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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Lufia

    Lufia Aquatic Astronaut

    X 750 Y 165, Gamma Nu Per 786 II a, Past Sewer dungeon if gone Right Before if gone Left(shoter route), Tech 'Gravity Bubble'- Surface

    X 752 Y 166, Delta Eps Hya 58 I, Blue Rocket Launcher at Spawn, Head left for Parkour Tech dungeon 'Targetted Blink'
  2. mausi

    mausi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Legendary Bonehammer - 2450dps

    X Sector
    Threat 10

    X: 97473444
    Y: -46358890

    X Hypernexus 4360 IV b

    Tiny snow planet. Head right from spawn and you'll see a cultist torture shanty. The bonehammer's in the chest there.


    Edit: Further to the right is a common grenade launcher in a wooden surface chest. Also, there's a glitch spaceship slash temple with a matter block thing in it.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  3. LevelTheShodo

    LevelTheShodo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Nice find! Also, there's an Apex Research Facility on the Snow Planet right next to it as well. :D
  4. smuapple

    smuapple Void-Bound Voyager

    you forgot to mention theres also a avian tomb to the left of spawn. walk pass tomb to find the chest. thanks for coordinate man.
  5. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i went to this location, but there was only an Apex village on the surface, no labs or bases
  6. smuapple

    smuapple Void-Bound Voyager

    coordinate :
    x : 79419096
    y: -54894441
    x persian minoris VII a
    threat 10

    planet coord.jpg

    can see now? thumbnail cant click to display the actual picture?
  7. zaxvax

    zaxvax Space Spelunker

    X 53501837 -84300399 X Joson 988 V a grassland 5 Airship to the left
  8. brick_6

    brick_6 Space Hobo

    I found a human mech tech at these coordinates
    x 6371915
    y 34679802
    the system name is
    the x nu per majoris system
    go to x nu per majoris 1 then go to the middle planet witch is threat level 10 then go left until you find the tech :D
  9. AgentMarcx

    AgentMarcx Aquatic Astronaut

    Another Mech location in the delta sector:

    It's pretty easy to obtain and the video itself is pretty funny if I do say so myself.
  10. Epicene

    Epicene Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Any with lots of Aegisalt?
  11. Jio_Doego

    Jio_Doego Space Spelunker

    make sure you have a star map upgrade mk2
  12. Jio_Doego

    Jio_Doego Space Spelunker

    make sure you have a star map upgrade mk2
  13. Jio_Doego

    Jio_Doego Space Spelunker

    make sure to have a starmap upgrade mk2
  14. 242pixels

    242pixels Seal Broken

    Alpha Nashira 490 III
    X: -7901402, Y: 44270076

    HUGE apex lab to the left of spawn, it is guarded by security robots, there you will find a matter block generator and a huge amount of pixels.

    Edit: There is another identical lab, if you keep going left.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  15. grimmers

    grimmers Intergalactic Tourist

    X sector
    X:-2417930 Y:78954473
    Arid level 10

    Found an Avian Tomb very huge one with lot of golden tomb and statue
  16. Cherostavik

    Cherostavik Void-Bound Voyager

    X sector
    X: -23032844 Y: 49362280
    X Alpha Pix 3430 IV
    Tundra level 7
    Far to the left is a good number of Apex apartments, offices, and even what looks like a bunch of condos. Also found a snowman and a plenty of cerulium on the surface.
  17. smuapple

    smuapple Void-Bound Voyager

    X sector
    X :-43246819
    Y : 92340327
    threat lvl 10

    X Zeces Minoris II c - snow biome
    walk right u will find some huge tech pyramid building down inside of the building have matter block generator activate it for matter block.

    X Zeces Minoris II a - desert biome
    walk right u will find huge avian temple nothing interesting inside just some furniture. continue right u will meet 2 elite monster hope they drop u some goodies and a sand chest containing some sand base furniture blueprint.
  18. mausi

    mausi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Butterfly Boost

    X Sector
    Threat 7

    X: 39129938
    Y: 252260

    X Piscium 780 III a

    Small volcanic planet. Head left from spawn, the butterfly boost is in the apex tech lab.

  19. Yoshirou

    Yoshirou Space Hobo

    X Sector
    X: 18
    Y: -63
    X Myn 912 II
    A big tentacle biome planet , alot of diamonds and uranium at the surface , also Floran base on right side. I have not searched whole planet, so who knows what else hides there :D
    (Nice music there :p)

    # Anybody got any Capes coordinates?
  20. RainbowlySmit

    RainbowlySmit Tentacle Wrangler

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