Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. QShadow

    QShadow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  2. Ripshaft

    Ripshaft Yeah, You!

    Am I the only one imagining giant meteors hitting every single one of these houses? =/

    ....and giggling uncontrollably?

    Some very nice houses though =p I didn't get around to completing mine before the wipe, but it was pretty sexy looking - mined many planets of their titanium to build the base structure alone.
  3. Zatnik

    Zatnik Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My first house was my ship.


    The only building I've used on a planet was for storage when my ship was full of chests.
    After I moved the chests to a planet that didn't rain meteors (the first one I tried did, and I lost some stuff), I replaced my ship's walls with tar and temple bricks.
    Then I replaced that with sewage and pipes.
    And then Furious Koala was released.
  4. Creepymelon

    Creepymelon Intergalactic Tourist

    wow very nice house no over-the-top designs :) are you an architect?
  5. Macish

    Macish Void-Bound Voyager

    thanks, i'll take the architecture comment as a compliment...i work in a pharmacy :p
  6. SanyaOtter

    SanyaOtter Big Damn Hero


    Still under construction, but eventually it'll be a fully functional Gamma Site. :p
  7. hijinks

    hijinks Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Whoa... Does the elevator looking thing work?
  8. SanyaOtter

    SanyaOtter Big Damn Hero

    Alas, no. But I've tried to make it look as functional as possible, it'll even have a cable spool at the top when I'm finished. :)
  9. Macish

    Macish Void-Bound Voyager

    very cool idea with the elevator shaft! When i eventually come to make my Apex village i may or may not be stealing it :p
  10. SanyaOtter

    SanyaOtter Big Damn Hero

    Steal away, I'd be happy for ideas to be spread out on countless worlds. :)

    Just so long as I get credit, m'kay? :p
  11. Ashrak

    Ashrak Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have extended my Death Star in the last days.

    command Center:


    server room and storage room:


    hospital ward and medical laboratory:


    Any suggestions?
    lolwutperiod likes this.
  12. goib

    goib Intergalactic Tourist

    Albussystems likes this.
  13. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Try using more block types for backgrounds and such, atm all rooms look like same generic areas with simply different furnishings.
  14. ___MeRliN___

    ___MeRliN___ Guest

    Time to show the world what I am working on with my Omegacorp Characters (usually with the CEO).

    So the CEO Merlin is the guy in the black Nanosuit (vanity items which I found in the assets then added to the game, loving the way it looks :D) with the flamethrower.

    But yeah lets show off the base (click spoiler for pictures):


    As you can see the base will be designed like a tower and is located on a planet which has terrifying Ice Storms (less terrifying then Meteorites I guess).
    On the current upper section you see to the Quartermaster Firebeak, an Avian Pirate who got sick of being a Pirate and joined Omegacorp once they offered him a job to take care of their Guns in their headquarters. Of course the lockers on the left side of the screen are filled with weapons and armor. He is basicly handing equipment to the guards of the headquarters. To the right you see the so called "Boiler Room" where the base is kept warm by an fairly unknown substance which has extremly good warmth conductivity (the green stuff in the tanks + the 2 heaters). On top of that level will be the Agricultural Facility added soon. Oh and the Hylotle guy/girl (dunno what that guy is) is the mechanic who takes care of the boiler room and repairs damaged electronic devices in the base.


    1 Level lower you see the living quarters of the crew which are kinda small but offering atleast a bed for everyone. Most beds are made out of impervium because well... Omegacorp has tons of the stuff and to honor the long term members.

    Also theres the kitchen where Big Chef (the Apex) is cooking big meals for everyone inside the base, a propper assembly hall with tables and a bigger, propper kitchen will be on top of the 2 stories tall agriculture facility. The old kitchen will be then probaly a snack or meeting room.

    One level down is the entrance together with guardrooms, 2 Elite Guards (Floran is a "female" (I think) called Deathblossom, Human is called Gunner) and the freetime room (arcade machines, couch, vending machine).
    To the basement, fairly small at the moment but will be extended soon. Currently there are working 2 scientists, the Biologist Dora (The female scientist) and Doctor Hacks (not with X and no grey hair) the male one, who is physicist and also torturing captives who were in the captive cell to the right in the basement. As you can see there was already a captive who was ordered to infiltrate the headquarters. Well his employes didnt come back...

    And finally to the left theres the experimental Farm where new crops are grown and which is currently also the main food source. And the bathroom which gets moved upstairs soon into a bigger scale hehe. Group showering ftw :D

    Before you ask what the pressurized steel thing is, thats the airlock to the base to keep the cold out (for real its there to prevent NPCs to hop out and get killed by mobs). Any suggestions? Anything I should change? I know that it looks filled and crowded atm btw ;)

    Hope you liked this TOP SECRET information about the headquarters of my main char ^^
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2014
  15. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    shipfull2.jpg Now, here's an Avian airship. I made an Avian named Falco, and he HAD to have a sweet ship. I think I'll add some cool fins, it looks awful plain on the outside right now. It's docked at my still-incomplete glitch sky-castle-village where my glitch, Bender, calls home.

    Edited: Added some fins, "tweaked" the crew.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2014
  16. Cockatoo

    Cockatoo Big Damn Hero

    [​IMG] Pretty professional house, am I right? :cool:
  17. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like the background doors especially. It's easy to forget how important the background is. I had one in my first samurai castle, but didn't put any on the remake. I need to fix that.
  18. Kajazu

    Kajazu Aquatic Astronaut

  19. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    meh.jpg Well, stitching a photo vertically at night had it's own set of challenges. Just try to ignore the cloned gas giant in the background. Also, there used to be waaay more apex here, but someone went a little overboard with the grenade launcher...
    Dargona1018, Arili and Tleno like this.
  20. LordPhobos

    LordPhobos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That airship is awesome.
    Kajazu likes this.

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