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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. Nazja

    Nazja Pangalactic Porcupine

    Then it's not far fetched to believe that, if the oaken army actually does exist, its members are afflicted Florans who managed to escape. ;)
  2. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Not true, Drysap is taken from a peculiar species of tree whose bark resembles bone:

    " A scouting party returned to me with a cutting from an unusual plant; a tree whose bark resembled bone. It grew from dirt, no water flowing through its veins. I bid them lead me to the copse they'd discovered, and sure enough, no water had touched that ground for aeons, I'd wager.
    As the Florans hissed and danced and hunted creatures, I sat and studied this tree, eventually removing my tools and tapping the bark for sap. It surprised me when the sap flowed. Rich, thick, viscous sap, and yet something about it made me uneasy. "

    Drysap seems innocent at first, but then we read of this:

    It soon became clear that injecting Drysap into living Florans prompted exceptional results. The sap quickly reproduces within Floran veins, replacing their own with a stronger, hardier substance that leaves the Floran body requiring almost no water. To an extent, this is a miracle serum.

    But there are caveats; it has been found that the more intellectually advanced the Floran, the more susceptible they are to rejection of the Drysapping process. Those whose bodies reject the Drysap soon grow enraged and antisocial, reporting visions and night terrors.

    Perhaps it is too early to allow Drysap treatment to gain mass circulation. Perhaps I shall send it to The Dust. At least there, any Floran Greenguard who succumbs can be marched straight into a cell, "

    Visions and night terrors, probably of the Oaken Soldiers i'd assume.
    Since the Floran PC dreams of Oaken Soldiers, I believe that they were intellectually advanced; however, they managed to accept the Drysapping process.

    I think the Agarans are not healing the Drysapped Florans, but keeping them captive!
    Their motive would have to be either...

    A.) Research shows that Floran DNA Is extremely malleable, so perhaps the Agarans are attempting to experiment on them with some new wonder-weapon
    B.) They're attempting to extract drysap from the floran once it dies
    C.) They're actually good guys, trying to keep Rejected Drysappers from tearing apart the galaxy
    Bejamin and greenman like this.
  3. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    personally i don't see a problem here, we all know that florans are an abomination, this is just nature correcting itself
  4. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Racist bastard :ssssssssss:
    OmegaMinion and Faeryheart like this.
  5. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    So.. More or less same theory as me.
    Also, must've misread that bit of lore.
    Cloudhopper likes this.
  6. Zurgh

    Zurgh Void-Bound Voyager

    I think the correct 'Starbound' term would be 'Xenophobic Orphan' :rofl:
  7. Chexx

    Chexx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Found this one on grasslands... wasn't aggressive to me... Murdered him for a mushroom hat blueprint. THEY ARE VICTIMS GUYS!!! Put them in The Red Book.
  8. Skipper the Kipper

    Skipper the Kipper Aquatic Astronaut

    During my Adventures, i have seen Agraran's defending a mound just like that from a flock of birds. do you guys think this could indicate some sort of Religion? It seemed to have been of great importance at the time.
    Lusfella likes this.
  9. demanrisu

    demanrisu The Original Agaran Menace NPC

  10. Lusfella

    Lusfella Big Damn Hero

    Piles are usually a sign of religion.
    I worship my god by piling my laundry on the floor and piling the dishes anywhere but the dishwasher.
  11. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    I don't think it's a religion, I think that this mound is...

    *Camera slowly zooms in on my reflective visor, while creepy piano music builds up the tension*

    Their means of reproduction!

    We must wipe out any mounds we come across, and find a way to justify this technical baby-slaughter later!
    demanrisu likes this.
  12. Lexen

    Lexen Subatomic Cosmonaut

    *Lexen's mind just went boom, and so did his head*

    HOLY CRAP. So all the dudes (They are males i belive ? Do they even have a gender ?) i killed brutally were pretty much trying to save themselves from the Oakens...
    And to save us.
    They are trying to stop a menace.

    Erm... Brb, i'm gonna build tombstones for all the agarans i killed.
    Lusfella likes this.
  13. DWAlpha

    DWAlpha Pangalactic Porcupine

    my floran couldn't care less.Those Agarans had nice hats that she wanted. Unfortunately when removing the hats she also took their heads off. Oh, well.
    SirKaldar likes this.
  14. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    I see no problem with these creatures keeping the Floran menace as prisoners. They were peaceful about my passing, and they keep the Florans in cages! These creatures are respected.

    Now Aqua'lin, The Florans are not all savage, and the species as a whole deserves to be respected.

    You are correct, I feel even the Menace deserves to live.

    Halhoom, Squishfish.

    Also, This thread as a whole is amazing, Keep it up. No contributions from my side, sadly.
    Bejamin and Faeryheart like this.
  15. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    you don't respect weeds, you kill them with Resolva. now imagine that those weeds were big, mobile and carnivorous. Then imagine if they started eating ppl. i guarantee you that you would rather pour Resolva on one than let it stroll into your living room. The agarans are providing a much needed service.
  16. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    I agree with you. Fellow Missionary.

    Come on you fine Aquatic gentlemen. The Florans are not that bad. They are okay if they're literate. Which they rarely are...
    But That's not important, The important thing is that we add Mushrooms to our Vegetarian pizza, and do so quickly.

    Edit: I'd appreciate it if you'd "REPLY" to my post, so I know if It is directed at me, or if I am of any importance, Friend.
    Enjoy your day, Everyone! Except if your body consists of a Fungus, then it would be appreciated if you can please go fuck yourself kindly leave us alone.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
    OmegaMinion likes this.
  17. Jnse

    Jnse Void-Bound Voyager

    I found two of them, there was broken stuff and a broken cage there.
    I killed them because they were creepy.
  18. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

  19. InsanityPixelated

    InsanityPixelated Existential Complex

    (This is a reply to Villhelm)

    MilkCalf and TheGlitchDoomLord like this.
  20. Villhelm

    Villhelm Phantasmal Quasar

    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
    InsanityPixelated likes this.

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