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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Braindawg

    Braindawg Intergalactic Tourist

    i hit 3 of those gas shrines in a row, havent opened a single one since that.
  2. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    There is one effect that instantly hit for 96damage a few patches ago. I had no time to react whatsoever and was instantly killed the moment i opened it.

    I was aware of negative effects, which is why i made sure i was at high health before opening it. The buffs you get however seem minor, similar to what the simpacks give you. But there is a risk of getting instantly killed, and losing 30% of your pixels aswell as time spend.

    As a result i simply do not open these anymore. Neither does anyone i personally know who plays Starbound, once bitten twice shy. And before long hardly anyone will gamble death on a short glow, and the effort to put these shrines into the game wouldve been wasted energy as players are purposely avoiding the mechanic as a whole.

    One-hit kills shouldnt be on these shrines and the rewards need to be better so people are excited to find one.
  3. LeoKitsune

    LeoKitsune Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I get the feeling these pods are just some sort of unfinished feature, just a theory. I guess we can only wait and see what will happen.
    dooder39 likes this.
  4. MDK

    MDK Aquatic Astronaut

    I think the shrines in general are quite badly balanced atm. They should be something the player is looking forward to, but I just avoid them like a plague in their current state. In the past I have been one shoted by them multiple times. I don't know how the recent changes have affected the situation. Even if they don't one shot people anymore I don't find it worth my time to activate one. Most of the time they just give a negative effect and even when the effect is positive I don't really find them super helpful.

    I agree. It's quite possible that in the future they will provide something totally different to the current buff/debuffs.
    IcyMist27 and Marshall.Duke like this.
  5. Marshall.Duke

    Marshall.Duke Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Im going to have to agree with exactly this, though I think you are a filthy casual for whining about death penalties, you do have a point.
    These capsul shrine things are pointless, there needs to be a better incentive to use them besides "speed boost" for half a minuet, such as maybe there is an equal chance that it gives you 1000 pixels, or a random weapon, otherwise I can confidently say that after getting killed by them for the second time, nobody is going to ever even bother with these things.
    as it stands they are pointless bobbles taking up time in terrain generation, there shouldn't be an item in the game that players learn to ignore completely, or seek out to destroy to avoid accidental use.
  6. Marshall.Duke

    Marshall.Duke Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    like jump boost, i'm not sure if its positive or negative but before the indignant koala patch, jump boost kept getting me killed with fall damage as soon as the terrain underneath me went 2 blocks downwards from where I jumped.
  7. Braindawg

    Braindawg Intergalactic Tourist

    one thing i would love to see from theese shrines, is increased buff duration, maybe till death or somthing but to balance it out they could reduce buff effect (and damage from the negative effects)
  8. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

  9. CrownFox

    CrownFox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It's not actually gambling in the same sense people seem to be trying to compare it.

    People, gambling is something that is tediously balanced. It's designed to give you a risk and reward that is just close enough to equal in your eyes that you will keep throwing your money at it. You would not walk into a Casino if there was only a 5% chance of your money increasing. That would be ludicrous, and you'd only prove you shouldn't be allowed access to your own damn money.

    The reward should be great enough when gambling that it drives you to continue to gamble. Otherwise you're just paying $100 to sit in front of blinking lights for thirty minutes. You could do the same thing with a bunch of Christmas lights for $10.

    That said, a lot of people seem to be misinterpreting the concept behind the Beta. Things are broken. Things are horridly broken, unfinished, and unbalanced. It's your duty to point out what is imbalanced, and offer feedback. Arguing to someone that they're simply "not good enough" is asinine. This is a beta product that they have every right to offer their opinions on. Acting snide and dismissing their opinions only labels you as childish and unable to handle critical thinking.

    I had hoped that a greater portion of the user base would understand that concept, as the devs have stated many times that this is a Beta product, and that they expect us to offer feedback. That obviously is not the case. The few people who do offer constructive criticism(you know who you are), are offering much more to this community(and the game) than those who have only treated issues dismissively and without the deserved respect.

    To remain on topic; I believe that this definitely needs a bit more tweaking. After the latest patch the balance of these shrines was improved, but it's not yet at a comfortable zone. It's not because they cause too much damage, but simply because the positive outcomes are too minor. I'm a distance through the game; I've far out reached the content that isn't intended as a place holder for later content changes. However, I still tend to avoid these shrines. Not out of fear of death, but simply because they're pointless. With how uncommon they are, a 30 second glow buff offers nothing to me. I have hundreds of torches from the corpses of trees I have slayed without mercy, merged with the fuel of trees slayed in ages past. That glow is meaningless. The increased speed does nothing if I run for two seconds, only to hit a wall, because I'm 600 blocks underground.

    As it is, the shrines need to be reworked. As they are, they're simply an unimportant and throw-away aspect of the game. I would like to find these shrines, squee with giddy glee, and see what nifty buff they give me.
  10. Orolol

    Orolol Poptop Tamer

    Shrine should give FAR better enchant or reward to tempt player to click on it and pray.
  11. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    Crunchy toilet paper.

    Wow. How can so many people upvote an unfriendly and unhelpful remark like this? I thought these forums were better than that.
    CJx101, HrznKn, SethLios and 3 others like this.
  12. GameQB11

    GameQB11 Phantasmal Quasar

    Shrines should keep severe penalty, but give better rewards. It presents a good choice in gameplay. It woudl be wrong if we opened EVERY one we came across. It should always be a risk that you're willing to pass up...forever bugging you.
  13. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    Not anymore. :(
  14. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Agree with me or not...

    Elitist scum.

    If you think disliking death penalties has anything to do with "casual" you wouldn't know real difficulty if it hit you upside the back of the head.
    Marshall.Duke likes this.
  15. Darkmoone1

    Darkmoone1 Void-Bound Voyager

    Honestly I haven't and will probably never touch these shrines if they always have the chance of K.Oing me. If they were always positive then I would actually look into getting them.
  16. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Okay guys, take it outside.

    Frankly, it makes no difference to anyone whether you find the death penalties too harsh or not. It's your opinion, you're entitled to it. If the devs don't agree, SOME modder is bound to, and will adjust things to your liking.
    Thus, complaining about other people's opinions differing from your own is an entirely a non-constructive endeavour.
  17. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    That goes for both sides
    Chthonic One likes this.
  18. dooder39

    dooder39 Big Damn Hero

    Welcome to the internet, besides of that. I agree with those upvotes, this is another whine thread. PERIOD
  19. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Mods don't fix flaws in the core game.
    Are not something I deal in.
  20. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    This really should not be a cop-out excuse for being a dick

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