RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    " This is going to be tricky, but see this rope?" he said as he brandished the tool in question. "I'm going to use the Blood Buster to shoot this rope into the gas-cloud.," he continued, tying one end of the rope into a large loop." If I can get it to catch a comatose body or two, the servos in my firing arm should be strong enough to reel them back in!" Holding the rope via his teeth, Tsurugi used his free hand to pop open his Blood Buster- exposing a mess of wires, hydrolics, pipes, tubes, and motors. The anthromorph quickly began loading the rope into the firing cylinder as Saryn pulled him up.

    The sudden shock of a taser bolt struck the anthromorph, making him almost drop the rope. Glancing around he imediately noticed shining plates of metal closing in on their position."@##$! Look out, we've got company..." he alerted Saryn, quickly trying to work the rope into the Blood Buster faster.
  2. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn noted the attack and tightened his jaw in irritation. He let out slack from the claw to drop himself away from the bolts trajectory. One grazed him, and hurt him, but only slightly, the layer of shadow beneath his skin devouring it. "Hold that thought, and brace for landing." He pushed the words out, keeping from inhaling as the gas closed in. He dropped a good portion of slack in the tendril holding the cyborg, it falling quickly. He angled his body, transferring the force of the drop into a swing, tossing the cyborg onto a nearby lower building, relying more on the strength in the tendril of than his own bodily strength. Continuing with the momentum of the swing he whipped the tendril around drawing it in to form a shield in front of himself to block more bolts. He drew in the other extension on the claw swiftly, pulling himself up and past that point, shooting up a little ways before catching the building again above the gas, staring down at the drones. Alright, if the bi**h is going to play dirty then things just got serious. The black substance poured from his pores covering his skin and even his hair, giving him a dark and fearsome visage. He inhaled the fresh air and sealed his mouth and nose for safety. He launched himself down at the nearest drone, extending long claws to drive deep into it.
  3. BoltCrank

    BoltCrank Zero Gravity Genie

    Tsurugi hit the rooftop with a loud *KLANG*. "Owww...wasn't ready for that." he muttered as he got up. Quickly, he darted to the edge and looked down. No time like the present....Let's hope this rope flies like an arrow. No hesitation, it's do or die! The cyborg readied his Blood Buster and aimmed toward the gas cloud.

    *BANG* the looped end of the rope shot into the toxic fog.- as soon as he heard it hit ground level, Tsurugi started fishing around. Just like fishing..yeah...fishing.....if by fishing, you mean fishing for comatose bodies....then yeah. he chuckled mentally in a morbid fashion. Suddenly the rope became taunt. He reacted as fast he could and jerked his firing arm back. The servos activated in response and started pulling the rope back in....Uh oh, this might take a moment.. Reel faster, dang it!
  4. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Interrupted from charging power, Omicron went haywire, flailing it's arms, loose bolts of energy flying, dangerously likely to hit somebody.

    At the same time Jake used his "mindsplosion", Omicron let out a large blast of discharged power, leaving it at a critical state with all of it's wounds.

    ((Is Mindsplosion magic based?))
  5. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex let the knee hit him in the stomach, and he doubled over, but he then got up, and threw a punch that would make Mohhamed Ali cry. He then continued to yell "MATRIX, SON" And threw another punch.
  6. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Marc saw someone in the mist fall down, surrounded by people fighting the Titans and a rather slow robot.
    "I do not know what is happening, but I will not let that person be hurt!"
    He filled his lungs with air, and ran towards the unconscious Blinky.
  7. LordFlame

    LordFlame Big Damn Hero

    *Achillea yawned and then wrapped herself in her vines before falling unconscious tiny buds began to grow where some leaves had fallen off*
  8. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Blinky mumbled and fidgeted as his subconscious ran riot in his slumbering head, but he quickly settled again.
  9. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    jake started snoring extra loud, sensing someone coming towards blinky and him.
    The Neon Seal likes this.
  10. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "Oh no, someone else is in this mist. Ah well."
    Marc picked up Blinky without much effort and hoisted him onto Marc's shoulder. He then rushed out of the fog and behind a building, before setting Blinky down and going back for Jake.
  11. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Nam, nam, nam..." Blinky mumbled, before curling up in a ball like an animal of the fuzzy variety.
  12. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Confirming that the cyborg-poodle anthromorph is heading up with rope in hand, Mia looked around, occasionally shielding her eyes from the bright flashes of light erupting forth from the titans. It was a bit of an irony that the brutal training she hated so much while she was in captivity has greatly enhanced her abilities to survive all the way until now.

    She noticed, with a frown on her face, that her other allies were basically dropping like flies thanks to the gas; Blinky, Jake, and the plant-girl are all unconscious around her, with the strange life-form nowhere to be seen. Of course, she already took and held a deep breath before the gas reached her, not daring to speak, but she would certainly falter in due time. Before she could escape the fog-like mass of gas, however, the others, all incapacitated, need to be saved first...

    Miss Tsurugi... Please be quick!

    Not too long after, she heard a familiar BANG, and saw a coil of rope hit the ground.
    Not wasting any time, she dashed toward the unconscious people, only stopping for a split second at the sight of another person taking 'Blinky' out of the gas' current area, for some reason. Deciding that it would be better to take the others to safety first, she scooped up the other two - Jake and the plant-like woman, now encased in vines like a cocoon - and ran toward the awkwardly-moving coil of rope, tying the both of them safely and firmly in place utilizing her added limbs, finishing with a firm tug to alert whoever is on the other side of the rope.

    Not to stay still herself, she then ran toward the building where the rope came from, her eyes running through it from top to bottom for cracks, depressions, protrusions - anything that can be used as a foothold, really - and began to climb the walls, using the very fog of gas itself as visual cover.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
  13. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    As Saryn struck down one of the drones, the others all opened fire on him, stunning energy bolts flying at him, a few detecting Mia and heading her way, the titans continuing their flashes, one of the bending and twisting forward to form a platform. A large speaker rose from it's back and blared out, this being a last result on the titans part, the same voice as before, but louder, MUCH louder, and no recording, this voice belonged to Annalita, speaking through a microphone, a large amount of her hypnotic power dripping off of her words. "Surrender, you are breaking New Whites laws, surrender and stand down, cease using your power and turn yourselves in. . . "
  14. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Marc felt the suggestive power in her words, but does not give in. He goes back for the other super, but finds that he is gone. Marc decides to go back to the super he already rescued and see if he could wake Blinky up.
    "Strange, the Titans are attacking the other people, but not me. Am I not supposed to be part of this, or are they being moved like chess pieces to put me in checkmate?"
    He goes back to the comatose Blinky and tries to wake him up, but Marc decides that they are too close to the danger zone. He picks Blinky back up and walks farther from the Titans, going to the top of a building so he can still see what is happening.
    "This place used to be peaceful, didn't it?" He asks Blinky, not expecting any response.
    He starts trying to wake up Blinky again. He tries to shake Blinky awake, but is unable to rouse him that way. He goes down into the building and asks the residents for a bucket of cold water to wake the guy. When he gets back to the top, he flings the water at Blinky's face, hoping to wake him up.
  15. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Waffles!" the young mutant retorted in his chemical enduced snooze and rolled over.
  16. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn sank his black claws into the drone, destroying it on the inside. The energy bolts flying at him now impacting the protective layer shielding his skin, devouring the energy from the bolts. He leapt off the drone as it started to fall, then witnessed the Titan leaning over, shaping itself into a platform. This cannot be good, whatever that one's doing it needs to stop... He landed and sprinted for it, dodging blasts as best as he could, though not worrying as the ones that struck him were absorbed. That looks like... oh sh**! He drew a the black substance over his ears to shield them, heading straight for the Titan platform that now had a speaker coming out of it. Is it more of that hypnosis like earlier? He extended the blades from his arms and bounded toward the titan, intent on ramming both blades through the speaker. Here's a new impending broadcast for you bi**h! Definite drawback to mouth shielding is inability to deliver crushing one-liners...
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2014
  17. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero


    The gas around Omicron became thicker, (assuming it's visible) and stopped being absorbed. A glow sharply pierced through the alleys, bolts still flying despite Omicron being repaired. The ground below being the closest witness of a trail of mythical magic. Omicron rises, more powerful than ever. Omicron draws out it's shield on it's left, and blade on it's right.

    Faintly spotting action, it heads torward there.
  18. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    Annalita roared into the mic, snapping it in half, and throwing it against the wall, panting angrily, she walked back up to the monitor and thought of the numerous ways she could accomplish her goal, and was certain that the only way she could capture these supers was with a certain weapon that she had never wanted to use. Annalita cracked an estranged smile and laughed maniacally, she picked up the mic and spoke into it, the voice reaching the scientific research and development center. "Release the bomb, I KNOW, we need these supers. . . " she set the mic down and sat back in her chair, smiling. . .
  19. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn made his way up the Titan platform deftly, shaping hooks onto the end of the swords so He could climb more quickly, practically flinging himself upwards. He quickly reached the top, and re-straightened the blades and rammed them through the speaker. Then he dragged the blades outward, slicing through the sides of it, cutting off the broadcast. With the exertion he needed air, he dropped from the platform and shaped the blades into claws once more, flinging one up on a strand of the black substance to a higher point on the building he left the cyborg on, then drawing himself up and climbing above the gas to take a breath before surveying below, waiting to see what would happen next, ready to shield himself if necessary.
  20. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    *BEEP BEEP BEEP* Lights blared out from lamp poles and speakers all over the city began blaring out a hypnotic command to sleep, as the dome closed over the top of the district, in the very center of the district a platform rose up, along with several poles and the starts of a thick metal wall, the poles formed a hardlight dome over the platform. A large spehere rose up on the platform, written on it's side in enormous red letters and numbers, "57UN80M8-XL" the strange object in the twilight of the day seemed to grin evilly, it's shape oh so vaguely akin to a skull as a dome of carefully woven together metal links that looked solid and unbending rose over the object. Turrets rose out of the ground near it, laser sights blaring all across the district, wherever a beam hit a living thing, a flurry of rapid cyan flashes bolted out, and the living object was alive no more. The speakers hypnotic voice changed to Annalitas, unhampered, and in full power, a voice that had controlled an entire village, and taken over New White, ITS POWER NEARLY UNRESISTABLE, (( hint hint )) unless you yourself were a telepath or hypnotic, and even then its power seemed almost godlike. "You were warned lawbreakers, warned oh so many times to stop resisting, now, you have forced my hand. . . " the voice ended, an undeniable sense of finality in it's trailing echo throughout the district.

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