Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

    0 vote(s)
  1. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank

    Orsabell likes this.
  2. Orsabell

    Orsabell Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love it!
    I still can't update My avatar. (Dev plix fex)
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    Whaleduck and ImmortalFrog like this.
  3. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    I am sorry for the unnessesary post but the number 1995 means alot to me -w-
  4. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    I cant keep away xD something amazing happend and i really want a really good picture of this screen shot.


    So bottom line :3 Glitch with a irritated expression because he his head has gotten stuck in the roof. and this actually happend to me and i could not move. had to dig my way out.
  5. kaizatl

    kaizatl Aquatic Astronaut

    Could someone do art for my character? I'd love it if I someone could do an image to immortalize her before the next great wipe. >w<

  6. ImmortalFrog

    ImmortalFrog Oxygen Tank
    Seajun_, Orsabell and Whaleduck like this.
  7. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  8. Pixelstomp

    Pixelstomp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sorry for spam, but....

    2000th Post, like a boss.
    Whaleduck likes this.
  9. Runixzan

    Runixzan Intergalactic Tourist

    I've got two requests:

    Seageon Vicekick
    A Minotaur monk that stands 7 feet tall with white hair, demonic red eyes and a "honorable" stature
    He wears a simple darkish blue monk robe, at his side he carries a temple sword, a whip and sai.
    And somewhat hidden under the folds of the monk robes, he has a couple of shurikens.

    A tengu sorcerer that stands 5 feet tall with black feathers and red eyes. He stands with a small hunch and always looks angry.
    He wears simple red robes, has a scimitar at his side and a crossbow on his back.
    He also carries a small magical wand
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  10. MrAzureKun

    MrAzureKun Master Chief

    I have a request but I can't say that it'll be too great of a request.
    When it comes to sandbox games like starbound I like to play with a very querky and somewhat challenged mind set.
    In this case I found some of the games vanity items and weapons and such and decided that I'd be a robotic (glitch) bubble wizard.

    Having found the water sword, the Wizard hat, the bubble boost tech and so on I became a master class bubble wizard and am in the process of finding a nice little bird that shoots bubbles (but the damn things can't be caught unless they're on the ground... buggers...) so with that I have a request.

    Can I find an artist out there who will fullfill my bubble wishes of illustrating my in game robotic master class bubble wizard?

    If so I can reward you with an un-dieing friendship and a lifetime supply of starbound bubbles. PM me if you're an artist willing to be my bubble friend :3
  11. Ryksos

    Ryksos Tentacle Wrangler

    If anyone would be up to the task, I'd appreciate it if someone could make me a picture of this Floran, wearing some kind of futuristic armor.

    For anyone who wouldn't mind doing this for me, I don't really care what style it is, and feel free to be creative with the armor. Thanks!
  12. geometricnut

    geometricnut Subatomic Cosmonaut

    dangit! i wanted that!
    Pixelstomp likes this.
  13. geometricnut

    geometricnut Subatomic Cosmonaut

    are any of those free/easy to install?

    And how do you merge posts?
  14. leopardenthusiast

    leopardenthusiast Void-Bound Voyager

    GIMP is free, and while I haven't had it installed for quite some time, I remember the install process being fairly straightforward.
  15. Whaleduck

    Whaleduck Big Damn Hero

    Here can be a hard nut, witty nut to crack: David Bowie as your race of choice.

    I have found myself listening to Star Man and Space Oddity while playing starbound and i would abolustly LOVE to see you peoples creation of him :p
    Seajun_ likes this.
  16. raser12

    raser12 Sandwich Man

    I would love someone making an avian space shipe flying through space with a big Starbound title/icon!
  17. Bluerrew

    Bluerrew Yeah, You!

    I have recently been playing alot of starbound and found my characters showing up in my doodles. As soon as I find my pen for my drawing pad, I will start taking offers. Also does anyone have some good brushes for photoshop? My drawings on paper always end up looking better than the ones done on photoshop. Liking that bubble wizard idea though.
  18. hydrablood

    hydrablood Tentacle Wrangler

    2013-12-20_00002.jpg Could you possibly find the time to draw my Avian. If you can then would it be alright if i give the name of the artist on websites such as facebook and twitter.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  19. ArtoriasFlagg

    ArtoriasFlagg Aquatic Astronaut

    If it would be at all possible, I'm looking for someone who wouldn't mind making me a quick portrait of my character which I could use at the beginning of some videos I'm doing about different things to see in the game. As such, someone who wouldn't mind me plastering said piece of art all over some less-than-impressive tutorial videos and such.
    What I'm essentially looking for is a picture of a green floran with dark green leaves, wearing some kind of business suit and pant, with a hat (typical fedora, fancy hat, wide brimmed hat, anything of that nature). If you can work in the bone hammer that he/she/it is holding, by all means throw that in there too. If you could have the hat pulled down far enough that the only major facial feature showing is the typical floran mouth/smile, that would be great. Beyond that, entirely up to you.
    My sincerest thanks if you can make this happen!
  20. Demetric

    Demetric Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay, this is my second and last request in this thread.
    Not for myself, but for my good, Avian friend.
    He's not part of Starbound community, but he truly loves the game.
    He'd be really happy to see his character on some art.


    Thanks to anyone who takes on this. :iswydt:
    Seajun_ and ImmortalFrog like this.

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