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Outdated Avali Race Mod 0.12.4

The only fluffy nomadic space raptors!

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  1. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    what about some earphones that suction to the ear and have a wire that lead to the phone.
  2. Starhowl

    Starhowl Phantasmal Quasar

    Everyone's making adorable Avali sprites, tents, and concept art, and I'm just sitting here thinking of cute fanfics.

    (No but really, keep it up guys, this is a treat to behold.)
  3. Cider

    Cider Ketchup Robot

    So make a cool tent :p
  4. legoracer

    legoracer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You know, I think you guys are getting this whole nomadic lifestyle thing all wrong with these tents. :p

    This is what you do with the tent pieces!


    In all seriousness, I just wanted to decorate my ship with cool avali stuff. :) It's nice how modular the tent pieces are.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
    MetaSieg, Starhowl and Kawa like this.
  5. Cider

    Cider Ketchup Robot

    I actually wanted to deck out my ship in Avali tent stuff
  6. Starhowl

    Starhowl Phantasmal Quasar

    Actually, on the topic of that, if I may bother you for another lore question, since it'll play a part in anything I write if it features my character; My Avali girl's feather and marking color are the same (my avatar), I imagine this isn't entirely unheard of in a populous, spacefaring race. My question is: How much of an Avali's biological gender is determined by their markings or by first glance? Does an Avali with the same or strikingly similar feather/marking colors create confusion or social faux pas (e.g. "I can't tell if that's a guy or a girl... How can I not make this awkward?")? Or does scent play a role? Obviously, voice may break the confusion, but this is before verbal communication.

    I notice that as far as the character sprites go, there are minor differences between males and females, even with matching feather/trim colors, but they are rather minor, and could reasonably be covered by clothing or be subject to minor genetic variations.

    Sorry if that was worded poorly, trying to get all my thoughts into one place to form a coherent question. Anyway, thanks for reading, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your involvement in your community of fans and users :)
  7. Fullapple1991

    Fullapple1991 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Weird, to install I open the zip and drag&drop the Avali folder inside it! :\
  8. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    Almost every mod I have downloaded is like that. I think I'm up to at least twenty by now.

    From what I understand, the males are the colourful ones. An Avali with no bright markings, (like yours) would probably be assumed to be female at first glance. At least that's how my character would treat yours.

    Keep in mind Ryuujin did say that the initial lore might change to fit the sprite generator.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2014
  9. dark lord derpy

    dark lord derpy Big Damn Hero

    Hmmm about the avali quest, perhaps you could make it so that the opinion of your character is more vague, perhaps they want to stop the singularity or perhaps they want to help the technocult free the AI.
    Oracle AIs can make plenty of other great quest starters too, an Oracle could send an avali on quests to help usher in the best future for the avali, or, perhaps a group is plotting a way to destroy the oracle AI or corrupt it to their own purposes.
  10. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    for my contribution to this torrent of art and creativity, have an avali heavy gunner in a hardsuit

    I apologize in advance for the terrible design, such as the fact that I forgot about the ears
    Starhowl likes this.
  11. Cider

    Cider Ketchup Robot

    Looks like a robot.
  12. Surge

    Surge Phantasmal Quasar

    well, the way I see it there are two reasons for that, A: it's a hardsuit, they tend to look a tad bit robotic. B: I'm more used to designing robots than armor
  13. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    Indeed, really enjoying see how people've found uses for stuff :p

    Well, originally males were to meant to have natural feather tones, with bright iridescent stripes. While females would have simpler, mottled stripes and only natural colours; basiclly like terrestrial birds. Feather dyes were a thing, but a female that painted their feathers bright colours would be seen as something of a faux pas. Overall the bulk of the feathers on both genders would range in the slate/sandy/white/grey palettes, in line with the fact they evolved as hunters on a snow world

    However, starbound doesn't allow you to limit palette by gender, and secondly early on I decided to allow people to use the irridescent palette on the feather and fluff regions. Two things quickly became apparent from that; firstly, people really like painting their character irridescent colours, regardless of gender (I see loads of neon pink females :rofl:). And secondly people came up with some interesting colour combinations i hadn't considered, hence I retconned the original colour definitions, and looked for a different way of indicating females apart from males (going for the lateral, 'tiger' stripes in the end, being more easily visible in starbound's pixel format).

    There's other indicators that an avali themself would recognise (differences in stature, build, facial features, voice etc) that'd tell females apart from males, but arn't really something I could render with starbound's graphics.

    ...amusingly, the one way you *can't* tell them apart, is by looking between their legs
    Starhowl likes this.
  14. Raieth

    Raieth Ketchup Robot

    Of course not, dangly bits aren't aerodynamic! ^.=.^
  15. Starhowl

    Starhowl Phantasmal Quasar

    I figured engine and graphic limitations were probably a major factor, thank you :) Hoping somewhere down the line perhaps Starbound will have a character editor mod or program that will let me adjust pre-existing characters without having to wipe them out (if such a thing exists, do share!). My wife actually went with a more natural (moreso than mine, at least) Black/Orange color scheme for hers, and after reading up on your lore, I might like to give my Talumi a little makeover, maybe make her look the lore-friendly part. I've always loved the "colorful males/simple females" setup that terrestrial birds have. I might take some nice grey/brown schemes, akin to a peahen. Who knows! :p

    And that answers one of the questions I was too afraid to ask. Thanks for that, too ;)
  16. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Insert particularly fowl joke here.
  17. legoracer

    legoracer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There is a way to change it, but it's not exactly easy. (Well, it is if you know what you're doing, it's just not easy to explain it.)

    If you want, I can help you with the color swap. Instructions are in the spoiler:
    All you need to do is:

    * Create a new character with the colors you want

    * Find the .player file for the character you just created in the "player" folder in your Starbound directory as well as the .player file for the character you want the colors applied to (it helps to organize the files by "date modified", as it will show the most recently modified files at the top like the character list in Starbound does)

    * Create a zip archive containing the two .player files and attach it to your post.​

    I can then copy the color information over and upload the patched .player file for you. Be sure to let me know what the name of each character is so I know which one you want the colors changed on.
    Starhowl likes this.
  18. Jetpack725

    Jetpack725 Guest

    Woot, planet tent half way down, this is the stage one of it:

    Next is the fun part...
    MetaSieg and RyuujinZERO like this.
  19. Asatrix

    Asatrix Guest

    Hey someone pointed out a fix that I need to try for this for .pak reading
    they need their own folder with the content in a .pak and a modinfo file that tells it to run from the .pak file. this means that once I'm done working on an update for my mod I can experiment with this for my server.
  20. Asatrix

    Asatrix Guest

    if you are going to put up backgrounds make sure to leave an area or areas to beam out
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