Race Faircrypt (now with a default ship design)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by UnsoundM, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The Faircrypt

    (art credit Unit-2417)

    Name: The Faircrypt

    A once great race now in ruin, the Faircrypt originally thrived in numbers surpassing even the largest of empires, and developed technology that matched even that of the great Apex scientists. This all came to a halt when the great plague set in, and completely toppled their empire.
    Those who survived had to shield themselves off from the air around them with airtight life-support suits. They built protective suits, and ships from the wreckage of their now desolate planet, then took off in search of a new start.
    The now have no government system, no law system, and no structure outside of the prexisting laws of the worlds they land on. A few have stuck together, but for the most part the race is scattered and unorganized.​

    Little is known about the Faircrypt biology. Ironically the very suits they built to protect themselves from the plague have caused their immune systems to shut down, and as a result they are now physically dependent on them.

    The Faircrypt are clever and resourceful, but most of their great knowledge has now been lost. The majority of what they build is ingeniously hobbled together from old technology, and often they will include junk and resources from other races into their craft to produce hybrid technologies that outperforms the sum of the parts used. They have no passion towards making their tech look attractive or sleek, and only care that it is reliable and works. Due to their protective suits they rarely care about whether the resources are clean or sterile, as they will never physically come into contact with it.

    The suits themselves are fully covering. Functions required for breathing, eating, drinking, reproducing, and the removal of waste products are all built in and self-sustaining. They do not required to be charged, and the outer synthetic fabric blend is so durable that, if attacked, a Faircrypt will probably die from the blunt force trauma before the actual suit is breached.

    (Faircrypt 'Junker' is still a WIP)

    The Faircrypt are primarily survivors above all else. They don't get hung up on art, style, music, or architecture. Everything they create is done solely on a build-to-function basis and everything they do is done to assure that they don't die out and further thin their population. They will assist their own without question, and the survival of the species outweighs personal enjoyment and creative output,

    It is culturally expected to wear your suit at all times, which rarely becomes an issue as they are not built to come off.


    Their history has coded them primarily to survive at all costs. They will avoid conflict if at all possible, but when threatened or attacked they will fight with every last ounce of their being to survive.
    They are understandably cautious, but open to working out partnerships and friendships when it is beneficial. As a species that knows hardship and loss it is very rare to see a Faircrypt that could be considered cruel, and they will usually take it upon themselves to shelter and protect those who are in need.​

    Humans - The two get along on moral grounds, and the Faircrypt sympathizes with the human's loss of Earth. The two often form partnerships.
    "Good day traveler, I trust that you come peacefully."

    Apex - Their is some hostility between the two, as the Apex serve as a reminded of the technology they once had, and they do not see eye to eye on the Apex government system.
    "Refreshing to see one of your species that isn't in shackles."

    Avian - Avians are often deterred by the looks of the Faircrypt, but once they become acquainted the two rarely have conflicts.
    "Hello friend. If you need anything just ask."

    Floran - Faircrypt despise Floran. The concept of a biological killer hits too close to home with their history. Florans are often confused by the lack of exposed flesh to eat.
    "Your kind is now appreciated here. I'm watching you."

    Glitch - The Faircrypt are fascinated by the Glitch purely from a technological standpoint, and tend to forget to treat them as anything more than just machines.
    "You're a fascinating one. How does your food processing unit function?"

    Hylotl - The Faircrypt respect the peaceful demeanor of the Hylotl, but find little common ground in their ways of beauty and culture.
    "I'd love to discus the life supporting systems of your cities if you have a moment."

    Novakid - Faircrypt are wary around the Novakid, but the two rarely see conflict. Both sides are usually more than happy to focus on their own business, minus the occasional attempts Novakid like to take at getting a glimpse at the Faircrypt face.
    "How I wish my people could just turn to energy and be rid of these suits."

    The Faircrypt resonance- a period of technological gain and cultural stability
    The Outbreak - a 400 year long plague resulting in the death of over 99% of the species and the loss of their civilization
    The New Beginning - Survivors left the planet in search of new homes. Eventually they encountered the other races and set up homes in villages and cities belonging to other species.​

    The Faircrypt are covered from head to toe in protective gear. Their true faces haven't been seen in centuries and most are unaware of how they themselves even look under their gear. No skin, hair, eyes, or other flesh is exposed at any time. The suits are merely a base level, and clothing and armor can and usually are worn over it.
    Their clothing, weapons, technology, and furniture is made from what they can find, but due to their ingenuity it all functions just as well. They lack any flair or color, as most of what they wear is solely built to function properly.​

    Male, Female, Helm Variant, Helm Variant with different pose

    Hopefully additional images coming soon. If you wish to take a stab at doing some more official art please give me a buzz and we'll see what we can work out :D
    Notes: Visually the Faircrypt would be very attune to the junk tech you would see in Post-Apocalyptic media such as Mad Max, Fallout, Boy and His Dog, ect. They are menacing looking but gentle and not not much of a threat unless provoked. Above all else, they are misunderstood and mournful of the past. They are a sort of refugee, and would most likely be found in other villages and have very few structures of their own.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
  2. Peachy

    Peachy Star Wrangler

    Pretty good. But what is their culture like?
    Sgt_Hankey and UnsoundM like this.
  3. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for the question. Lemme see if I can whip something up and put it in the op

    I don't picture them having too much of a culture. They are primarily survivors above all else. They don't get hung up on art, style, music, or architecture. Everything they create is done solely on a build-to-function basis and everything they do is done to assure that they don't die out and further thin their population.
    Faeryheart likes this.
  4. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Here's a little preview of what I'm working on-

    This is very early work and it has a lot of tweaking to do. There is still a good deal of empty space I intend on filling, including the area directly above the Faircrypt in the image. Currently I'm working on the rockets in the back, and also doing little changes to the things I already have down.

    EDIT: Further work- still no engines
  5. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Updated the OP with some amazing oc art by Unit-2417, and an updated ship layout!
  6. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    These sound biologically exactly like the Quarians from Mass Effect.
  7. Ramses von Deweh

    Ramses von Deweh Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Question: Why do the Faircrypt continue to wear their suits? Do they believe the disease is everywhere? Are they afraid to take it off? Is it just a part of their culture now?

    Just curious.
  8. Lordfiscus

    Lordfiscus Phantasmal Quasar

    Deweh, the Faircrypt have atrophied immune systems. If they catch ANYTHING, they're screwed. Think Metro 2033, but the toxic air is in every area, and you have an unlimited amount of mask filters. I doubt the junk their ship is made of is exactly sanitary either.
  9. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Although I've never played the ME series I am aware enough of the lore to recall the Quarians as the ones with the glass facemask thing- and yeah the two are very similar in the sense that they both take precautions to prevent any disease from reaching them. I'm not 100% on them, but I do believe the Quarians will and can remove their suits in sterilized areas and their home worlds, while the Faircrypt are basically locked in indefinitely, and have no intent on removing their suit as it is a symbol and a means to keep what is left of their species alive.

    Basically this. Those who survived now have ravaged immune systems, and this is made worse by the fact that they are now all living on foreign planets with other species where they could come into contact with all sorts of flues and viruses that would easily take them out.

    Additionally, it is very much a cultural thing. Theoretically certain parts of their body could be exposed without much risk, like some areas of skin or hair (if they have hair that it), but it is basically unthinkable to them to do such thing. They have been donning the suits for so long that now showing ANY part of their body would be akin to us being completely nude in public.
  10. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Actually the Quarians do not take off their suits in any situation. Nor do they have a home planet(Which I see is also the same here). This is just too close to the Quarians for me to give this any support, basically a ripoff.
  11. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    You can't really say it's a ripoff if the person didn't know they were the exact same. I for one honestly don't care. And I bet that the Quarians are a "Ripoff" of another sci-fi universe.
    Taking ideas or concepts from others is not a bad thing to do, it is all that we do. Originality doesn't exist, we've all been inspired by the works of others.
  12. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Haha well I guess that shows how much I know about the series then >.> I mean, the concept of foreign germs affecting aliens who have never encountered them goes all the way back to the original War of the Worlds novel in the 1890s (side note, H.G. Wells was a boss)

    EDIT: Isn't Google a fascinating tool? The Quarians can take their suits off, but do so very rarely and only in extremely sterile environments with the aid of antibiotics, immuno-boosters, herbal supplements. They have no home planet but rather a large fleet of ships that act as one and all move from place to place together.

    I'm sure I can go back and tweak my original post if it falls too close to any particular lore in any other series, for now I'll look into it and make sure I'm not scraping too close to anything preexisting. I've already began work on tweaking some aspects of their civilization and government- or lack therefor-of.

    EDIT AGAIN: Changed the suit lore a bit. The suits were built to protect them from the plague, but they wore them for so long that their immune systems became too weak to function without them.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
    Peachy and Sgt_Hankey like this.
  13. DarkTails

    DarkTails Big Damn Hero

    Neat, why are their suits black though? They look more like ninja mercenaries than nomads lol

    All I know is this gives me an excuse to make a Tali sprite lol
    Model QT-377665 and UnsoundM like this.
  14. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    Interesting idea. I've always been a fan of the environment-suit-type races.
    UnsoundM likes this.
  15. UnsoundM

    UnsoundM Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I was recently considering going back and giving all their suits a bit more color- but I'm on the fence about it.
  16. Sgt_Hankey

    Sgt_Hankey Request for Urgent Business Relationship

    They are after all a race all about Survival and Utility, colors are not in their nature. And the materials for their suits probably don't come with much color anyway.
    This of course changes through the game with the different armor sets.


    Speaking of amor sets, do you think you could provide some example ones?
    Perhaps you should go for the "Exposed wires" type.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
    UnsoundM likes this.
  17. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not trying to be a debbie downer, but there is already a similar machine/robot sort of race in the original game. This could be made into a mad, but the devs want something original that isn't already similar to what's already there, something like arthropods or jelly people who are just a living mass of goo or something.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  18. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    Um...they aren't machines, number one. They're people in environment suits. And number two, there's also a number of non-machine races. Should be have only one primate-based race? I guess the Apex are out the window now, can't have more than one primate on the block.
  19. Cynthio

    Cynthio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well I'm just giving suggestions don't get moody with me. I was simply stating a fact, who wants unoriginal ideas. And no there can't be another primate race because there already is one and that would be pointless?
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  20. The5lacker

    The5lacker Phantasmal Quasar

    You weren't stating a fact. You were wrong. His race isn't a race of machine people. Please learn to read before posting.

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