Homestuck Clan Thread

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Starstucks Clan, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    1. There were certainly more. You don't talk to him as much as far as I can tell.
    2. Nope, he's at least even with me at this point. At least.
    3. More so. So much that it's irritating, just ask Bizarre Monkey, and Frank.
    4. Ask Pax. He would remember better than me. We've had this discussion before and decided to give him another chance, once after Fuckdeep and once a few months ago, but details fail me.
    5. He's the center of this discussion, is my point, and we've talked about kicking him out before because of all the grief he's caused us.
  2. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest


    guilt intensifies?
  3. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    If Nightclaw stays out of the DnD group, I'll happily join in at march time. I know shit'll break lose if we're forced to be together, more likely on my end than his because i have a hard time managing my temper.
    Eh, the break will be good for him.

    I mean, I don't wish him suffering or anything, but that's basically all he endures here, it might be good for him to meet some other people. I'm surprised he decided to stay around this long when the majority of people seem to either despise him or disregard him for some reason or another.

    I hadn't caught up when I made the post above. So apologies for adding fuel to the fire if that ends up being something I did.

    The reasons Relinies gave are all valid, and I've seen him perpetrate at least two of them.
    Relinies likes this.
  4. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    My suggestion is just wearing what you want hon, unless you just live in a really bad area.

    I'm also going to bed, I have nothing to add to the current debate so there is no point in me staying up.
    Padexin, Seajun_ and Aeridan like this.
  5. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    1. I only know of two. There were two major ones.
    2. Never claim anything about yourself, as it will usually be wrong. Never listen to anything anyone claims about themselves, as they will usually be wrong. Everyone has an inherent bias favoring themselves. It's human nature. I can't say for certain, but I am a good 80% certain that you have not only caused, but involved yourself in more arguments than he has.
    3. It's a matter of opinion. BM, Frank, and you don't like him. Most of the rest of us don't have so much of a problem with him.
    4. So you claimed something you aren't even sure of? Yes, we gave him a second chance after that incident and he didn't screw anything up again there.
    5. Yes, he's the center of this discussion. He didn't cause it. Many discussions are centered around rocks, but can you say the rocks caused them?
  6. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Lismore, also known as one of Australia's several "Boganville" towns sort of counts.

    A Bogan is a combination of a redneck and mongoloid.
  7. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    I guess it may not be the best of ideas, then. IDK for sure but I'll assume so based on how you said it. Well I should stop lying and go to sleep now.
  8. Rakuida

    Rakuida Phantasmal Quasar

    Well yeah, rocks caused it by existing in the first place
  9. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    guilt extremely intensifies beyond control

    Alright, guys, I feel responsible for this
    Padexin likes this.
  10. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    2. Fine, then I'll rephrase.
    As compared to thread activity, he's caused far more arguments.
    3. How many others have a similar dislike going for them, do you think? I'm pretty sure Nightclaw wins the least-liked award.
    4. I am sure it happened. I am not sure of details, as in why/what.
    5. His actions are the topic of the discussion, not his existence. Thus, he caused the discussion.
  11. Rakuida

    Rakuida Phantasmal Quasar

    is k
    we all know this will all blow over tomorrow (or maybe in the next hour) and everyone will start standing each others presence again
  12. Relinies

    Relinies King Homestuck III

    'Cept nightclaw already left
    I don't have any reason to continue, realizing that. I'm also headed to bed soon enough.
  13. Aeridan

    Aeridan Pangalactic Porcupine

    My favorite kind of D&D session.
    Not serious, but plot.

    This. Definitely this.
    Actually, speaking of wearing what you want, I have $19 on a visa gift card left over, and I want to buy clothes.
    Any of you fashion-oriented people know any cute cheap clothes (or even stores that sell cute cheap clothes) that I should buy? (probably the wrong place to ask but whatever)
    glassdragon likes this.
  14. Scienta

    Scienta Pangalactic Porcupine


    Yea it started with that in me, pro8a8ly all the way 8ack when I figured out Samus was a women. Connecting it all up in my head, that if she can do all these 8oy things, I can do girl things. I started to like the idea, and figured out it fits me a whole lot 8etter. That was when I was really little, and I have nurtured those feeling all the way here, 12 years later through lots of playing female characters, Rping, and lying. A lot of times I would dou8t it, and try and suppress it, 8ut I just couldn't help it. I would always end up right 8ack in this predicament. Since I have 8een a8le to really express this part of me with other people though, I have never dou8ted it for a second. This is who I am, and who I want to 8e.

    Dem feels. I think I might need to remove those 8s 8inds from my key8oard. Makes all this serious talk look silly. Welp 8e 8ack after I restart my compy.
    Padexin, Tovlyn, Seajun_ and 5 others like this.
  15. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    I love you Exxion, I'm just gonna object to a couple things.
    There's also those who simply don't state it, me, rel and Frank don't have much of a problem with saying how we feel. I'm honest to a fault. The three of us stand out as those who can't stand him, but I'm sure he must piss off others at times, who are just too courteous to say anything.

    He'd be better off having a vacation anyway, he's essentially turned into a target of antagonism for me, and possibly others but I'm not speaking for them, I know I personally have found him enjoyable to torment, but I wouldn't care if he just stopped posting either.
    I dunno, had he made the dramatic leave post I don't think it would have gone the way it has. I can't personally stand people who make a sort of spiel about how they feel they've been mistreated and then leave. It's possibly because I've done that sort of thing in the past and it's made me hate myself a little more each time I've reviewed it and I hate dragging down others with my problems, when others do it it annoys me. If they'd just widdle off and die I'd feel remorse, levying for pity is something I've grown to associate with social parasites. My immediate reaction to this sort of thing is to let the beggar rot.

    That probably sounds crueler than I intend. The point is that Nightclaw did make himself the center of attention for me by trying to make people care.
  16. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    2. OK, can't argue with that.
    3. Notice how you are the only person actively fighting against him, while Rak, I, and (momentarily) even Frank fought for him.
    4. Doesn't sound like it.
    5. I don't think his actions caused you to become physically incapable of not starting a discussion about them.
  17. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    It doesn't give you free reign to shit all over him. He's a human being, Rel. He makes mistakes, sometimes many at a time, but he's still a fucking person.
    He destroyed a couple things when he first arrived. So what? He said he was sorry. Same with this DnD session. When he fucked things up beyond recognition he said he was sorry, and I think he genuinely was so.
    That was back when he spouted pure stupidity every post he made. He's cleaned up his act since then. It's not perfect, but he's trying, and that's what matters.

    Whoa I got really heated up over this. Guess I'll be heading to bed soon as well.
  18. Exxion

    Exxion King Homestuck V

    I was chatting with him when he made that post

    10:58 PM - Exxion: Second, are you really going to leave just because Rel is a dick?
    10:58 PM - Nightclaw: ara was unresponsive, you can try and ask him though
    10:59 PM - Nightclaw: im going to go into lurk mode
    10:59 PM - Nightclaw: i cant gather the energy to deal with his shit
  19. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    Actually I'm probably harassing his legacy even more than Rel is and i wasn't even there to see him fuck up the game.

    He won't be gone for good, he never is. Just give him a cooldown period and he'll bounce back like he always does.

    I'll admit that his snide remarks about my projects that I have fun making do get to me a little, especially when he hasn't shown any creative talents to call his own. Whether through envy or another reason, it annoys me.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2014
  20. nightclaw

    nightclaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    don't its not your fault
    if anything its mine and i want this all to stop and we can all just not and rel admit that sometimes people make mistakes with their lives and i've spent most of my thread-life trying to be funny and witty and provide enough to try and get him and others to forgive me and im total shit at it. do you realize how i feel right now.
    i feel like shit most of the time and i try all the time to not be shit. i wake up every day to do what i can to try and get people to just not hate me all the time.
    im crying now and i can barely see the keyboard so i don't know if i did something dumb to the text im sorry dammit im going to bed
    when i was typeing this this happened
    Relinies: You know what
    Relinies: You fucking suck

    more happened after than but i cant see and i really want to go to bed now
    what the fuck is with this post
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