Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
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  2. Nope!

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  1. Hotsu

    Hotsu Void-Bound Voyager

    Keelah se'lai everyone!
    I need a drawing for a roleplay server from my current character, Khan. He's a male Avian with brown feathers, brown eyes, white plumage around his cheeks and pecker, which is short. Most of the time he wears his pilot uniform (or ingame the snow armor without the hat) and a white scarf while his tech-googles rest at his neck, a little bit up his scarf. On his left cheek there is a scar from a strifeshot and it reaches to his pecker. The feathers on the back of his head are tied together and are standing up.
    Sorry for the bad English^^
    Thanks in advance! :)
  2. FolleUno

    FolleUno Aquatic Astronaut

    Whenever I see one that seems like it would be fun to draw and I have the time for it
  3. Izbj

    Izbj Intergalactic Tourist

    I would love my current profile pic converted into something less pixely, and also have the floran seem like he's gazing thoughtfully out towards the stars outside his window. Like, really really love it.
  4. Awkward

    Awkward Space Spelunker

    Hello all! I would like to make a request for someone to draw my Floran character in a style of the Artist's choosing. I intend to use a picture as a steam/forum profile picture, but if you wish to make a full sized portrait / landscape / etc then that is fine too.

    As I've said, I wish for the artist to have fun with drawing my character, but I wish to input a few of my ideas, but these are not mandatory.

    This is my character v

    I have a few ideas about what he could be doing in the picture, please make any accommodations you feel like if you wish to choose one :)

    1. Have him attempting to read a book, and having a confused expression as he is doing so. Perhaps have his spear up against a wall nearby.

    2. Standing on a tree branch with a grappling hook in his hand, scouting ahead.

    3. Playing a violin in a field with a smaller alien creature looking up at him curiously as he plays.

    Thank you to any artists who attempt to draw my character at all, I really appreciate you taking the time and effort to indulge my inartistic mind with this request. Any attempt or picture drawn is appreciated greatly.

    And again, feel free to use my character in whatever scene you have a vision for, or to customize upon my currently stated ideas. Please reply if you have any questions.

    Thank you! :up:
  5. lamacraft

    lamacraft Void-Bound Voyager

    Can someone make a glitch based in this image, please? (you can change the colors if you want)

  6. Din0kid

    Din0kid Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll draw #1. I'll post it here within the next few days.
    Elate likes this.
  7. Zerglingnopants

    Zerglingnopants Yeah, You!

    I laughed.
  8. Awkward

    Awkward Space Spelunker

    Ahahaha. Oh man I love it. Thank you! :laugh:

    Also, nice touch on the book title :iswydt:
  9. PositivAndroid

    PositivAndroid Phantasmal Quasar

  10. Dwarfonix

    Dwarfonix Tentacle Wrangler

    If it would not be to much trouble. i would enjoy if you illustrated this thought. A man on his knees in the bottom centre screen, crying out to the heavens why on earth he must endure this pain of a life. Memories of being alone on a bridge, running from his father, and hideing from his mother who yells at him for not being normal. The young teen is clad with a black open sweater with a white shirt underneath and blue jeans. Wearing a toque that covers his brown hair.
  11. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sounds interesting.
  12. Din0kid

    Din0kid Void-Bound Voyager

    Whoa. This sounds cool. I'll make it and post it before next week, hopefully.
  13. Din0kid

    Din0kid Void-Bound Voyager

  14. SupremeMushroom

    SupremeMushroom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd like some kind of mushroom, please. :)
  15. StartsShootSB

    StartsShootSB Yeah, You!

    I Would Like A Intro And An Outro
    And if u can a Youtube Backround
  16. Din0kid

    Din0kid Void-Bound Voyager

    As in animations? I'm not really up to those, but I'll make you a background. ^_^
  17. Din0kid

    Din0kid Void-Bound Voyager

    So you want some shrooms? 'kay.
    SupremeMushroom likes this.
  18. Din0kid

    Din0kid Void-Bound Voyager

    What do you want for the background btw
  19. Marxon

    Marxon Supernova

    So much talent, so little space, and only one request.
    Difficult to decide, I find my screenshot of my crowded ship to be worthy of an artistic render, but is that what I want? Is it?
    I might come back with a decision soon, maybe a picture of myself in game during combat? So hard to decide.

    Which should I request community, a drawing of an overcrowded ship of a glitch that has all those lockers and giant red crates filled with nothing but weapons and chunks of dungeons he has plucked out? Or upload an image of my current in game character to see if an artist can do it justice?
  20. VonCrotchbeard

    VonCrotchbeard Void-Bound Voyager

    here you go.



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