0x5eb9c260>)
    Info: Client received world stop packet, leaving: Removed
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: NetSocket read loop shut down: Fifo::read called on closed Fifo
    Info: UniverseServer: Client 'Syfe Fireshard' <1> (Fifo <0x5eb9c260>) disconnected
    Info: Application quitting!
    Warn: Perf: StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop millis: 3960
    Info: [ [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 4855, "Sum(ms)", 152560, "Avg", 31, "SAvg", 73, "Min", 15, "Max", 19040, "Last", 3960, "Var(avg,us)", 30369.3, "VMax(ms)", 19011, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadImage", "Cnt#: ", 6631, "Sum(ms)", 116225, "Avg", 17, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 307, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 16977.7, "VMax(ms)", 305, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBaseImage", "Cnt#: ", 6201, "Sum(ms)", 113733, "Avg", 18, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 307, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 17753.7, "VMax(ms)", 305, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadVariant", "Cnt#: ", 10269, "Sum(ms)", 111935, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 0, "Max", 461, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 10787.1, "VMax(ms)", 455, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 8754, "Sum(ms)", 54759, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 42, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 5255.65, "VMax(ms)", 41, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.preSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 4478, "Sum(ms)", 50229, "Avg", 11, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 42, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 9691.38, "VMax(ms)", 41, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsSwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 4853, "Sum(ms)", 49984, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 178, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 11040, "VMax(ms)", 178, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::update", "Cnt#: ", 7202, "Sum(ms)", 30049, "Avg", 4, "SAvg", 8, "Min", 0, "Max", 18014, "Last", 420, "Var(avg,us)", 3637.46, "VMax(ms)", 18014, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 7200, "Sum(ms)", 30034, "Avg", 4, "SAvg", 8, "Min", 0, "Max", 18014, "Last", 420, "Var(avg,us)", 3638.19, "VMax(ms)", 18014, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 2356, "Sum(ms)", 29252, "Avg", 12, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2435, "Last", 58, "Var(avg,us)", 22646.4, "VMax(ms)", 2253, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update", "Cnt#: ", 2361, "Sum(ms)", 29190, "Avg", 12, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2435, "Last", 58, "Var(avg,us)", 22720.9, "VMax(ms)", 2253, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::run.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 1854, "Sum(ms)", 28078, "Avg", 15, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 235, "Last", 16, "Var(avg,us)", 12678.5, "VMax(ms)", 224, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServer::update", "Cnt#: ", 2357, "Sum(ms)", 26905, "Avg", 11, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 397, "Last", 58, "Var(avg,us)", 21126.4, "VMax(ms)", 297, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::run.innerloop", "Cnt#: ", 172, "Sum(ms)", 20515, "Avg", 119, "SAvg", 100, "Min", 100, "Max", 285, "Last", 100, "Var(avg,us)", 30941.9, "VMax(ms)", 145, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::createWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 15770, "Avg", 7885, "SAvg", 13539, "Min", 2186, "Max", 13584, "Last", 2186, "Var(avg,us)", 5.699e+006, "VMax(ms)", 11398, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareTiles", "Cnt#: ", 123, "Sum(ms)", 11521, "Avg", 93, "SAvg", 62, "Min", 47, "Max", 230, "Last", 68, "Var(avg,us)", 34861.8, "VMax(ms)", 168, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::render", "Cnt#: ", 4853, "Sum(ms)", 10720, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 0, "Max", 1916, "Last", 17, "Var(avg,us)", 1980.63, "VMax(ms)", 1916, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.render", "Cnt#: ", 4851, "Sum(ms)", 10715, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 0, "Max", 1916, "Last", 17, "Var(avg,us)", 1983.51, "VMax(ms)", 1916, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateRunning", "Cnt#: ", 763, "Sum(ms)", 9194, "Avg", 12, "SAvg", 8, "Min", 1, "Max", 827, "Last", 420, "Var(avg,us)", 51871.6, "VMax(ms)", 534, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 761, "Sum(ms)", 8050, "Avg", 10, "SAvg", 6, "Min", 1, "Max", 827, "Last", 9, "Var(avg,us)", 46746.4, "VMax(ms)", 563, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::update", "Cnt#: ", 760, "Sum(ms)", 7444, "Avg", 9, "SAvg", 6, "Min", 1, "Max", 646, "Last", 8, "Var(avg,us)", 20396.1, "VMax(ms)", 476, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldStorage::update", "Cnt#: ", 592, "Sum(ms)", 6963, "Avg", 11, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 231, "Last", 12, "Var(avg,us)", 11761.8, "VMax(ms)", 231, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 414630, "Sum(ms)", 5767, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 109, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 13.9088, "VMax(ms)", 109, "Parent", "" ], [ "Npc::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 14135, "Sum(ms)", 5631, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 137, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 406.579, "VMax(ms)", 137, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.postSleeping", "Cnt#: ", 4277, "Sum(ms)", 4532, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 10, "Last", 2, "Var(avg,us)", 60.3227, "VMax(ms)", 9, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generate", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 3611, "Avg", 3611, "SAvg", 3611, "Min", 3611, "Max", 3611, "Last", 3611, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "DungeonDefinition::buildDungeon", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 3583, "Avg", 1791, "SAvg", 3568, "Min", 1, "Max", 3582, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 1.7905e+006, "VMax(ms)", 3581, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::render", "Cnt#: ", 173, "Sum(ms)", 2964, "Avg", 17, "SAvg", 5, "Min", 5, "Max", 787, "Last", 6, "Var(avg,us)", 27693.6, "VMax(ms)", 702, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::sync", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 2647, "Avg", 2647, "SAvg", 2647, "Min", 2647, "Max", 2647, "Last", 2647, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderInit", "Cnt#: ", 4, "Sum(ms)", 1731, "Avg", 432, "SAvg", 215, "Min", 52, "Max", 1290, "Last", 1290, "Var(avg,us)", 319000, "VMax(ms)", 1079, "Parent", "" ], [ "Object::tickClient", "Cnt#: ", 111011, "Sum(ms)", 1703, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 4, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 15.3408, "VMax(ms)", 4, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleConnection", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 1684, "Avg", 1684, "SAvg", 1684, "Min", 1684, "Max", 1684, "Last", 1684, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_PollEvent", "Cnt#: ", 7202, "Sum(ms)", 1624, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 917, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3321.44, "VMax(ms)", 833, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::prepareSector", "Cnt#: ", 46, "Sum(ms)", 1435, "Avg", 31, "SAvg", 128, "Min", 2, "Max", 173, "Last", 53, "Var(avg,us)", 120283, "VMax(ms)", 170, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.renderPost", "Cnt#: ", 4850, "Sum(ms)", 1175, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 143, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1836.49, "VMax(ms)", 143, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickMaster", "Cnt#: ", 759, "Sum(ms)", 1125, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 34, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 1123.85, "VMax(ms)", 32, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadAudio", "Cnt#: ", 15, "Sum(ms)", 1112, "Avg", 74, "SAvg", 22, "Min", 0, "Max", 268, "Last", 21, "Var(avg,us)", 60666.7, "VMax(ms)", 240, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 174, "Sum(ms)", 1102, "Avg", 6, "SAvg", 5, "Min", 5, "Max", 12, "Last", 7, "Var(avg,us)", 1201.15, "VMax(ms)", 6, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::readFullWorld", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 952, "Avg", 476, "SAvg", 464, "Min", 464, "Max", 488, "Last", 488, "Var(avg,us)", 12000, "VMax(ms)", 24, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::render", "Cnt#: ", 4851, "Sum(ms)", 577, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 72, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 641.723, "VMax(ms)", 72, "Parent", "" ], [ "MainInterface::update", "Cnt#: ", 760, "Sum(ms)", 422, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 26, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 946.053, "VMax(ms)", 25, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateTitle", "Cnt#: ", 363, "Sum(ms)", 282, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 271, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 95727.3, "VMax(ms)", 271, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::processInput", "Cnt#: ", 341, "Sum(ms)", 228, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 155, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 668.622, "VMax(ms)", 155, "Parent", "" ], [ "Player::tickSlave", "Cnt#: ", 993, "Sum(ms)", 207, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 208.459, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::updatePvpTeams", "Cnt#: ", 174, "Sum(ms)", 186, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 184, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1068.97, "VMax(ms)", 184, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadBytes", "Cnt#: ", 17, "Sum(ms)", 119, "Avg", 7, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 32, "Last", 32, "Var(avg,us)", 7000, "VMax(ms)", 32, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting", "Cnt#: ", 174, "Sum(ms)", 73, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 419.54, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 2359, "Sum(ms)", 70, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 36, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 29.6736, "VMax(ms)", 36, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::generateMicroDungeons", "Cnt#: ", 22, "Sum(ms)", 58, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6, "Last", 3, "Var(avg,us)", 2772.73, "VMax(ms)", 6, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsClear", "Cnt#: ", 4848, "Sum(ms)", 54, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 11.1386, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Audio::parseWav", "Cnt#: ", 11, "Sum(ms)", 49, "Avg", 4, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 10, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 4454.55, "VMax(ms)", 10, "Parent", "" ], [ "LivingWorldAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 590, "Sum(ms)", 47, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 19, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 369.492, "VMax(ms)", 19, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::update.clientsIncomingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 2354, "Sum(ms)", 42, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 36, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 17.842, "VMax(ms)", 36, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldClient::queueUpdatePackets", "Cnt#: ", 764, "Sum(ms)", 35, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 45.8115, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::renderDestroy", "Cnt#: ", 4, "Sum(ms)", 30, "Avg", 7, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 18, "Last", 18, "Var(avg,us)", 7500, "VMax(ms)", 18, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::addClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 26, "Avg", 26, "SAvg", 26, "Min", 26, "Max", 26, "Last", 26, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::doTriggeredStorage", "Cnt#: ", 174, "Sum(ms)", 20, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 20, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1206.9, "VMax(ms)", 20, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsStart", "Cnt#: ", 4854, "Sum(ms)", 15, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 3.09023, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake.waitforresponse", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 15, "Avg", 15, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 15, "Max", 15, "Last", 15, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::handleQueuedConnection.handshake", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 15, "Avg", 15, "SAvg", 15, "Min", 15, "Max", 15, "Last", 15, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ClientApplication::updateSplash", "Cnt#: ", 6078, "Sum(ms)", 14, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 2.30339, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::convertBiomeMetaMaterials", "Cnt#: ", 46, "Sum(ms)", 14, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 6, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 304.348, "VMax(ms)", 6, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendContextUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 175, "Sum(ms)", 10, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 5, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 57.1429, "VMax(ms)", 5, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderNametags", "Cnt#: ", 173, "Sum(ms)", 8, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 2, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 46.2428, "VMax(ms)", 2, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::postProcessAudio", "Cnt#: ", 3, "Sum(ms)", 8, "Avg", 2, "SAvg", 6, "Min", 0, "Max", 8, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5000, "VMax(ms)", 8, "Parent", "" ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.graphicsFinish", "Cnt#: ", 4851, "Sum(ms)", 6, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.23686, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::update", "Cnt#: ", 760, "Sum(ms)", 5, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 6.57895, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Cinematic::update", "Cnt#: ", 7961, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0.502449, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 514, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 7.7821, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::shutdownInactiveWorlds", "Cnt#: ", 175, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 22.8571, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldPainter::updateLighting.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 173, "Sum(ms)", 4, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 23.1214, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Spawner::update", "Cnt#: ", 2355, "Sum(ms)", 3, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 1.27389, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldGenerator::dirtyCollisionCache", "Cnt#: ", 46, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 43.4783, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "Assets::loadFont", "Cnt#: ", 2, "Sum(ms)", 2, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 1, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "Renderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 172, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 1, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 5.81395, "VMax(ms)", 1, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::removeClient", "Cnt#: ", 1, "Sum(ms)", 1, "Avg", 1, "SAvg", 1, "Min", 1, "Max", 1, "Last", 1, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "WorldServerThread::clients", "Cnt#: ", 313, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendClockUpdates", "Cnt#: ", 174, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "UniverseServer::sendPendingChat", "Cnt#: ", 173, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "ChatBubbleManager::render", "Cnt#: ", 173, "Sum(ms)", 0, "Avg", 0, "SAvg", 0, "Min", 0, "Max", 0, "Last", 0, "Var(avg,us)", 0, "VMax(ms)", 0, "Parent", "" ], [ "NPCSpawner::step", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "ColorMapQuadRenderer::setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Player::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "FlowingWaterAgent::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateEntities", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Projectile::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::process", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsIncommingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap.setColorMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.worldUpdate", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.clientsOutgoingPackets", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldServer::Generator::generateTiles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "DungeonGenerator::generateNearZero", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::loadFromDisk", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::image", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Object::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "Assets::getImage", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderParticles", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::render", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "UniverseServer::WorldThread::run.innerLoop.sleeping", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "MuzzleFlashEffect::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.glClear", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::updateLightMap", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "WorldRenderer::renderPerf", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "NPC::update", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "StarApplicationBase::run.innerLoop.SDL_GL_SwapBuffers", "Cnt#: ", 0 ], [ "universe_time", "89071.4" ], [ "server_1205596604397878863_entities", "1249" ], [ "server_1205596604397878863_sectors", "322" ], [ "server_1205596604397878863_coordinate", "alpha:-54443124:-84164660:-25840693:9:1" ], [ "server_1205596604397878863_world_time", "21.8197" ], [ "server_619879112_entities", "148" ], [ "server_619879112_sectors", "72" ], [ "server_619879112_coordinate", "null" ], [ "server_619879112_world_time", "18.4837" ], [ "universe_time_client", "89070.3" ], [ "client_entities", "148" ], [ "client_sectors", "42" ], [ "client_incoming_bps", "250.489" ], [ "client_outgoing_bps", "356.736" ], [ "client_worst_incoming", "48:136" ], [ "client_worst_outgoing", "13:262" ], [ "render_fps", "13.4608" ], [ "update_rate", "58.8943" ], [ "player_pos", "539.88 518.50" ], [ "player_vel", "0.00 -1.22" ], [ "player_aim", "543.94 517.94" ], [ "version", "Beta v. Enraged Koala" ], [ "server_6520044253627793806_entities", "0" ], [ "server_6520044253627793806_sectors", "0" ], [ "server_6520044253627793806_coordinate", "beta:4032612:90054840:7827892:8:11" ], [ "server_6520044253627793806_world_time", "17.2657" ] ]
    Info: Shutting down Star::Root
    o idea why...
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  12. Pety Pop

    Pety Pop Space Hobo

    Not tech savvy, how can i go about restoring my previous save state? at least to grab my items while the bug is patched
  13. Syfe_Fireshard

    Syfe_Fireshard Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ill try that
  14. Pety Pop

    Pety Pop Space Hobo


    Thought I'd show what I see when logging in, to reinforce everyone's concerns. Circles indicate missing chests (full of loot). However the big thing here is the arrow. There is no Ship container, where unfortunately most of my prized and valuable possessions are. I keep most things on the ship to keep safe from world wipes, so hopefully this can be fix and restored. Yes realize it's still in Beta stage, still quite disheartening. However I'm going to start a new character to mess around for a little while till bug is fix.
  15. tehPhunnee

    tehPhunnee Title Not Found

    I've encountered a bug twice. If I shift+left click an item from my character's inventory into an already full chest the game freezes/crashes.

    Lucky for me, when I restart the game my items & full container are still intact.
  16. Syfe_Fireshard

    Syfe_Fireshard Pangalactic Porcupine

    same here, all my diamonds and... actually EVERYTHING was in there >/
  17. Pety Pop

    Pety Pop Space Hobo

    Yea I'm hoping there will be a fail safe to restore items lost...but I'm not holding my breath. Prepare to have to farm again :*(
  18. Syfe_Fireshard

    Syfe_Fireshard Pangalactic Porcupine

    yeah... :'( those were things that took hours to find....
  19. Dyskord

    Dyskord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Performance seems to be down the drain since enraged koala.
    Just walking around the ship, or a planet is mostly fine. However, open the starmap => fps drops, travel to another system => huge fps drop and some stuttering,
    and go on a planet with some bigger structure, like prison colony => nearly unplayable :(
  20. FormyZee

    FormyZee Void-Bound Voyager

    Same for me,,my house is cleaned out of all containers with content, I got 1 container left on my ship, but the rest is gone up there to.
    Turning of autoupdate now i think, and read here before updating o_O this was not fun at all loosing all stuff...again
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