Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. 3dgrunge

    3dgrunge Poptop Tamer


    I really need to re do the layout of the main floor.
  2. Aey

    Aey Pangalactic Porcupine

    My little girl wanted me to build a farm that looked nicer than just flat platforms. This includes every seed I've found on my way to tier 10... 26 or so varieties.
    I wish I had a way to carry/transport water for a working irrigation system.

  3. Manixx

    Manixx Big Damn Hero

    That looks really, really neat! Haven't really explored farming and food crafting too much aside from a small vegetable patch on the back of my home.
  4. RockRaid

    RockRaid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    SirKaldar likes this.
  5. justanotherguy

    justanotherguy Space Hobo

    managed to take a few snaps of my first house before the wipe, i was quite pleased with it but looking at this thread it's a pile of crap in comparison lol
    plus i ran out of things to put in it hehe

    SirKaldar and Potato Shogun like this.
  6. Blacksparrow55

    Blacksparrow55 Void-Bound Voyager


    My house since the update. Will continue adding on to it later.

    Also my ship all decorated. Let's see santa catch me at FTL speed!

  7. Manixx

    Manixx Big Damn Hero

    You don't want him to catch you?! :eek:
  8. Pelican

    Pelican Starship Captain

  9. zortbg

    zortbg Cosmic Narwhal

    I wish you all MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    Thanks for all the fans for the great forum activity and mod-work and thanks to the Devs for Starbound AND the Christmas Content :)))

    Untitled1 - Copy.jpg
    SirKaldar and Potato Shogun like this.
  10. Manixx

    Manixx Big Damn Hero

    I like that ship! Also it just turned midnight for me, Merry Christmas to you sir, feel blessed or something.
    zortbg likes this.
  11. Kolnedra

    Kolnedra Sandwich Man

    Merry christmas guys, Hope to see alot of christmas builds coming up :D
    zortbg and themightyadam like this.
  12. Sadida

    Sadida Hey, You!

    Santa took a dump down my chimney and gave me a box full of feces. :(

    I am absolutely infatuated with the poo blocks. I soon plan to build an underground poo covered torture prison where my NPCs will live.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
    Doctor Devil likes this.
  13. Kolnedra

    Kolnedra Sandwich Man

  14. TheSpaniard

    TheSpaniard Orbital Explorer


    Not too shabby, my girlfriend and I's place after the latest wipe. :D
    SirKaldar, Potato Shogun and Tleno like this.
  15. BlackSun

    BlackSun Big Damn Hero

  16. kevandcass

    kevandcass Space Spelunker

    Aah! An automatic defense turret. I love those things!
  17. Truyox

    Truyox Space Hobo

  18. Truyox

    Truyox Space Hobo

    How'd you catch that avian guy?
  19. Kolnedra

    Kolnedra Sandwich Man

    @BlackSun what are those pillars made of next to the stairs on the left? :p
  20. BlackSun

    BlackSun Big Damn Hero

    Those blocks are called "support blocks". You can find them in one of those crystal laboratories for exaymple. :whistle:

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