Story The Fall Of Earth

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Commander Borges, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Assassin8813

    Assassin8813 Void-Bound Voyager

  2. Emerald Avian

    Emerald Avian Space Penguin Leader

    Just read the first part of the writing.
    Thought it was gonna be a novel. Realizing its a script.
    Sitting here staring at the screen in half dazed excitement mixed with confusion and surprise.

    Edit: is it both?
    (Mind would be double blown)
  3. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    After a few in-team problems due to some guilty pleasure fun (namely trolling a couple of servers) we are searching for a Technical Administrator to host and maintain a server so we can film the series. Those interested should contact me or Moon Star via PM. Thank you!!
  4. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    I might need your assistance
  5. DionZeromus

    DionZeromus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Mkay, well, if you'd be so kind as to PM me, we can get to discussing what is needed at this time.
  6. FireCyanide

    FireCyanide Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What happened to Voi?
  7. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    He quit the project.
  8. StormKing32

    StormKing32 Void-Bound Voyager

    Character Application:
    Name: Professor Stormsworth (Storm for short)
    Age: unknown
    Race: Glitch
    Job: mad genius

    Can make a laser out of scrap metal, (or almost anything else) very intelligent, well-known in the scientific community, developer of 3D printer, slight interest in cookies. (Pondering. Human delicacies are strange, but consuming these increases my pleasure meter by 20%)
  9. Gia-Knight

    Gia-Knight Void-Bound Voyager

    Are you still accepting characters? also could someone elaborate this project for me?
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2014
  10. Moon Star

    Moon Star Cosmic Narwhal

    Well, it's been a fun little ride, but it's time for me to say my good byes to everyone I talked to during the time this project has taken place. I loved talking to each and every one of you, though I am sorry to say that this is good bye. I really enjoyed working on The Fall of Earth, but our little group is now breaking up. Still though, I'd love to keep in contact with all of you! But this is my last post while working with ZPC.
  11. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    Borges is a lucky little fugger, though he's still fun to hang around. To be entirely truthful I didn't do much more than make friend with these people and contribute some to the lore. But it was fun nonetheless. Stupid Borges and his internship at Bathesda. -Anyway- GL HF all who helped! Though I'd enjoy keeping in contact as well.
  12. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    I'm rather sad ZPC's breaking up, but it was fun while it lasted. Shame FoE didn't come to fruition, but it got Borges the opportunity to work on something that'll no doubt be just as awesome. Best of luck to Borges and everyone else who helped!
  13. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Members of the Starbound Community, Starbound Developer Team, Burthstone, Moon Star, Headphoner, FlibFlub, and Voi.
    Due to a recent turn of events concerning me and game studio Bethesda, I will no longer be producing my soon-to-be-produced novel "The Fall Of Earth". I am aware that the novel caught the attention of many people here in the forums, and I'd very much like to finish it and turn it into the machinima I always dreamed of making. However, since I will be working for Bethesda now, I won't be able to do so. Since I unfortunately do not trust anyone to carry out my vision without me, I hereby announce that "The Fall Of Earth" has been closed, and will remain like that from now on.
    I would like to thank everyone who participated on this endeavor, especially those who sent in their character applications. I would like to thank the Starbound Devs for their continuous support to my project.
    I would also like to personally thank the people who were with me since the beginning: Headphoner, Burthstone, and FlibFlub. I also want to thank another very special person, Moon Star, for her enormous amount of effort and gigantic heart.
    Last but not least, I'd like to thank Voi.
    I hope things go well with everyone, and I wish you guys the best for the future.
    That's it. Sorry I couldn't deliver the project after all, but greater things await me, and I will not turn away from the greatnness I've been offered.
    Thanks guys, you've all been great.
    Yours truly, Rodrigo Borges.
    Gia-Knight and Headphoner like this.
  14. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Had high hopes for this... D:
    Commander Borges likes this.
  15. XxSilentShadow2

    XxSilentShadow2 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anyway good luck I have always loved Bethesda and if you get to work on The Elder Scrolls Online then that is just awesome! again good luck in the future.
    Gia-Knight and Commander Borges like this.
  16. FireCyanide

    FireCyanide Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Or Fallout 4...

    Make the story good borges!
    SneakyBox and Commander Borges like this.
  17. Klobbson

    Klobbson Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Please leave a message if you'd happen to see anything regarding Fallout 4. :D

    Seriously. :lod:
  18. Gia-Knight

    Gia-Knight Void-Bound Voyager

    was exited for this but ah well..
    good luck in your future endeavors though and i hope to see stuff you work on in the future!
  19. Flibflub

    Flibflub Star Wrangler

    It was fun while it lasted :/ - Tyler (Mankey man, flibflub)
    Commander Borges likes this.
  20. Patar

    Patar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Aww, just discovered this, got all excited, then realized it was closed. I would have loved to see this happen. :(
    SneakyBox and Hawk Novablast like this.

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