OOC Planet H3R01CS, sign-up

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by phanaton, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

  2. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am on my phone and can't find it.are you just joking or do you mean "Now" as in today?;D
    Or I just can't find it
  3. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Im joking
    Im just saying that I wish it would
  4. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeas,same here :) .
  5. GravityFlux

    GravityFlux Guest

    Well, better run.
    Im in Uni, and I should not be doing this in a University full of computer specialists.
    Yeah, yeah, shut up, Proffesor Elfar.
  6. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    Oooooooooo... Can I join? I am a huge Marvel fan and was considering starting a similar (more light -hearted thread) that was a mick-take of the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters called the College for Talented Folk.

    Can my power be teleportation?
  7. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sure ,just fill in your application and wait for phanaton to accept it!
    Teleportation could be a bit too op if it's like the black guy from Wolveriene origins, but if its like jumpers power, the power wouldn't be of much use since you don't know where everyone is and if you wanted to get somewhere you could just walk there in few seconds since time and space doesn't really exist in a multiplayer rp.
  8. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Haha :D, well good luck not getting caught.;D
  9. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    It's kind of more like Pixie's (my favorite X-Men character) and it has unlimited range but requires A LOT of concentration (cannot be used if in pain for example). Also like Pixie, my character would really have to be talked into going anyplace with a lot of danger. My guy's nickname is Blinky.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  10. austriss

    austriss Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pixie really reminds me of alizia yea she is pretty cool.looking at other players that have more powerful powers this sounds pretty good to go for me,but I'm not the gm anyway so you will have to wait for phanaton's approval.
    Just fill in the application (1st post) so we can know more about you
  11. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    :D Not really got time now but I know his backstory and he is mentally a level 5 (more timid/random than scary crazy though).
  12. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    I wonder if that latest post of mine breaks the rules too much? I'm a bit uncomfortable with using rude words.
    Christa tends to lapse into swear-word barrages when faced with absurd circumstances. She just, you know, never says it out loud.
  13. Fencer

    Fencer Phantasmal Quasar

    I submit to you Gun, the homeless hero!

    ;;Application for Role Play
    Name: Ciel
    Surname: Mianogi
    Alias: Gun
    Age: 22
    Physical Appearance: Standing at 5'10", with blue eyes and unkempt brown hair, clothed in a tattered dark brown leather duster and wearing ruined wide-brim hat. Being homeless and wanted doesn't leave much time for fashion.
    Mental State: 3 (Driven by his purpose, but the guilt of his past and those he has killed weighs heavily on him)
    Moral Inclination: Anti-hero. To the authorities, he is still a wanted criminal, but to his former associates he is a threat that needs to be taken down now.
    Power: Super speed. Ciel uses his powers to move in with insane speed (duh) and disarm his foes before they can react, run along walls and over water, and his signature: throw small items at supersonic speeds, specifically bullets. He doesn't need a gun -- he is a gun.
    Weakness: Like any runner, Ciel needs to be in top shape, in particular, his lungs need to be able to process the huge amount of oxygen needed to sustain his speed. As such, he needs to be able to breath easily, but atmospheric contaminates (very musty areas, cigarette/cigar/fire smoke, airborne toxins) quickly reduce him to a coughing fit due to his hyperactive respiration.
    Background: Ciel was born into the hard streets of Old Anarchis, among the beggars and thieves. Taken in at a young age by the Ruigo Crime Syndicate, he was trained as a triggerman and wheelman, but was noted for his "overactive" conscience. On one fateful night, Ciel had been brought along with one of the underbosses for the syndicate to teach a lesson to a problematic hero by teaching her family what it meant to mess with the Ruigos. When ordered to slaughter the hero's family, Ciel refused, saying they had nothing to do with the actions of the hero.

    The underboss took his gun from him, and pulled out a single bullet, shoving it in Ciel's face. "You don't get to think -- you're just a gun. Guns are tools, and tools do what they are told." the underboss said, before shoving Ciel aside and leveling the weapon at the helpless father and children. At that moment for Ciel, time seemed to slow down. He wasn't just a gun -- he got to decide what he did and did not do. Gripping the bullet in hand, the pulled back and pitched it at the underboss, and to his surprise the bullet left his hand with a crack and struck the underboss in the head, killing him instantly -- before the underboss harmed the family. With a warning to the father telling them to flee to New White, Ciel left, knowing that his betrayal would soon be known. It no longer mattered to him, he couldn't keep pretending that what he was doing to people was justified. If he was a Gun after all, he would be used in the cause of righting the wrongs he had committed, and taking down the Ruigo syndicate and any who would dare take their place.

    On the run from heroes as a wanted criminal, hunting from his new enemies in the dark underbelly of Old Anarchis, Gun, as he calls himself now, had few friends and fewer he could trust in his bid to undo the harm he had done. He now patrols the streets of Old Anarchis from the shadows, hunting down those who would use their powers to harm others and trying to prove the world that he is not the enemy he once was.

    (Edit: I popped over to the RP thread. Plot hook possibility: The Ruigo's are liasons/minions for Crimson Light?)
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2013
  14. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    He sounds awesome!
  15. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    I would like to commend you on your character sheet.
    Super speedsters are tough to get at.
    Especially if they can turn pebbles into barrages of dakka.
  16. Fencer

    Fencer Phantasmal Quasar

    Much dakka indeed. Not sure if complimenting or being concerned. @_@

    This was a M&M character I made once -- he was kind of broke (run-by-attack and a move speed of several miles a turn meant in any open environment I would run onto the play field, attack someone, then run off unable to be harmed. Obviously for balance in this (he was completely with bounds for M&M) sake I won't make him that fast in this, but I think you get the idea.
  17. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Eh, I dunno. Partially complimenting, partially concerned, maybe.
    Probably because my current character seems to be, er, well, normal compared to the others right now. No fireball-throwing, shadowbeam-blasting, mindsploding, telekinesis, magic, regeneration, biomanipulation, vampirism or super speed. Just wings and ten years of near-constant training so hard it can make Spartans cry.
  18. The Neon Seal

    The Neon Seal Sandwich Man

    I've posted my sheet to the GM in a conversation post (with nullifying weakness) but this is the 'public' version:

    Name: Orun Gast (More commonly known as 'Blinky')

    Age: 19

    Physical Appearance: Height is 6ft. Hair is Blue and Green (white before Mutation manifest). Eyes are Blue (Black when opening a quantum tunnel). Gangly in build.

    Mental State: 5

    Moral Inclination: Full Hero (With chance of swinging to Antihero)

    Power: Teleportation. It has unlimited range, but requires a lot of concentration so can be very difficult if in pain or distressed state. If suddenly startled, Orun might Jump to a place where he feels safe as a knee-jerk reaction. Also, jumping at short notice or without enough concentration can end in a 'open jump', landing in a random place and scattering his 'passengers' between the point of departure and intended destination. His skittish nature also means that it will take some convincing to get him to port anywhere with any great amount of danger.

    Background: Timid in nature and fluffy in mind, the orphan Orun was raised on the streets of Old Anarchis by a shadow, a master thief with a heart more wonderful than anything she ever stole. Her name was Mala Gast (you may have heard of her) and she could turn herself invisible...

    Mala, the virtuous thief made more than a few enemies on her nightly adventures, with Crimson Light chief among them. She was rather worried about the dizzy Orun; he displayed no sort of power and she had no idea how he might survive on his own. She rarely let him leave their den.

    Then, one day, when Orun was just sixteen, a Crimson Light strike force raided the hideaway. As if by instinct, Orun grabbed Mala's wrist and the two of them suddenly found themselves in the forests far outside Old Anarchis. He was a Mutant.

    When the opportunity came to flee to New White, they seized it. Before they could make good their escape however they were attacked by unknown forces and Mala sacrificed herself so that her 'Blinky' could get away.

    Now he finds himself lost on the streets of New White. Armed with only a spud gun and a Taser. He always had a knack for fixing things (he maintained Mala's equipment) but he wishes to get fully educated in the ways of applied theoretical engineering and jiggery pokery. He also wants to find the men who killed his only friend and guardian, but he does not know what he will do when he finally meets them...
    austriss likes this.
  19. Fencer

    Fencer Phantasmal Quasar

    Super speed is listed specifically as a usable power in the OP. It's kinda difficult to have "normal" people in a RP based around super powers. I also tried to give him a pretty serious and (while unknown) common power weakness, on top of all the personal issue he would face. Ain't my first rodeo, I've been doing this for a decade, just not here.

    Speaking of the OP, I assume I need to wait for approval before starting, per normal rules (assuming OP is still around). In the meantime, I've glanced over the thread -- anyone care to supply a quick synopsis so I can make a little more sense of what is going on?
  20. m0k0n4

    m0k0n4 Ketchup Robot

    Can't really argue with that. I hope being batman-style 'normal' is enough to go up from the lowest-tier barrel that are the muggles, but eh. I'll see.
    I'm pretty much a newbie in RPing, but I hope my OCD is working well enough to boost my writing quality.

    Well, let's see. I'm quite tired at the moment, so I can't make a very good synopsis.
    Event milestone #1 was Animalicus' harpy-thingies hunting Alaizia, repelled by Silas/Epsilon.
    Event milestone #2 was an Animalicus-brand several-dozen-feet titan, went until it ran outta juice.
    Event milestone #3 was a mysterious light blue 'mist' of souls, Legion-style.
    And now we're going to throw a shiny rock into the place where Legionmist came out and close the gates. Or something.

    BTW, OP has said that new characters have to wait until the New White arc.
    The Neon Seal likes this.

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