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Anyone got good coordinates they would like to share?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Day56, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. Neondro910

    Neondro910 Space Spelunker

    Could you post actual coordinates, I can't view the tiny ass picture.
  2. mickybubbles

    mickybubbles Space Penguin Leader

    x persian minoris 7 a
  3. sinni

    sinni Space Hobo

    Looking for an Apex armor vendor that sells their tier 9 armor blueprints! Thanks
  4. mickybubbles

    mickybubbles Space Penguin Leader

    you mean blueprints for different races?
    you just need the tech upgrades to get tier 9
  5. SaintPanda

    SaintPanda Cosmic Narwhal

    I want an X sector gun merchant, level 8 or below.
  6. Galactic Avatar

    Galactic Avatar Cosmic Narwhal

    So my dumb ass did not pay attention and went to Beta Folcetta I a by mistake.
    And amazingly enough I found a High Tech dungeon with a matter block generator!!! And two Avian houses.and a crap ton of iron But mostly you want the generator.
  7. ranmafan

    ranmafan Big Damn Hero

    Alpha 70 Oph Majoris II, forest biome.
    X: 55587277, Y: -7802887

    If you go left, there'll be a HUGE apex settlement. Just before the Apex settlement is a huge cliff face you have to climb. On the right side of that cliff face, dig straight down. You'll fall into a strange tomblike structure. Go left once you hit that layer, there'll be a frog merchant.

    And if you dig down from there, you'll find another exact same structure with a SECOND frog merchant in almost the same place.
    rixto003 likes this.
  8. sinni

    sinni Space Hobo

    yeah that's what I mean
  9. Yeah I looked in the grassland planet and the only thing I found was an apex facility relatively far to the left with none of the items he listed in there.
  10. Sir Orange

    Sir Orange Ketchup Robot

    X sector (X furud majoris III b)
    -90099014 glitch castle to the left, decent loot
    *edit* Sorry if the image broke.
  11. Incinerain

    Incinerain Starship Captain

    forsest starts out with oculemon sibbiome good-sized; surface chest containing oboe present; subterrenean slime biome. Good amounts of gravel and fine sand cave ceiling to automine, conveniently difficult to accidentally collapse or bury oneself. scattered pockets of literal shit with diamonds in it. isnt there a saying about that?

    arid has a surface chest with a monocle in it, extensive soft surface bone biome with multiple entrances to an underground like some convenient bastard spawn of crimson and corruption, good amount collapsible. magmatic crytal areas present. at a certtain depth it becoems surface of the earthand then suddenly BOOM MUSHROOMS. If you need a tier 2 melee weapon there's a surface chest with your pick of three, one unusyual.

    dsnow planet has signs of lfiue over first mo0untsin along with miniboss bird; think it may have slaughtered a merchant in the iglo? I got a sheild from it. Apex lab furhter west. Too cvold to further explore atm but seems promising.
  12. ora003

    ora003 Space Hobo

    Has anyone found a flamethrower or Lightning thrower? Also any interesting vanity gear found like the spacesuit gear?
  13. Bashe

    Bashe Space Hobo

    Finally found the rifle, it was a chest in the side of a hill. It's so far right it is faster to go left. Also there's a gravity neutraliser tech down one of the cracks.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
  14. flazar

    flazar Space Hobo

    I am stuck at the Gamma Sector. I have been playing for about 7 hours since charactor creation and I am sure that I have found the best melee weapon in the game. However, I am more then well aware what does the Level 3 Boss does and how to kill him. I am still looking for a level 3 gun for the most recent update... Anyone help t_t?
  15. XxDevilxXGT

    XxDevilxXGT Subatomic Cosmonaut

    People have posted many gamma sector gun dealers, look through this thread.. Also, you're only in gamma, I suggest getting to Delta and X before wasting your time with guns, in X everything skyrockets in dps. You haven't got the best stuff by far, lots more to go!
  16. mickybubbles

    mickybubbles Space Penguin Leader

  17. Doublejho

    Doublejho Existential Complex

    Beta Omicron-2 CMa 9241 V (?) (it's too long)
    x = -87714704 y= -98993038
    Beta Omicron-2 CMa 9241 VII
    Biome: (edited) Forest
    Threat Level: 2

    Tons of abandoned apex labs on the surface, and one or two high-tech labs with matter generators inside if anyone is interested.
    Head left or right, doesn't matter, they're pretty much everywhere and you'll find yourself circiling the planet by the time you're done.

    Diamonds were abundant when I went mining deep down, also.

    This might help you, Flux.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  18. showbag

    showbag Intergalactic Tourist

    Has anyone come across any pinkish vanity head wear? all I'm missing from a complete vanity set =)
  19. Fizz

    Fizz Big Damn Hero

    X: -65291218 Y: -21791079
    x P Cyg 669 II a
    Biome: Moon
    Threat Level: 10

    Planet contains a Gun merchant and a few chest walk a little ways to the left and you my friend shall find an anchor
  20. Does anyone have cords for a level 5 x sector planet with a gun vendor?
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