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I feel Starbound is too hard

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by 121derp121, Feb 15, 2014.

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  1. 121derp121

    121derp121 Seal Broken

    Ok, so I got Starbound around 5 days ago and I'm on a Beta planet, so I know the monsters will he tougher than the Alpha area. I have silver armor and a sword that does like 10 damage and when you swing bubbles fly out, when I try to go mining, I go around a corner and there's like 6 monsters and jumping around so I can't hit them! And when it's nighttime, theirs these like wizard-like thing monsters everywhere that kill me in 3 hits, and are ridiculously fast so I can't hit them. I've been trying to save up pixels for that pixel compressor thing, but every time I die, I lose like 150-300 pixels...

    I know a game needs difficult and if its not hard you beat the game in a week but still I feel it should be a little easier, maybe make armor sets give a tiny tiny bit more defense, or make monsters attack a little bit lower, or player attack little higher, or monster defense little lower, whatever, something.

    I know the games is in Beta, so a ton of stuff is to be added, removed or changed, and I know other players think what I do to.

    I wasn't sure if I should have put this in discussion or suggestion...

    P.S- I know I'm gonna get waves of rage at me, so whoever says that stuff i'm just ignoring you
    Fogbot3 likes this.
  2. TryNotToTroll

    TryNotToTroll Space Hobo

  3. 121derp121

    121derp121 Seal Broken

    Thank you
  4. Fluff

    Fluff Title Not Found

    I actually think the exact opposite, I find the game way too easy. You can get to tier 10 in a single day.
    I actually now only play Hardcore because of how easy I find the game.. which doesn't actually make the game any harder sadly, just makes death annoying as you lose the character, but that's avoidable.
  5. 121derp121

    121derp121 Seal Broken

    I know some people find it easy and some hard, but not everyone's pro gamer and strategy master while some are, I think they should add a thing that lets you choose the difficulty, like when you make a new world/player there's options of " Newbie ", " Easy ", " Medium ", " Hard ", " Master " and this selection would be after you chose easycore mediumcore or hardcore ( or whatever their called I completely forgot ) Just a idea. And i'm not trying to sound mean in anyway torwards Fluff
  6. Incredipede

    Incredipede Title Not Found

    No. Starbound is way too easy. Really, way to easy. Each tier is just the same - farming ores and pixels, then crafting the best weapon and best armor. And then everything is too easy.
    Thenidur, steveman0, Exxil3d and 6 others like this.
  7. Zeal

    Zeal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd have to say, I agree.
    ogboot likes this.
  8. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Moved to General Discussion. And I agree, I think the difficulty needs to be balanced more. Maybe some difficulty options are in order.
    Serenity, Fogbot3, DotBeta and 2 others like this.
  9. krylo

    krylo Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I don't think it needs to be easier, per say, but I do think the difficulty needs some tuning.

    Some things, like enemies with lightning breath, are significantly more difficult than the rest of the content, while other things (bash enemy AI) make other sections much too easy.

    Not that enemies/challenges should all be exactly the same difficulty, but the difficulty gap between a planet with small ground based enemies with multi-hit ranged attacks and literally anything else is ridiculous.

    It's super early beta, however, so I'm not too worried. Once we're in the more balance orientated phases, I'll bring it up if it's not already being fixed.
    Fogbot3 likes this.
  10. Itami

    Itami Star Wrangler

    i used to think that too, and sometimes it still applies, allthough i now mostly die because of lagspikes in MP :zzz:
    the keyword to make the game easier is 'preparation'
    you can find weapons in alpha that hit for up to 14 dmg per hit, even if they might be a little slower.
    also, you can upgrade your silver armor with steel before you leave for beta.
    additionally, you'll get better just by playing the game and monsters that raped you before will just be a breeze now.
    in my personal opinion the game doesn't need a difficulty change option, only some tweaks regarding the strenght of some monesters would be nice, especially late game. i still meet enemy NPC's that damage me for over half my health in one hit, despite the fact that equipped with impervium armor...

    but yeah, overall i don't think its too hard. you just have to get better yourself :D
  11. Fire Woven

    Fire Woven Poptop Tamer

    I've played through the first 4 tech levels a few times. Right now I'm above 5 for the first time (working on getting the ore for my level 10 upgrade) And here's my thoughts:

    Alpha is hard. Or I had trouble with it, at least. Environment hazards are still, well. hazardous. No substantial health increase, so unless you play really safe, you die a lot. The UFO is pretty easy for me, but last time I ran it I had a legendary sword and knew how to kill it from before.

    Beta is actually super easy in my opinion. Just mine for stuff you can get all of in alpha, so no reason to bother really moving on, other than more abundant ores. So build silver and a new weapon, and it's no problem. The robot is also, in my opinion, the easiest boss. Just dig into a wall, heal when you need to, etc.

    Gamma gets tough again, because you need that precious titanium. So you have to actually go to Gamma. Which becomes harder, because enemies hurt. But you're actually equipped by this point. Maybe you got a beta gun that scaled alright into gamma, so you can open at a range. The dragon is also the hardest boss in my opinion, just because it's ridiculous (only boss I lost to in my last run).

    Delta is basically beta again. Make Durasteel stuff, but I believe here is where technology opens up for you, so the game may slow down as you build a complex home for yourself somewhere. The Jelly isn't hard, but I accidentally made a foolproof way of just destroying it without difficulty. So maybe it is harder.

    Anyone that's been to X knows the balance will now completely and utterly collapse. Because X, or tech 5+ in general, is not done. So I'm not going to get into that relay. But basically it's "get new ore, make new things, get more new ore (40), build tech, make ore into alloy with coal, rinse, repeat". All of this done most efficiently on asteroid belts, because mining asteroids is both fun, and super easy.
    ogboot likes this.
  12. MarcusDemonicus

    MarcusDemonicus Space Kumquat

    im by no means a pro gamer. im very slightly above average at best and i find SB incredible easy.
    dont fight at night unless you have the lantern on a stick. dig underground and seal yourself in till daytime.
    make yourself the highest DPS 2 hander you can and the best armor you can.
    carry lots of bandages and/or red stims and healing food.
    mobs are highly predictable and slow in their attacks, learn to dodge using your tech skills.
    dont rush to a new sector till youve made your new weapon and armor.
    if you get in a bad situation, seal yourself over with blocks, dig a small opening and shoot out with your bow.
    if all else fails....beam up to your ship, heal and try again.
    once you get the hang of prepping yourself before you head out to explore, you will find it gets way easier.
    good luck bud!
    neil_v and Gunslinger like this.
  13. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    choosing the diffuculty is done by chosing the sector, why do you even go to beta sector? youc an easily do most of the stuff in the alpha sector, of you later have a gold armur and a proper weapon for that tier from the ores you can go beta. You don't need to be a pro in this game to soon recognize its too easy.

    just don'z use one hand weapons, use the big hammers and smash everything to dust. always have a bed with you, that you can deploy and use as heal, or simply use bandages (eitehr you plant crops for the needed plant fibre, or go to soem jungleplanets and bash the bushes)
  14. greenman

    greenman Spaceman Spiff

    Just my 2 cents:

    If you've only been playing the game for a day, and you're getting your ass kicked, it might be little early to say the game is too hard. This person might need some practice with strategy. I'm of the mind that practice makes perfect, and if you're a master of a game the first time you play it then the game is pretty weak (specifically in terms of challenge).

    If you've only been playing the game for a day, and you're already killing everything with ease in tier 10 - maybe Starbound isn't the best place for you to be looking for a challenge in a video game. Lucky for you, there are plenty of other redeeming qualities in Starbound to keep the game interesting.

    Also, we know the game is still in beta, and in every update so far the challenge rating for specific mobs and in specific sectors has been pretty whacky and sporadic. It seems apparent to me that the dev's a still very much interested in finding ways to balance the game, but it will never be equally challenging for everyone.
    Khromm and Tamorr like this.

  15. You're simply not used to the rate of progression...

    - Before moving to a new sector/planet type, be sure to have a good amount of ores in which to craft the next tier of armor and weapons
    - Upon reaching the new sector/planet type, advance to your highest available armor and weapon ASAP
    - Create tunnels just under the surface to safely mine without hassle from difficult monsters
    - Choose desert and snow planets for mining as snow and sand are mined more easily than dirt and cobblestone
    - Always carry food and items with regeneration effects, heal if you are at 50% or less health. Carry a tent or bed with you if you are low on healing items
    - Make an effort to find a good shield, as it can save your life from projectile-firing monsters

    Follow these tips and you should find the game substantially easier.
  16. Daimoth

    Daimoth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm sure the lot of you are tired of hearing this, but the current implementation of all Starbound's game mechanics was thrown together very quickly so people could begin paying.

    In other words: Beta.
  17. Masquerine

    Masquerine Tentacle Wrangler

    Avoid fighting early on until you are more prepared gear wise (armor/weapon/healing items). Night makes enemies much stronger than the daytime variety, as well as enemies that are deep underground. It is entirely possible to avoid fighting any enemy (besides the 4 bosses) and make it to the final set of armor (Tier 10). Simply dig down and make your own tunnels near existing ones. If an enemy is close, bury them in blocks and continue on. While underground you can find small pixel containers all over the place. They tend to give 6 pixels each, which may not sound like a lot but they add up fast for the early game.

    Finding a shield can make every one of those difficult mobs a complete pushover, or even completely harmless. For example in T10 armor in a Threat 10 planet, a sniper rifle npc that can hit for 300 will only hit for around 10 while blocking with a shield. Same applies to melee attacks as well. Yes, shields are that powerful.

    The "wizard" enemies you mentioned are probably the lightning breath type, which are EXTREMELY deadly. A Threat 7 one can easily kill or nearly kill a T10 player in one volley (every individual bolt is a hit, very scary).
  18. Daimoth

    Daimoth Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Deadliest mob in the game that I'm aware of is the medium sized poop monsters. My stats are capped and they can one shot me if my health isn't at full.
  19. Sirsir94

    Sirsir94 Orbital Explorer

    ^ Wha... Are you talking about the golems (the ones with arms and legs) or the ones that just bounce around? Cuz I have capped stuff and the only reason I died to that thing is because it was the super tiny one and I was poisoned, so I didnt know it was on me. I know it used to be that they would oneshot anyone, but they supposedly changed that.

    Are the shields really that helpful? I can't tell because they have no description (beta game is in beta) and I usually prefer to dual wield 1h swords than to use a shield...
  20. krylo

    krylo Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Shields are how you kill bosses and mini-bosses without cheesing terrain. Reduce incoming damage to 0-30 at tier 10. Most tiers a shield from the same planet will zero out all damage.

    They're also good against groups of NPCs.
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