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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. Dakonic

    Dakonic Space Hobo

    Well, for starters, it does make for a much more realistic experience. Space is supposed to be a beautiful but also quite terrifying place, and knowing that there's a chance, minuscule as it may be, that a space pirate will happen to show up while you are happily mining and will chase you around is quite thrilling. If sector X wasn't PvP enforced, then I would be much more careless while exploring it, and that simply isn't fun. In this way, sector X stays an interesting place even when you have all of the top gear.

    Besides, having just ONE sector with enforced PvP is functionally the same as making it optional. If you don't want to PvP, don't visit sector X with parties of strangers! If you still want to meet new people, as you said, without risking getting murdered, well, you have 4 other sectors where you can still do that. Just do that, and you'll NEVER be killed against your will (unless you happen to be the unluckiest person on Earth, and then again, it will only happen once.)
  2. Ibraxis Meritworthy

    Ibraxis Meritworthy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay... So why did you respond to a post asking for input from pro-PvPers?

    The change makes no difference on the gameplay right now (aside from Syl's points regarding teaming up with strangers to make new friends only to discover that they're griefers). However, it worries me that this was implemented without a clearly discussed reason. If Chucklefish would provide us with a document or statement of purpose which outlines the design direction they intend to take with this game, then I wouldn't worry so much. Without knowing that design direction, I must assume the worst: That this game will be aimed at challenge-seekers and will alienate those of us who just want to explore the content.
  3. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    Because so far, the anti-pvp argument is too silly to resist. and the poll wasn't just for pro-vs-against if you recall. The poll itself is stupid because it assumes that if you pick yes, no, don't care, your reasoning is because of what is listed. and no, you don't need to assume the worst. They've given you no reason to do so.
  4. Ibraxis Meritworthy

    Ibraxis Meritworthy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    As it currently stands, that locks out around a third of the art content unless you are willing to brave the PvP areas. If they eventually expand the content in such a way that only a minuscule amount is unlocked by searching through Sector X, then I would be quite happy. It just seems odd to introduce this change when so much of the content is still in that now-walled-off sector.
    For example: What happens if a player wants to use the solarium-forged bed in their dream palace? They have only the options of dealing with features they don't enjoy (PvP) or leaving the server with all of their friends/random-other-people to work on a safer server.
  5. Ibraxis Meritworthy

    Ibraxis Meritworthy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    EDIT: Oh, and: "too silly"? Really? Concerns regarding the direction of a promising game gained by using pattern-recognition and a history of being the neglected demographic in a culture which frequently caters to challenge-hounds? That's silly?
  6. openlor

    openlor Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm sorry, that's a mistake, I was meant to say forcing a feature on fellow players is not a good thing
  7. Syl

    Syl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And if sector x has stuff I can't get anywhere else it should be the domain of the PVPIng crowd?

    If the sector was nothing special I wouldn't care. But right now you are telling people not to play the rest of the game because of a poorly implemented feature.
  8. Dakonic

    Dakonic Space Hobo

    Yes! Isn't that great? The more advanced content is placed in the more dangerous sectors. That's good game design! I dislike it when acquiring all the latest gear is just a matter of outsmarting the AI (which is really really dumb currently). Now, if you want to get that awesome solarium-forged bed, you have to take risks. That's a good thing, for me.

    In your hypothetical case, the player doesn't even need to change servers. He just needs to visit sector X, hit that "Random" button, and find a planet he likes. For extra (and unnecessary) care, just make sure your mine shaft is hidden, by replacing the dirt above you and building it a few meters away from the spawn. Now you are virtually impossible to kill!
  9. Nyaria the Apex

    Nyaria the Apex Space Penguin Leader

    I don't see the problem honestly, as long as you stay in a group with friends, don't invite random strangers to your areas, and don't give away your location constantly, you honestly shouldn't have That much of an issue with it.
  10. Dakonic

    Dakonic Space Hobo

    No, not the PvP-ing crowd. The smart-enough-to-not-broadcast-their-location-when-visiting-sector-X-crowd :D (Which I'm sure includes 99% of the playerbase, and those who make that mistake will only make it once.)
  11. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    There are more forced features in this game than not, fyi. But this one in particular I chose to comment about because most people will never come across one another. There's the chance you could team up with a douche which is much more likely, but don't worry, losing 1/3 of your pixels is the least of your worries if that's the case.

    Forced PVP in a game that you'll pretty much never unintentionally PVP in is why I believe he chose to start by forcing PVP in Sector X, because it makes <insert word for insanely small> difference. That's the last I'll say about it because this thread has been going in circles for pages and pages. It sorta reminds me of the people that were freaking out over Y2K.
  12. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    Truthfully, I'm surprised there's such a strong reaction going on about this. As other people have already said, do you guys know how likely it is to encounter someone else randomly in Sector X? That's like being struck by lightning and having your leg chomped off by a shark at the same time. I haven't even seen an individual server reach 100 players at one time yet.

    This feature honestly changes nothing, because most servers currently exist solely on an Alpha sector hub world. There is nothing else. That's where everyone is, because if you even go to the next system over you're pretty much in single player again. All this change does is make Sector X more of a "wild west", and personally I find that interesting and kinda cool. It's lawless, and the only enforcement you have is the firearm at your hip. It allows for all sorts of interesting player mechanics that could only operate in a true pvp environment. Player-run organizations, territory claims, bounty hunting, etc. I see this as a major boon for roleplaying servers, especially.
    Trucider likes this.
  13. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I think some people are forgetting that even though the chances of encountering someone else is small, its the concept of being "forced" thats annoying. I don't care if the chance is slim, its just the idea of it being forced with no other option instead of being an option servers can choose from is what's annoying.

    In World of Warcraft there are servers you can go on which are PVP, but you don't have to join those, and most don't. And if you don't join those servers, you can always keep your Alliance/Horde banner up and have the PVP feature on, with it being COMPLETELY OPTIONAL.
    Ibraxis Meritworthy likes this.
  14. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    It feels as tacked on as the hunger bar, utterly useless and forced.
    Jbeetle likes this.
  15. Ibraxis Meritworthy

    Ibraxis Meritworthy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's the first thing you've said that I completely agree with.
    Those who do not read previous posts are doomed to repeat the arguments.

    Goodnight, Hollywood.
  16. Dakonic

    Dakonic Space Hobo

    You are not FORCED to PvP. Just to be a bit more careful when exploring the wild, wild Space. As it should be!

    EDIT: Oh, and it's a survival game, isn't it? A hunger bar is pretty much standard issue with those. I would be quite happy if we had a thirst bar too! Much more realistic, IMO.
  17. M-Bot 3000

    M-Bot 3000 Zero Gravity Genie

    Personally, I'm a fan of immersion, and I find that this change provides that by giving the X Sector a definitive role outside of "here's where everything incomplete goes".

    I understand your position, though.
    Jbeetle likes this.
  18. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Since when was this a survival game?

    and you are forced to PvP in the X sector, if you are on a server.
  19. Syl

    Syl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And those of us that like meeting new people and playing with them can just screw off and go back to soloing cause it will never be safe again?
    TheLoanArranger likes this.
  20. Dakonic

    Dakonic Space Hobo

    I'm sorry, but I disagree. You don't have to PvP, you just have to not broadcast your location. That's it! That's all it takes. Even easier than having a PvP switch or something like that. Less effort! And as far as I remember, this was always a survival sandbox type of game.

    Oh no, I don't mean that at all. Sorry if it sounded like I did. If you want to meet new people, there's FOUR other sectors you can happily explore with them without running any risk of being betrayed by evil pirates. Then, once trust has been built, you can try taking the next step, and visiting the FINAL sector, the most dangerous of them all!

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