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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Eriktion

    Eriktion Orbital Explorer

    maybe give them a 2-3 second cooldown before they blow up
    so you can at laest react
  2. Lascivar

    Lascivar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Please don't assume that because people don't agree with your point of view with shrines killing people being a bad thing, that they're doing a disservice to the game. You are not right, nor are you wrong. You have a view and that's absolutely fantastic, but so do other people.

    There are many things the game needs to be improved, but removing the death chance from shrines isn't one of them, although your suggestion to lengthen the buffs actually -is- a good idea in my opinion.
    Boshed likes this.
  3. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    Those buffs are even shorter lived if you're lagging a bit and it takes time to load the planet. Watching the buff fade away, because you're stuck in a jump on the way to somewhere, while game loads the terrain is not fun.
  4. Lando

    Lando Aquatic Astronaut

    I like the idea of playing the lottery, and death could be a calculated risk if getting free pixels, ore or tech was also a possibility. If they, say, 60% of the time gave a positive status, 20% gave a negative status, death and receiving a rare item could share the last 20%. throw a 1/100 chance that they teleport you to some crazy ass dungeon, and I'm in!

    A tooltip explaining their function would also be nice
  5. Percy Lillywinkle

    Percy Lillywinkle Starship Captain

    Personally I like that there is a version that can harm you, having that makes me think twice about weather or not clicking it is actually worth doing making me weigh the pros and cons in my current situation, but I can see how it can be frustrating, it can be for me at times. I want the risk to stay but what if instead of it instantly killing you it did a lot of damage? Maybe 50-90% of your health? That way the risk vs reward factor is still there but you're not frustrated about instantly losing 30% of your pixels instead, what will happen is you'll have to sit for a few seconds using a medkit or bandages.
  6. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, this is why they call it a beta. I highly doubt the big shrines will remain the way they are.

    For starters, I agree with the OP. Instant death just needs to be removed. I liked the idea of making the shrine flash for say 1.5 seconds then it explodes as it would give you some reaction time but it could still very well kill you, so long as it's just not 'click' -dead

    The fact that some poison and some burn you is spot on. I would also like to see one where it spawns say 2 or 3 enemy monsters that start attacking you. Just so long as it isn't an instant click YOU'RE DEAD, I'm good.

    Also, the buffs are extremely short lived. Risking a cheap death, time to travel back to where you were and 20% pixel loss on a potential 20 second jump boost, or maybe a short lived glow when I'm on the surface of the planet in the daytime just isn't worth it. These buffs need to last several minutes not just a handful of seconds and I believe there needs to be more variety of benefits to encourage usage.

    So far I've discovered
    Full Heal....

    That's it. Where's the regeneration shrine that lets me heal over time for a solid 2 minutes? Where's the shrine that showers you with money for a quick 500 pixels? Or dare I say, where's the ultra rare but you just got insanely lucky that gave you an awesome tech shrine? Make me WANT to click these things even at the risk of something bad. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. So much potential can be from these shrines like buffs such as +armor, +damage, +energy regen +mining speed etc. Make a shrine that spawns a mini-boss like you can randomly find from time to time. Have one effect of the shrine randomly teleport you to somewhere else on the planet. Or one that spawns a random merchant! Too much potential here to have it that's currently going to waste IMO. It's a great mechanic, just needs some tweaking.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  7. Tesh

    Tesh Big Damn Hero

    Agreed in every way
    buff Shrines that can be negative is a great idea, but i dont touch them now, why should i, in my current play through i have activated 11 shrines, 9 of which killed me, 1 set me on fire and 1 gave me health
    this is in no way worth it, while yes im betting i had some pretty bad luck there, picture how i felt about the game after my 9th insta death, had i not played another playthrough where i barely encountered the things before the wipe, i might have just given up right there and then

    in any game, instant kill with no counterplay is the worst decision possible.
    instant kill with a warning is fine, but random instantkill is VERY bad for a game.

    the poison and burn are fine, maybe inflict 25% of max HP damage or 50% current, but do NOT instant kill, this is the sort of thing that kills peoples enjoyment in a game like starbound,
    me, being someone who has waited for this game for years, i had to put the game down for a while after hitting my 3rd instant kill in a row, honestly if this was new to me i would have given up there and then
  8. Lascivar

    Lascivar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm honestly surprised by the third time you just hadn't learned your lesson. That's depressing in itself.

    Eriktion, CJx101, CrownFox and 2 others like this.
  9. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Haha no. It's called gambling. It was your choice to use the damn thing and you knew the risks. Suck it up and face the consequences
    dooder39 likes this.
  10. Tesh

    Tesh Big Damn Hero

    what exactly is the pay off for taking this gamble? there simply isnt one worth the gamble, and thats the problem (well any random instant tkill is bad for a game like this)
  11. dooder39

    dooder39 Big Damn Hero

    Indeed it isn't worth the gamble, but then the problem isn't the instant dead where OP complains about. But the rewards, and the rewards must IMO be more rewarding.
    IcyMist27 likes this.
  12. Rask

    Rask Orbital Explorer

    Instant death shrines: people stop interacting with them, making them a wasted feature.
    CJx101 and IcyMist27 like this.
  13. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    The pay off depends on your circumstances at the time that you find it. For example I once came across one when I ran out of bandages and I was on one health. I was gonna die anyway so I decided to try my luck. I was healed to FULL health and able to go on. There's one example of a payoff
    Eriktion likes this.
  14. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Honestly I think these random outcomes should be reworked completely... and to me it seems they just used some buffs they had at the moment instead of creating new stronger ones just for the suicide boo-- shrine thingies!
    Eriktion likes this.
  15. CaptThad

    CaptThad Pangalactic Porcupine

    I haven't seen anything in the game that tells you what they are or what they do. I have no clue what boosts or rewards these things are capable of. I just know that I've died or been poisoned by them more than anything else--anything else being a couple one or two second boosts--so I just avoid them altogether.

    Seems like if it's going to be a gamble, you should know what you're wagering and what you might be rewarded with before taking the risk. That information should be presented to the player in-game long before they consider instant death penalties.
  16. Unstable

    Unstable Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd argue that these kind of instant-death effects are completely unfair to new players.

    It goes directly against the learning experience; from an early start the game implies that it's beneficial to hunt for these kind of chests as opening the smaller ones always yields a small sum of pixels for the player to gather up.

    Having no experience that these things can cause instant death is therefore unfair to new players. There simply is no "fun-factor" in having travelled half-ways around the planet only to succumb in a gaseous explosion because you thought that you had found something of greater value.

    A fix would be that the negative effects should be scaled down at lower tiered planets, so that the player have a decent chance to learn that one should be cautious about the "shrines".
  17. Affero

    Affero Contributor

    One thing they could do is buff the reward from the Status Pod, so instead of a 1 minute boost you get a 5 minute boost. That way it's actually worth the risk of getting instakilled.
  18. Shub

    Shub Void-Bound Voyager

    I see Shrines useless, so yeah, fix them.
  19. Nyaria the Apex

    Nyaria the Apex Space Penguin Leader

    I'm not sure if someone has mentioned this yet.

    But if you stand on the very edge of being able to activate the pod, and step back, you can see the color before it comes out, the only time it "Instantly" kills you, is if your standing ontop of it and it proccs the Poison Gas.

    Though, I do agree, the benefits are far inferior to the possible detriments.. the buffs don't even seem to stay that long..
    Eriktion likes this.
  20. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

    People, there IS NO "death sentence" effect. There's a little fire spray, and a poison gas spray.
    You can survive either one, they don't do damage that massive.
    Don't stand too close when opening, you won't get the full damage. Even better, jump away at that moment.
    When you're latching your head to the thing and hurt comes out, there's no excuse.

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