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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    My brain. :facepalm:. I'll let the others pick this apart I'm just at a loss for words and on a phone.
  2. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Never knew you could respawn in your ship (after whatever update it was that now makes you spawn at the beam down point on the planet you died on). that being said, a person could still spawn kill you. They could either set up a propeller/pool or lava at the beam down point on the planet, or put a propeller/lava in your ship (if you happened to party up with someone that parties up to grief kill people).
  3. Kirbychwan

    Kirbychwan Void-Bound Voyager

    Given the absolutely miniscule chance of you actually running into another player, and then have that player be hostile towards you; I am pretty much 100% for this. Adds some much needed spice to the game.
    donington, segundoblz and Jbeetle like this.
  4. lilheartless

    lilheartless Space Spelunker

    who's fault is it that you partied up with someone let them get on your ship and then fill your spawn area with lava? take some personal responsibility
    on a side note they can do that now it has absolutely nothing to do with the pvp in x sector.

    Edit; just to verify i went and got killed by a mob i respawned in my ship.

    Edit edit: afterthought this discussion is also based on random pvp encounters leading to griefing one of my points was that isn't possible if you run into a random person on a random planet in x sector they have no way of getting to you past the first time unless you allow them access to your ship or your things.

    Edit Edit Edit: as the guy 2 posts down from me pointed out as of the last patch where before it people were complaining about being griefed in their ships you can no longer die on your ship from anything.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  5. Serpensio

    Serpensio Big Damn Hero

    Stealing all your pixels: I didn't know pixels dropped and could be picked up by PVPers. Is this true?
    Players are harder to avoid: So... You're sore about having more challenge and unavoidable fights? That's possible simply with AI changes, but I don't see people raging about that.

    What does "hardcore" have to do with anything? Or are you using that term to mean "more difficulty than I want to experience," something entirely subjective, and can be seen as childish at certain levels of diswant.

    And if the AI is programmed to spawn camp? I did say '"if the NPC was programmed to act like a player" after all.
    Or perhaps the AI can bug out and results in spawn camping - I've seen and heard of this happening in games before.
    Regardless, this is not an issue with PVP, but rather an issue with Spawning, so the argument is irrelevant.

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  6. TheEveryman

    TheEveryman Big Damn Hero

    Just an FYI, you're immune to outside damage while on your ship and that's not a bug. I made a ship that had lava up to my thighs and I can walk around in it just fine. Nice and toasty. But no, people' cant spawn camp you inside your ship and trap griefing doesn't really have anything to do with Sector X planetary PvP being active since that can happen just about anywhere.
    Finn Learson likes this.
  7. Ninja Serenity

    Ninja Serenity Big Damn Hero

    you know what, I think XaoG has summed up everything I could respond to you with, so I'm not even going to bother responding
  8. Serpensio

    Serpensio Big Damn Hero

    You mean this?

    Really? Working brain? Considering your post is nothing more than a pile of insults to my intelligence and knowledge, laced with a dash of baseless assumption, and you did not even make an effort to address my points, where I was Clearly seeking to understand your side, by seeking to obtain knowledge I do not at present possess, which I presumed you held, due to my presumption that you were a logical and rational thinking creature rather than one governed solely by emotional reflex, I am forced to assume you can't answer me, which then forces me to assume myself correct, due to the absence of a contrary viewpoint.

    Actually, griefing could be accomplished with AI (Player vs Dev hate), and PVP does not necessitate the inclusion of griefing behavior, thus, with such a distinction, the two can not possibly be one and the same.

    Furthermore, greifing is a more subjective term, whereas PVP has a concrete definition. What constitutes griefing is not the same for each player.
    Is a random killing greifing? Is stealing items griefing? Is building a trap maze and inviting someone to try it out, deceptively, greifing?

    It is clear that greifing must include a form of malus accompanying the act, but such malevolence is subjectively perceived by the victim, where it might not even exist in the actor.

    Also, if the player makes a character with item drop, it was their own choice, and have no one to blame but themselves when/if they are killed by a PVPer who then picks up those items.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2014
  9. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Why would the devs ruin their image by making AI "grief".
    XaoG likes this.
  10. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Couldn't they just fill up the entirety of your ship with say magma rock, or any other annoyingly hard to mine block (including the teleport pad, that is assuming that blocking the pad will do anything)?
  11. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    You can beam out with the button still. If you have stuff on the ship you use your screwed though.
  12. Serpensio

    Serpensio Big Damn Hero

    The answer to that is irrelevant, as I was using it as an example to differentiate between PVP and greifing. Because it is theoretically possible, it must then mean that greifing is not restricted to just PVP actions. Likewise, as PVP does not constitute solely greifing actions, it then stands to reason that PVP and griefing must needs be defined as two separate and distinct actions.
    Jbeetle likes this.
  13. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Thanks for the clarification. Was confused.
  14. pickandaxe

    pickandaxe Intergalactic Tourist

    the same way the code pvp in , the same way u can code pvp out .
    its not like code is something that can not be undone

    so kids who must rub their fingers agains mouse so hard to win will stay out if this game for ever
    if they put pvp in i take guns out of it , its not a big deal anymore

    and from experience pvp servers are always half dead and dont live for longer than month

    so problem was solved even before it appears
  15. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    another reason is that you'd practically never come across someone by chance in this game, but yea, w/e
  16. Zengoku

    Zengoku Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This isn't a completely bad idea. Though what they can do to make it better is if you can't hurt someone who's in your party.
  17. Digerati

    Digerati Void-Bound Voyager

    This is why I'm running my own private server. Only friends get in, and the only mods enabled are the ones I install on the server.

    Most of the time we'll be running together in groups, so it will be a non-issue.
  18. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    already happening
  19. Custardsquare

    Custardsquare Big Damn Hero

    I don't really do pvp though i honestly don't see the problem..... you're not going to come across people in x sector unless they're on your ship or you give away co-ords or something? if you get attacked? just beam up onto your ship... i like this it would be interesting to see how people would react if like 2 groups of 4 people met up on the same planet lol would they work together or fight it out slowly or will they pretend to be friends then all back stab
  20. Jajarra

    Jajarra Void-Bound Voyager

    I've gotta say, I don't quite get the point of it unless it's implemented like the pirate flag suggestion earlier in the thread. The astronomical odds of actually running into another person just kinda makes it seem pointless. A serverside toggle for universal PvE and PvP seems like it would get both sets of players what they want much more efficiently.
    NFossil likes this.

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