RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex took out the Denel NTW-20. The thing weighed 31 kilograms, so was quite a burden. He lay down prone, and affixed the barrel of the sniper. He aimed straight for the head of the vampire down the alley, who was about to bite the girl. He grinned, and fired. He gave no time, and shifted his firing point, and shot again, this time, at the heart. And finally, to empty out the huge ass anti material gun's cartridge, he fired again at the vampires stomach, all the while avoiding the girl. He left the gun, and jumped down, removing the FAMAS G2 at his back. 900 rounds a minute, bitch. Nine hundred. He hit the ground with a huge impact, and tried to get up, while his now totally shattered bones recovered.
  2. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Omicron, following barely visible shoemarks, came across the room where Jake had collapsed, along with Mia and Tsurugu.

    After his usual scanning, Omicron said with a conceited voice: "LOW THREAT. INITIATING: "Cluster Shot - Medium""

    Omicron punched it's hands together (( //OI IO\\ )) and objects began to rattle as Omicron glew with the power of his devestating magic.
  3. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    After Jun took the shot to the head ,he quickly dashed through the door to the ball and regenerated his head .After his brain was healed he analized the situation and realised he needs a weapon .Jun quickly grabbed a kitchen knife from a chef that was passing by and turned invisible,waiting for the enemy to enter.
  4. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Mia was still completely dumbfounded by the actions of the very tall man before him, but him suddenly falling down to the floor jarred her from her trance.

    "Huh? Mr.Jake? Hey, are you all right?"

    Checking the collapsed body before her, Mia breathed out in relief, realizing that his condition is stable - calm, even, like someone in a deep sleep.
    Phew. He's okay. While him falling asleep so amazingly fast is baffling, at least he's okay.

    She was just about to stand up when she heard a loud noise coming from the direction of the emergency exit, a scream following shortly after. The young lady immediately scrambled to her feet, dropping into a well-guarded, if somewhat unorthodox, combat stance, her mind wondering just what is happening right now.
    And almost as soon as she asked the question, the question was answered.

    A relatively large - though not as large as the Peacekeeper Titans - mechanical being she had never seen before, almost alien, came into her view. The mechanical being stopped momentarily, almost as if analyzing the entire room, before raising its hands and declaring:
    Oh, crap.
    Almost on reflex, Mia took Tsurugi and Jake with her limbs, careful not to use the sharp part of her two right blade-arms, and dashed outside the clinic with surprising speed. As wiry as she appears to be, she is comparatively stronger than even a well-built human man, meaning that carrying two others with her isn't as hard as it looks.
  5. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero


    Omicron ran in pursuit of Mia: if it is capable of frying more fish than just one, it will gladly do so.

    The streets of New White, confusing as they may be, were no issue for Omicron. However, it had to avoid the line of sight of the Peacekeeper Titans at all times, and kept it's eye out for any thruster-like objects..
  6. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex rose like he was Godzilla getting out of the ocean. He wiped blood from his mouth, and grinned. "Feisty" he said, with a scary tone. He walked forward into the room. "Hey there. I know you're here."
  7. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Panic rose as the bloody man entered the room and people pushed eachother in the mass panic (sorry for g-modding ,but it just seems too akward that there is almost no setting here.)
    Suddenly Jun appeared in front of Alex, and with a quick slash he attempted to slash both of Alex's wrists, after the slash his other arm was ready for a elbow attack to Alex face.
  8. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Sup?" Alex said as he then fired the G2, emptying the clip. The wounds on his wrist healed, and dammit, it hurt. "I've heard you like blood."
  9. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    (the wrist cut was supposed to disarm you ,but oh well, whatever.)
    More and more holes appeared in Jun's chest as Alex emptied his clip, some bullets went through Jun -into the croud. - cries and yells were heard from the croud, as bodies hit the ground."looks like we are not that different"Jun said with a smile, and pumped the last blood reserves to 'overclock' his adrenaline and preform an monstrous kick to Alex chest .
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  10. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "what? where am I?" jake said seeing him being carried by mia. he slipped out of her arm to see the giant robot chasing them. "you again!" jake said pulling out his iron knife from his pocket. these type of knifes were called bayonets and he had much experience with them because they go on guns. he ran straight at the machine with knife in hand and tried to stab the machine straight through its chest.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  11. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    "All clinic attendants are advised to remain in safety as the primary threat is kept under control, thank you for your cooperation!" the clinics voice said, a hardlight cage rising up out of the floor around Omicron and stun level electrical bolts surged out towards Omicron. Perhaps the clinic doesn't have the smartest Ai when dealing with alien robots? Wall panels slid down as security drones stepped out, some flying while others humanoid, and lifted their hands, beams charged and prepped to fire if the robot continued fighting.

    Meanwhile, ( Why do I love this transition so much? ) a large hole in the courtyard of the ball where Alex and Jun were fighting spun out, a lumbering private titan stepping forward, plates sliding and wire buzzing to life, spotlights blaring across the lawn. A few security systems kicked in inside the house, turrets sliding out of walls and targeting the two troublemakers, the gunfire had triggered the defenses.
  12. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    ((i realize that. But many would have tried that before, now, wouldn't they?))
    Alex fell backwards onto the floor, and the FAMAS G2 slipped out of his hand. He noticed the turrets, and grinned. Nice, he thought. He then noticed the Titan, and was even more happy. Nothing could stop a rampage now! He pulled out his Nitro .600's, and fired at the turrets.
  13. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The turrets finished their preliminary scan and loaded a different clip, acid and poison laced bullets, and opened fire on Hawkins, the storm of bullets rapid and fast, whilst a single turret continued scanning Jun, seeing him as a small threat, at least until the scan finished.
  14. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex got hit by several of them in the chest, and began to immediately feel pain. This was just like the time when he had LARPed the Tomb of Horrors. Goddammit. He headed for a nearby window.
  15. Nitestrike776

    Nitestrike776 Zero Gravity Genie

    Saryn saw the robot enter. Was this the one Jake spoke of? It certainly looked intimidating. He was readying himself to attack when the bug-girl suddenly caught up her comrades in her arms and ran as the clinic's security system engaged the robot. He dashed off after the girl and her unconscious friends. He leapt powerfully, clinging to the surfaces of buildings with his claws staying high above as he followed. She moves fast, even while carrying them. Wait she only has that machine possessor, Jake she called him, and the animal cyborg creature.... what happened to that strange female life-form?

    He paused, clinging to the side of the building, looking back toward the clinic. I could go back and get her, maybe catch up after- WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING? He watched in shock as Jake took a KNIFE and stabbed at the robot. This kid seems desperate to die... He sighed and weighed his options. He could hope this would sort itself out and go see if he could find the strange woman and see to keeping her safe, or he could stay and help fight this threat these heroes faced... I almost feel protective of them... Ugh, this is why I try to work alone... well it can hardly be helped now... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't.

    He descended from the building quickly, dropping the last little ways, the black metal-like claws elongating into blades coming from his arms over his hands. He slashes at the robot as he falls behind it, using the added momentum of falling to try and do more damage. Well, it's one way to introduce myself I suppose...
  16. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As the turrets activated, Jun tought he will be outnumbered, and he whould have to run, but supprisingly they focused on Alex, and everything twisted sides, as Jun saw his opponent run away.Jun then threw the knife, aiming for his right leg and right after chased after him.
    Jun had a bad feeling about what was going on outisde, but this didn't stop him.
  17. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Mia skidded to a halt while doing a full 180, looking back at the person who just slipped away from her grasp with an expression of shock and horror.
    "Wait, what?! Jake?! What in the world are you doing!?", the young woman shouted, almost panicked.
    On hindsight, though, him running off might actually be a good thing - in her reflex, she had only taken two of the four people present: Tsurugi the anthromorph, the mysterious sludge-borne 'woman', a plant-like maiden who had not introduced herself yet, and the tall runaway. Who, apparently, had the idea of charging straight toward a mechaniloid of an undetermined threat level with a bayonet, and with few - if any - indication of hand-to-hand experience.

    Mia swiftly, yet gently, set Tsurugi down and proceeded to run after the remaining two others as well as the runaway, the adrenaline pumping through her blood vessels somewhat alleviating the effects of the raging blizzard.

    She passed the hostile mechaniloid as a mysterious man suddenly descended upon it, two pitch-black blades extending from his arm. She gave him a sideways glance, but kept dashing toward her destination - the plant-like maiden and the being borne of the infectious sludge. Again, she seized them with her arms, taking them outside, saving an arm to yank the reckless runaway along with her as she ran, further showing her relatively sizable strength.
  18. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Seeing his friend and this new Super taking on the Titans, Blinky saw his chance and rushed acros the street, avoiding the feet of the massive machines as they stamped and trod.

    "Hello?" he called out when he entered the clinic, the interfearence of the continuum gowing even stronger. "Does anybody need help?"

    That's when he saw the robot caught in the hardlight cage... and the strange but beautiful creature shivering beside the wrecked vending machine.

    "So your the one nerfing my powers!" the mutant retorted. "Well... you can stay there!"

    Seeing that the robot wasn't going anywhere he turned to the etherial girl.

    "Hiya," Blinky smiled and gave a friendly wave. "I'm Blinky. I've heard a lot about you... This place isn't very safe

    (Damn... -dissapointment- I had it worked out -ish- then had to go for tea :( )

    Seeing his friend and this new Super taking on the Titans, Blinky saw his chance and rushed acros the street, avoiding the feet of the massive machines as they stamped and trod. Mia was just leaving the clinc as he reach the other side of the street. Under her arms were the plant lady and the beautiful creature he'd heard about.

    "Hey, Mia!" he called. "Need any help?"
  19. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    ((OOC: Mia is cloakless right now; her bangs still obscure the right side of her face, but anyone can clearly see her anatomy is significantly different compared to normals))

    "Oh, hi there, Blinky!" Mia replied, though too hurried to maintain eye contact.
    "Yeah! A bit occupied right now, but if you could drag that dummy away from danger, I'd appreciate it!" she hastily continued, one of her free arms motioning toward the guy-who-ran-out-to-stick-a-knife-on-a-robot, a.k.a. Jake Sol.
    If this were a normal situation, Mia would settle down for a nice, polite chat with whoever is talking to her at that time. Now, though...
    No time for that, she thought, lest we face the fury of whatever that machine can do. I don't really want to take any more risks today.
    She headed toward the area she just let Tsurugi down on, two people in tow, fully intent on getting out of trouble alongside the others. Well, for now, at least.
  20. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    "Will do, ma'am," Blink saluted. "A tad powerless right now, but..."

    Turning back and seeing his crazy friend in danger, he burried his fear and zig-zagged across the street to him.

    "Sorry man!," he yelled as Jake landed in front of him. "This is going to hurt you more than it hurts me."

    The mutant swiftly tased the half-ghost-merc-guy-thing in the side of the neck in a bold effort to render him uncontious and drag him to safety (wether that may work or not).
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014

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