Homestuck Clan Thread

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    That's why you don't let it get to that point, you think just because someone has a gun you're helpless? I'm sorry but that person is trying to treat you like you're an animal, so why not go that distance, become an animal and fight for your territory. So what, you get shot, you might die, it's better than laying there while someone forces themselves upon you.
  2. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    No one doubts that. I think I might have gotten angry because Nightclaw was passing it off as a non-issue. No amount of self defense makes it a non-issue, only when it stops happening, for any gender, will it be a fucking non-issue.
  3. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    But that presents the unfortunate reality of it being likely men will receive similar upgrades.

    A thought occurred to me, they are working on marketizing those weird Asian dolls that you can apparently make sweet love to. If each guy had one of those and they did output the same amount of if not more pleasure, there'd be really no point to raping at all.

    On the downside birthrates would absolutely plummet.
  4. glassdragon

    glassdragon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Spread the word. Over 10% of reported cases of rape are female-on-male, and male rape victims often don't report it for fear of how people would treat them.
    Yes, women are victims, but men are too.
    Padexin and Scienta like this.
  5. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    I wanted to make an overdramatic image of '10%' but then I decided it wouldn't be in good taste.

    Like I said, they are rare. That does not mean they don't exist.
  6. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    Every time I send a message on TwitchPlaysPokemon, I lose connection to the chat.
    Padexin likes this.
  7. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

    Padexin, Seajun_, Aeridan and 4 others like this.
  8. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    But if you both have a gun for an arm, it becomes a shootout, not a nasty display of depravity. We were all moving towards the defend yourself route.
  9. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    One word: Augmentation. Kind of hard to get raped with a robot arm strapped to you or if you can outrun the guy, granted that just one possible solution.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
    Scienta likes this.
  10. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    Bleh, thanks MoMo, dropping that bomb and peaceing, smooth as hell........
    Padexin, Seajun_, WoxandWarf and 3 others like this.
  11. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Okay, fair call.

    But with my solution we stop people getting killed and raped simutaneously.

    You'd just go home and fuck Mimi-19 instead.
  12. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    You could say he... dropped it like it's hot.

    Sorry, that was in terrible taste.
    Padexin and Scienta like this.
  13. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    I doubt that would help the issue, could even make it worse. I think making it so no matter who you are, you can protect yourself is the better solution. When you stand a 50% chance of death anytime you try to commit a crime, then those kinds of people will end up dead, or just saying "fuck it not worth it"
    Padexin likes this.
  14. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    That actually is another solution, make content to make those people too lazy to want the real thing, which is already happening, it's the reason rape is at an all time low.
  15. Ikbenbeter

    Ikbenbeter Pangalactic Porcupine

  16. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Both. Do both.

    That way it's like, why would you go on a dangerous quest for heavily armed booty when you can just go retire to your dungeon where you have sensibility-free booty for the bangin' instead.
    pyromancerLaurentius and Scienta like this.
  17. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

  18. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine

    I second this. Very good idea. A dual pronged approach. Some would say we double penetrated the issue. Wow that's nasty.

    I just hope the sex toy does not have an AI, then we might have a bigger problem of Robot Social Justice on our hands.
    Padexin and MCMo like this.
  19. MCMo

    MCMo Treasure Box

    Men definitely do get raped. Date raped, forcefully raped, anything that can happen to a woman can happen to a man because men still have orifices.
    Its just not nearly (Really, not nearly.) as common.

    MoMo had splice requests to do.
    This isn't turmoil, this is discussion. None of us are rape victims. We're the people who need to discuss things so that we ourselves can gain better understandings of them which we may be able to spread so we can educate the less-discussing parts of our communities.
    But if you guys don't wanna I'm cool with it.
    That would raise the question of who the hell thought it'd be smart to make a sentient sex toy.
  20. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Now my joke looks like utter shit, thanks! >:[

    Check your dig-ledge.
    Padexin, Scienta and RedScarWolf like this.
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