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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Vaupell

    Vaupell Poptop Tamer

    X-sector rocket launcher in surface chest to the right 1 min

    67803943 -39398239
    X Phi Sgr 49 III
    Threath level 10
  2. Helro

    Helro Void-Bound Voyager

    Anyone knows where is the Car tech?.
  3. nikke

    nikke Space Hobo

    I tried the rainbow cape and it didnt work anymore. Whole planet has changed. I think it was due the latest patch.
  4. Maxerkes

    Maxerkes Intergalactic Tourist

    Does anyone have coordinates of planets in Beta sector with tech chest (not energy dash and pulse jump) ?
  5. Flux_fur

    Flux_fur Space Spelunker

    I cant remember now its ever so slightly underground you can see in from the surface its in a high tech chest
  6. Bisquet

    Bisquet Lucky Number 13

    X Sector The X Sloodhon 6460 System V level 10 Arid
    X:56320581 Y:-52601727

    Surface Chests(one is inside a hi-tech house)
    Rock Organ
    Space Uniform Trousers

    Same System just head to i,d (Jungle level 5 threat)

    Surface Chest with Jump Suit Jacket
    Inside the Hi-tech maze you can find a Blink Tech too

    On II, Level 10 Arid
    Surface Chest, Legendary Sniper to the left(Not the greatest damage in the world)
    Carry on left to a Glitch Base, where I found Wizard legs.

    X Sector The X Marsin 265 System

    X Marsin 265 I
    Surface chests, head left.
    Hemmered Dulcimer
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
    Aeit likes this.
  7. Hector

    Hector Void-Bound Voyager

    Alpha Sector
    Alpha Jabbah 85 Ia, Forest Biome
    x 57558316
    y -96012591

    Walk a bit to the left, there is a Lab with a bunch of robots, nice amount of good looking furniture and sme lockers which may contain useful stuff.
  8. Moma08

    Moma08 Orbital Explorer

    Gamma Sector
    System Gamma Hammasaki 49:
    Planet Gamma Hammasaki 49 VII c
    Description: Forest Biome, Threat 3, Glitch village to left of spawn, several Avian houses scattered on surface
    Also some (4-5) regular "brownish medieval-type" chests

    Planet Gamma Hammasaki 49 VI a
    Description: Jungle Biome, Threat 3, Scattered Avian houses on planet surface, Apex Research facility to the left of spawn (40 sec-1 min walk)
    Also a couple of chests and Floran "sacrificial" platform with heads on spikes next to spawn
  9. flazar

    flazar Space Hobo

    Thanks. Its just that.... many Gamma coordinates havent worked. I have just finally found one that does work. :)
  10. Flux_fur

    Flux_fur Space Spelunker


    Found a level 10 planet with these guys on the entire planet is covered in these broken towers and these guys not sure what race they are but they can kill you in one hit i know that much lol

    X: 83964890
    Y: -73896990
    Level: 10
    Biome: Forest
    Planet: X Skios 4361 IV

    There's a legendary sword on here too.

    Gazing Horror
    DPS: 2345
    Swing speed: 1.76
    Damage per swing: 1329

    Edit: 14:00
    There are also about 5 apex stations the small ones with Tech chests

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
    Zepherion, Aeit and Wystner like this.
  11. Astraioz

    Astraioz Space Hobo

    Anyone got Legendary or Rare weapon in X Sector Threat level 10?
  12. The_Bucket

    The_Bucket Seal Broken

    Checking out that planet now Flux_Fur, seems pretty interesting.
    Edit: Not completed the planet yet but I've picked up a couple pairs of wings from those guys, pretty cool.
    Edit: Didn't find the legendary sword you talked about, I may have missed it (I move quite fast with Bubble Boost).
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
    Flux_fur likes this.
  13. T.T

    T.T Void-Bound Voyager

    Found a level 10 planet with these guys on the entire planet is covered in these broken towers and these guys not sure what race they are but they can kill you in one hit i know that much lol

    X: 83964890
    Y: -73896990
    Level: 10
    Biome: Forest
    Planet: X Skios 4361 IV

    There's a legendary sword on here too.

    Gazing Horror
    DPS: 2345
    Swing speed: 1.76
    Damage per swing: 1329

    Edit: 14:00
    There are also about 5 apex stations the small ones with Tech chests[/quote]

    After the bulk of these guys i found a chest, right before sewer dungeon, with a plasma shotgun in it.
    Flux_fur likes this.
  14. Helro

    Helro Void-Bound Voyager

    I found a system with name 35=UU,is at the coords X -91534448
    and Y -9493346
    IS in X sector.
  15. Galactic Avatar

    Galactic Avatar Cosmic Narwhal

    So does anyone have any coordinates for for a pretty forest planet with a human town (or multi-species town), that also has a UMCS Base and UMCS Prison? OR at least something coming very close to that?

    I'm trying to find a good home planet. If anyone could help I would appreciate it
  16. Megakakapoo

    Megakakapoo Intergalactic Tourist

    sector x
    x:90194177 y:46065922
    x omega eri 577 IV
    Threat level: 7
    Biome: volcanic

    Go left for a while and you'll find a HUGE avian civilization with at least 20 merchants, they have melee weapons, clothes, and food. like 6 of each one. each sell something different.
  17. Winterdragon

    Winterdragon Space Hobo

    Recent patch

    X sector

    X -89289431 Y -23045555
    The X Polis Majoris System
    X Polis Majoris I A
    Small jungle planet
    Chest with shotgun near spawn
  18. Wystner

    Wystner Astral Cartographer

    Thanks for the coords. Got a pair of wings, but didn't find the Eyesword you mentioned. Since pretty much all the chests are in towers/Apex labs, I'm guessing they're all random, but I got 2 instruments I didn't have, a Fancy Hat, and some recipes from the tower shelves.
    Flux_fur likes this.
  19. Oleker

    Oleker Phantasmal Quasar

    I just got my first X sector upgrade. Anyone have a pirate ship cordinate?
  20. Flux_fur

    Flux_fur Space Spelunker

    glad to help ^_^ the sword is in one of the towers but yeah it bust be random because i didn't find any instruments
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