Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Djdog330

    Djdog330 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I would prefer a Trenchcoat, vest, fancy tie, monocle, Tophat OR Bowler hat, fancy suit pants and an Eagle headed cane.
    Explain in detail must you.
    Listen to Yoda, you must.
  2. Orsabell

    Orsabell Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know... My drawing skills are amazing... no need to complement me.
  3. raser12

    raser12 Sandwich Man

    Orsabell likes this.
  4. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Took my hand at this, I was going to put the player's name in the background. However, I noticed you didn't paste an alias anywhere ;b
    I like to take a more minimalist style, so it was sort of hard to make it defining.
    Seajun_ and ImmortalFrog like this.
  5. Demetric

    Demetric Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Impressive! Yeah, I kind of forgot about the alias, s-sorry. But thank you so much for your efforts! Well, here's the reaction of the receiever:

    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: OH NO
    {RZS} Deme: Although you don't like that outfit.
    {RZS} Deme: :rofl:
    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: BUT THAT DRESS
    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: OHNOOOOOO
    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: *explodes*
    {RZS} Deme: to me, you look cute in it ^-^
    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: It's awesome but dem clothes
    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: They don't go with my gorgeous pink feathers darling
    {RZS} Deme: dfbkj;iwjhfij
    {RZS} Deme: >:C
    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: i'msorryi'llenjoyitdon'teatme
    Giraffe Bot | Avian Nazreth: HAHA TEAT.

    In other words, he's quite happy, but he doesn't want me to know that. :rainbow:
    Thank you agaaaain!
    Burgy and ImmortalFrog like this.
  6. Sylveh

    Sylveh Void-Bound Voyager

    I have only one request it would really make me happy if someone drew me a chibi sylveon :3
    Thank you to anyone who would do this <3
  7. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    Seajun_ and Sylveh like this.
  8. Sylveh

    Sylveh Void-Bound Voyager

    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  9. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Really wish I has a tablet
  10. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    8x8 character sprite base to modify to look like other things
    please have a side a back and a front (3 different sprites)
  11. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
    Seajun_ likes this.
  12. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    I need someone to make a starbound ship that looks like a train for my novakid mod!
    Thanks in advance!
  13. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    Magma Claw, pigrocket and Seajun_ like this.
  14. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's not like you specified that earlier. How was I supposed to know?
    No real need to be so rude, I was just trying to be helpful.

    Haha, that just made my Christmas morning. Thanks!
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  15. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

  16. DasFohlen

    DasFohlen Void-Bound Voyager

    Can someone make my Floran character in higher resolutions so I can use it as a profile pic?
    But please with the sword!
    Thank you :)
  17. Burgy

    Burgy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Think i'm getting a tad better at this.
    Made two version, because I am not currently sure if that is a female character or a male character;
    Choose your favourite!

  18. DasFohlen

    DasFohlen Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you! The male version is correct, but nevermind!
  19. DQ / Zenority

    DQ / Zenority Lucky Number 13

    Hmm... Just to start out i guess, i'd like my Starbound character drawn c:

    Heres what he looks like: (Yes yes, probably unoriginal i know, SH.)


    I'd love it if you added the pickaxe. Or any other item that you think would look nice! :D

    Thanks in advance whoever does it (if it gets done at all ;-; )
  20. BlastRed

    BlastRed Spaceman Spiff

    im a beginner... so, i hope ya like it!

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