RP Planet H3R01C5, New White

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot


    The wind blasted through the alleyways and empty unfinished skyscrapers under construction, snow alighted upon lamp posts and cars with a soft twinkling appearance. It almost looked as if star dust had fallen in fact, so fine and so bright, that certainly no darkness could pierce it. Cars absently drove about in the sleepy nobles district, robotic machines clanked along the street paths in a state of constant vigilance or simply cleaning.Their icy blue glowing eyes seeming ethereal, portraying the enormous machines as if they were giants of frost and ice. The snow fell, the wind whistled, and the sentinels continued along their programmed paths, this serene scene shattered with a grinding crash.

    *BOOM* a robotic sentinel stumbled, an enormous hole in the side of its head replaced with some sort of organic blob, the sentinels movements jarring and shuddering, before it went entirely rigid. Its eyes flashed and blinked rapidly before solidifying into an ugly pus colored yellow, it clenched its hands and aimed at another sentinel. Beams of cruel blue light lighting up the district as people ran screaming and cars screeched out of the way, snow flying in their wake. The other sentinels programming had not anticipated this as the beam pierced through it, the goliath of steel and wiring falling to the street with an ungodly *CRASH*. The sentinel that had fired upon its brethren turned to the people running about on the streets, smaller lights flashing out and turning to ash whoever they struck, this robotic monster paying no heed to what was crushed underfoot.

    The titan turned towards its downed brother, a blast of its parasitic passenger flying through the air and embedding in the fallen titans skull. The fallen titan clanked and whirred, rising to a seated position and standing, two titans now controlled by whatever monstrosity had posessed them. They began to work in tandem, beams obliterating people and vehicles, drops from the bizarre blob occasionally attaching to a running passerby, enveloping and altering them. They grew talons of steel hard cutting power, and their faces became morphed beastlike grimaces as they began to attack the other men and women, children not left out, infecting or killing outright their prey. They howled as their talons became bloodied, and the snow stained, alarms beginning to blare across the city of New White at this invasion.

    And now reader, who has endeavored to read so deeply into this crisis, tell me, are you the screaming bystander or stoic pedestrian grimly watching as this titan proceeds with its mechanically monstrous megalomaniacal rampage. Are you a hero watching from your hidden sanctuary with the plans to save these innocents, or a villain fighting it for your own self preservation? Answer dear reader, and choose well, for this utopias district is fallen into chaos, this event but a simple stone thrown into the pond of eternity, its ripples to be felt throughout all of New White and possibly the world itself. . .
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  2. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Umbra sat on top of the roof of a building, enjoying a few beers when the chaos erupted. He grinned, and throwing his feet over the ledge, made himself comfortable and watched the chaos unfold.

    "I hope no ****lord is gonna mess this up. I haven't seen a good movie in months!" he said to himself, an enormous grin on his face and his eyes glistening with excitement. "If the action slows down I'll have to get in and mix things up a bit... I need to exercise anyway."

    He was looking forward to this.
  3. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alexander "Nuke" or "Nuclear" Hawkins, sat in his dirty-yet-somehow-awesome-because-its-full-of-freaking-guns-n-shit topfloor apartment, and relaxed with a bottle of beer in his hand, wearing a pair of badass aviators he always wore, even when sleeping. He sat on a beach chair type thing, facing a huge window overlooking the city. He sighed, and said "No work, and total laziness really isn't my thing, now is it, King Penguin?" talking to the Giant Emperor Spirit Penguin sitting next to him. "Well, as your hallucination, I'd say so. But, I suppose there'll be shit to do." "Thats my ma-penguin!" He replied, smiling, and clinked his bottle with King Penguin's. All of a sudden, he noticed a billowing cloud of smoke in the middle of the city. "Well, that's interesting" were the last words King Penguin spoke, before disappearing. "No shit, Sherlock!" Alexander yelled as he got up. Fun time!, was his thought. After idling around for almost a week since his last job and/or occurrence, it was about time something happened. He ran towards his closet, which was wasn't filled with clothes, but an arrangement of guns. He grabbed a TAC-50 sniper rifle, two S&W Model 500's, and an XM8 Lightweight Assault Rifle. And then, from a secret side to the closet, grabbed a sword. He then kicked open his own door, and proceeded to get up to the rooftops, from where he would reach the combat zone.
  4. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Umbra stands up to stretch out and notices a figure on the roof of another building. He mutters "A new challenger approaches... Aww yeaaah..." under his breath, as he decides it is finally time to join the party.

    Umbra launches himself off of the building with a leap of faith and then boosts himself forward with a pulse of energy. He lands on a Sentinel with a 'crunch' sound and immediately topples the robot. He quickly launches himself off of the bot and onto the side of a building, where he begins to run up, terrifying the already terrified spectators within the building. Landing on the roof, he gives out a hoarse laugh and sits down again, realising his damn beers were on another roof.
  5. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex raised an eyebrow as he saw the man jump onto the robot, topple it, then continue up. "Well, show-off, we'll see what kinda fun you like!" He ran up to the edge of the building, and jumped onto the roof of the next. It was a drop of twenty feet, and he probably sprained his foot and stuff, but he wildly thought only one word "REGENERATION!" He continued this routine for about a minute, until he reached the last building before the robot and the man. There were a couple of beer bottles on here, so he kicked one up to his face, where he grabbed it, and opened it. His body had healed back to normal now, so there wasn't much problem. He took a drink, and pulled out the TAC-50 from its cover on his back. He balanced both the bottle and the sniper rifle together, and took a shot at the robot Sentinel.
  6. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Umbra noticed the guy, who had now jumped some building roofs and found his beers, and then proceeded to drink them. Totally not cool.
    "OY WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING" Umbra screamed as he threw himself off of the building. "NOT COOL DUDE." With a few boosts he landed on the same roof Alex was on, also possibly spraining his ankle. Pain shot through his right foot, but he knew it was gonna get worse when it started regenerati- AH BALLS IT HURTS IT HURTS OW

    Umbra shook his head from side to side once to clear some hair out of his eyes, and proceeded to flip out his gunblades, an enormous grin on his face.
    "Step away from the beers. I'd like your ID please and your phone to call your parents. Do they know about this? Oh, while you're at it, can I have your credit card as well?" said Umbra, as he approached Alex, already infusing the bullets in the barrels of the two gunblades with energy.
  7. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    "Oooh, fiesty! Thats cool, son, but I'd like to remind you that me and your mother have decided that you're unworthy of our attention,so we're getting a divorce. It has nothing to do with us. We just hate you that much, son. Clock out, now!" he said, as he put the TAC-50 back into it's covers, and continued to drink the beer in his hand. "And is this your's? What brand? Seems rather nice." He then realized that this guy, was pissed about him basically having stolen that beer. He then finished the entire bottle in a gulp, and said again, but this time with his hand sneakily on a revolver "See, I'll buy you a beer in return for this. Maybe two." If this guy tried anything, he'd get hit with a .500 Magnum round.
  8. Nintendo_Play

    Nintendo_Play Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Marc was walking through the streets, reading the classified file he got from his prison; a classified file on himself. He was so entranced by the files, that he did not notice the robot being infected at first. He looked up as he heard a big *BOOM*.
    His question was answered by a laser beam that blew up a car next to him.
    He runs from the murderous robot, watching as multiple people are vaporized by the Production Model Titan (That will be the name of this robot, okay?).
    He turns around as the Titan fires a laser AT HIM. He brings up the force field built in his gauntlets and reflects the beam. The commotion over, he continues his all out run from the Titan, his top speed at about 20-30 mph.
  9. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Look, I appreciate your attempt at being funny but you just don't cut it, kid." Umbra said, a smile on his face.
    "Do you know what DOES cut, though?" he said as he slowly moved his gun blades to eye point, and pointed them at Alex. "These babies. They shoot, as well."

    Umbra knew that one of this guys powers was obviously regeneration, seeing as nobody could have survived the jumps he did without breaking or spraining at least one limb, so he drew the energy out of the bullet, leaving it normal and ordinary, and shot it, aiming for Alexs leg, where it usually hurt less. He knew, from experience.

    ((i sense bromance coming))
  10. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As jun was sitting in his limousine, he ordered the driver to take him to the Great White Ball.
    After a short ride Jun got out of the car.
    He looked up amazing the great architecture and size of the building, the inside of the strucure didn't fail to amaze jun either-
    Huge Larizium schandaliers ,Amazing glass collumns and the lighting wasn't too exagurated either.
    Of course the food was great too ,but it wasn't of any intrest for Jun ,however the smart,rich,juicy people were.
    After spending some time in the ball Jun smoothtalked a girl to go out with him.
    They walked out of the ball and Jun led her to an Streetalley.
    "This has been an wonderfull but indeed exausting evening ."Jun said in a tired voice.
    "I really could use a meal after that kind of exaustment."Jun said in a naughty voice and kissed the girls neck ,preparing for a bite to the neck.
    Amused ,the girl replied in a flirty voice."Ohho well i guess you chose the best ."
  11. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    ((Me too))
    The bullet hit Alex's leg, but he stood standing, with not even a slight bit of a grimace or look of pain on his face. The bullet was lodged in his leg, but all of a sudden, a terrifying Cthulu like tentacle of human flesh spat out the bullet from the wound and then dissipated, with the wound healing fast. "Thats nice, son. Really! But can I ask you a question? Can I do this?" while flipping another one of the beer bottles up, and grabbed it. Jokingly, he then handed it to the man. "Name?"
  12. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Meanwhile Shal, sitting on the balcony , drinking red tea and gazing at the city.
    Suddenlt Shal feels a shiver going down his spine and he feels worried about Jun.
    The teacup falls out of Shal's hands and he falls in a transe.Taking control of some spider near the ball, searching for Jun.
  13. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "Umbra. Umbra Umbra. Oh wait, I can't do that James Bond thing... Crap."
    Umbra took the beer from Alex, and taking a big gulp, he continued his introduction.
    "Mercenary extraordinaire. Purple lightning stuff- pretty great superpower. Also got regeneration. Basically Electroshit kinesis or whatever it's called."
    Umbra slowly took a few steps back as he talked, and at the end of his sentence he stood right at the edge of the roof.
    "Oh yeah, I'm also fuckin' bonkers, and I'm lovin' it."
    Umbra lets himself fall off the roof, flipping around in the air and adjusting himself to land comfortably. Using small jets of energy, he softens the landing, though his feet still leave marks in the pavement and he sprains both his ankles. Whilst waiting for himself to regenerate, he switches his weapons into Blade Form, and imbues them with energy.
    Rushing forward, he impales a brainwashed pedestrian and allows him to fall to the ground, the energy killing the green blob, not visible to Umbra, as well.
    (Umbra doesn't know about the source of all of this, he just electrocuted it by accident.)
    Umbra continues to jump to another pedestrian, this time a teenager probably in her 17s, and impales her through the chest whilst muttering "I've always hated white girls."
    Looking at Alex, who's still on the roof, he shouts:

    "Now then, let's get the party started!"
  14. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    He yelled back "Well, lets start with my favourite game!" as he jumped down the buildings. He broke both his legs, but got up (weirdly) nonetheless. In less than a minute and thirty seconds, he was back to normal. "And my favourite game is........ DARTS!" he yelled again, as he picked up a rather large dumpster and tossed it at the Target ((okay, like Target)) sign. It hit nearly in the middle, and he yelled "BINGO, YOU CAPITALIST MOTHERFUCKERS! Also, no use of other powers, bro. And can you pass me a beer? Or should I ransack the Target for more?"
  15. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Orun 'Blinky' Gast stared out at the distant destruction from the top of the derelict tenament block on the edge of town, the snow gently falling all around. So peaceful, so still, it might have been a million miles away from the horrors unfolding before his eyes.

    Now, Blinky was a timmid sort of soul, he wanted everybody to get along rather than fight -especially when HE was in the danger zone- but he'd lost too much to reach his new home, and he wasn't going to let it get trashed after five minuits.

    'Well Mala...' he sighed, 'looks like I'm going to be late to enrolment...'

    After a moments concentration, all colour drained from his eyes and he was suddenly falling up through a swirling vortex of green and blue. In the next instant all thoses dangers where in the street below the rooftop he found himself on.
  16. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    "I don't feel like breaking my ankles for a few beers, just get some from Target!" Umbra shouts as he switches into Gun Form and immediately imbues the first bullet in each guns barrel with energy and firing at two Titans, the energy basically burning through the circuits of the bots. The two bots fell to the floor as he turned back to Alex.

    "Oh, and d'you mind getting me that new energy drink?"
  17. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The titans gears and wiring whirred and clicked, as the holes and dents became encased in the strange sludge like substance, changing colors as the bullets energy dissipates into the sludge. The encased damage begins forming back with a jarring screech, a thick armor like layer of the sludge appearing, tendrils snaking out and infecting more people, the titans partially covered in the odd sludge, the sludge condenses, forming a thick shell around the titans head along with a large jaw with enormous teeth. The infected humans not slain by these heroes fall to the ground, convulsing, as the sludge covers them entirely, turning them into monstrous creatures covered in chitin like armor with steel hard claws. The attack begins again as the beams previously shot by the titans become replaced with a hail of infectious needles launched out as if a storm cloud was contained in their hands, infecting even more people, how will these creatures be stopped?
  18. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Alex's eyes narrowed, and the usual grin dissipated from his face. He pulled out the TAC-50 again, and aimed for the center of mass of the newly formed creatures. As he fired, the bullet hit, and only went through half a centimeter of the chitin armor. The caliber of the round wasn't good enough for this. So, he put the TAC-50 back, as he dodged a rain of needles, and pulled out the S&W's. Both in his two arms, he pulled the trigger of only one of his revolvers. The .500 round instantly went through the head of the creature. "AND NOW WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS!"
  19. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    The titan stumbled back, falling to a kneel, its now mutant head seeming consumed with a deep craving, a tendril launched out and grabbed a pedestrian screaming as the pedestrian was dropped into its maw, the healing beginning again, though slow, and the titan remained still arms raised in defense in case of another forward shot. The other titan seeing its ally fall turns to the dominant threat, Hawkins, raising its hand and aiming at him specifically, some tendrils drilling into the ground and creating a wake in the asphalt as they travel towards Hawkins position, slowly, but not stopping. The infected titan roars, the sludge like substance dripping from its gaping maw and rust and chunks of metal flying out. Is it possible this sludge is just as dangerous to the titan as it is to the victims of the infection?
  20. Lupus

    Lupus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Umbra frowns as everybody and every thing infected is coated in a green coat of armour. Realising that his gunblades wont be able to take them, he places them back in their holsters and charges up a blast of energy. Aiming at the head of a human-beast, he blasts it right at it, though the weak blast only leaves cracks within the chitin-like armour. Muttering "Crap.", Umbra dashes forward with a small energy boost to get closer, and then unleashes a chain of energy to pulse through the 2 human-beasts and Titan in front of him. Now nearly entirely drained of energy, Umbra turns to look at Alex and says:

    "Yo, can I get that energy drink now?"

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