Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. CapnComrade

    CapnComrade Aquatic Astronaut

    Since the last wipe, this is my first house...
    SirKaldar likes this.
  2. Mckeviin

    Mckeviin Void-Bound Voyager

    What is those leaves backwall blocks called?? and do you have any tips for my Floran house? i posted pictures, you can find it eehm somewere in the thread xD
  3. Fammia

    Fammia Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well the background blocks I used is called *plant matter stone* most of the stuff I used are from a floran prison I happen to come by.

    as for building techniques/tips, go all nature like, rather than use steel*iron* walls, dirt or wood would be better.
    use less lighting (go tribal =w=) use flower lamps or plantbiolight.
  4. Mckeviin

    Mckeviin Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah i know about more natural, like i said it's still work in progress, i made som changes yesterday and added more Floran stuff. here is a pic

    And changes again :p. I've also added some tunnels and "rooms" down to the left i currentaly have no picture of that
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2014
    SirKaldar, Tamorr and StarScorcher like this.
  5. hirakhos

    hirakhos Phantasmal Quasar

    Your character must have had one sore neck from all that upstairs hunching.
  6. Sherio88

    Sherio88 Big Damn Hero


    SirKaldar and Pilzner like this.
  7. ianril

    ianril Aquatic Astronaut

    Well this is from my first time playing it, I naturally had a tiny little house in the corner, and then just kept expanding on it.

    I decided to try and make like a museum for part of it (the avian sarcophagi) and then a small hotel above from a floran village that I found, and then the apex lab base can be seen running throughout.

    It's a little cluttered obviously, but after the wipe I plan on trying to make something quite a bit more stylish and that looks less cluttered.
  8. StarScorcher

    StarScorcher Void-Bound Voyager

    I really like this house. Im going to copy the design of woodwork on the walls. All my walls are modern-ish because I couldn't exactly think of anything else, and I am constantly running out of storage. Any easy way to free up some space?
    I would post my ship if I knew how to take snapshots :L
  9. aldrig

    aldrig Poptop Tamer

    An arctic expedition (wip, sort of, won't be doing more until the wipe) with currently only two inhabitants, me and my Hylotl-hating Floran doctor. As a Hylotl this doesn't really make me feel comfortable.

    Ixantir, Akula079, Jackie2581 and 8 others like this.
  10. StarScorcher

    StarScorcher Void-Bound Voyager

    Ultimately the best houses are the spaceships. I don't mean best looking or best built, but they're the easiest and they always look nice. You can't compare them to normal houses though because normal houses are built from the ground up. Anyways, uh, hi everyone, how do I put a picture up here D:
  11. Little-blade

    Little-blade Void-Bound Voyager

    I seem to have lost all the screencaps of my first place but this is me until the wipe.

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  12. Risukage

    Risukage Giant Laser Beams

    My first couple of homes/bases have been on my ship due to frequent wipes and just the desire to have my tools in a single location and not taking up inventory space. After I discovered the Beeblebrox system in the Delta Sector (I was just scrolling randomly, so it was happy serendipity) I beamed down to the planet and was completely enamored with the terrain, inhabitants (several Avian huts and one large Glitch castle, among other things), and stuff to find, so I named the planet Zaphod and built my farm and base of operations there. This is the final version I've got now, which won't do me much good in a few days thanks to this one last wipe.


    I'm really looking forward to them adding the other building blocks into the game. I had originally wanted to do my base in gold blocks, but that's not been implemented yet, so I went all futuristic with platinum blocks and filled it with all of the sweet Glitch and other futuristic furniture I could find. (Plus an Apex fridge, where I'm keeping all of the spare cooking recipes that I was going to give to my husband!) On the other side of the house is the Avian hut that marks the teleport-point for this world, and is where my gardener was supposed to live, but the doofus got himself killed by wildlife when I was out exploring the planet, so I just annexed his home into mine. Oh, and because I have a twisted sense of humor, the outhouse is where I'm storing my seeds. :D (Most of them, I've got nearly all seeds in the game right now.)

    Albin Xavier and Bolo like this.
  13. ItalKid

    ItalKid Space Spelunker

    I'd love to participate in this thread but I'm waiting for the wipe to build anything big. I hate playing when you know that any second all you've been playing for will be put into gaming-oblivion. Anyways, I'm monitoring this and looking at all these buildings they are all amazing. Great job, guys. Expect me to be posting an image on this sometime soon after the update of my base!
  14. neoniw

    neoniw Big Damn Hero


    Just wanted to post this here before it is deleted soon.

    Next time I make a house I'm going to try to make it look less... phallic : P
  15. eddyjay

    eddyjay Guest

    Woa thats really awesome!
  16. neoniw

    neoniw Big Damn Hero

    Huh. That's actually a relatively cute glitch. You have shown me potential I did not know existed.
  17. naitan99

    naitan99 Aquatic Astronaut

    First House on planet :rofl:[​IMG]

    Attached Files:

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  18. M5390

    M5390 Aquatic Astronaut

    This is my base, took over a apex lab
    may have a little too many turrets, and to make it worse im on a level 10 world so all they do is annoy the wild life
    i did have about eight guards, but i had to let them go (accidentally hit one with a shot gun, total blood bath)
    Starbound Base.png
  19. _Q_

    _Q_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  20. zwanglos

    zwanglos Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    A Floran who set up a home in a Glitch neighborhood.

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