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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Brids

    Brids Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd prefer they keep the insta death but made the boosts either last much longer or make the boost themselves a lot more helpful. They kind of give it an old school rogue-like feel they just need to be more useful to give incentive to actually use them.
    Zweirazor and Fantabulor like this.
  2. IcyMist27

    IcyMist27 Poptop Tamer

    We are here to offer feedback. If no one complained the devs would be at a disservice. Seriously people please stop pretending everything is sunshine and roses. We are here to provide input and help the devs improve the quality of the game so we may all enjoy it all the more when it reaches official release.
  3. Syxx6

    Syxx6 Starship Captain

    But the pay out isn't worth the risk at all.. OH WOW I GOT A 15 second buff!!
  4. Heliostorm

    Heliostorm Phantasmal Quasar

    And that's an argument for it being a good idea... how? If "there are people dumb enough to do anything" was an argument for "anything" being a good idea, why, there'd be no bad ideas at all!
  5. IcyMist27

    IcyMist27 Poptop Tamer

    Guys don't some of you realize the longer you pretend there is nothing wrong with the game the more disservice you are offering to the devs and thus a result the end game product? The game is improved via the feedback we offer. By ignoring the serious issues such as instant death shrines isn't helping anyone nor yourself. You do not get brownie points.

    As it stands we really need the buffs to last around 5x longer to make up for the fact that there shrines are pretty uncommon to begin with and a mere 30 sec buff offers no real sense of reward.
    CJx101 likes this.

  6. There should be varying lengthed buffs for varying tiers of food I think. And the shrine buffs should be a bit longer, but idk about 5 times longer. Maybe 90 seconds or 2 minutes or (5 times) something, it's just a shrine in the middle of no where.

    And yeah the insta kill shrine is kinda bogus, it should maybe take a quarter of your health or something, but not outright kill you.
  7. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    See this is the kinda of player I mean..... playin a game, comparing things to real life cause he cant come up with a real argument based on good design principles and sensibiliy and cant seem to understand why something like this shouldn't be in a game or anything!
    In saying that, you don't just post on forums when you got no sense in a thread with a bunch of people who understand these things and be all like what up my (Alright, I'm not reusing the N word here, deal with it) and walk right up to them this would get you insulted and probably kicked in the nuts in real life if you walked up to a group of random actual inteligent people while being a dumbass (shoulda left the special helmet at home) they would most likely make you feel like real shit because you're dumb and can't help it and posting really stupid rants in the form of really run on sentences, and throw your PC out the window so you stop making everyone facepalm, and do even WORSE SHIT to ya' if you're a miserable pile of lies........
    plain and simple, enough talk, have at you........

    To be honest, I can't tell if "trolling or stupid" but I just knew I had to parody this post the moment I saw it. THE POWER OF UNINTELLIGIBLE GIBBERISH COMPELS ME.
    CJx101, CrownFox, Colton and 2 others like this.
  8. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    The power of unintelligible gibberish compels you! /sprinkles swampy stagnant water
  9. Muhznit

    Muhznit Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Gonna get a bit algorithmic here: Let's assume every possible input-output pair within the gameplay has a specific value. Dying, presumably the worst penalty, SHOULD be valued at -infinity, but at the moment, it's what, a 20% loss in pixels and being sent back to the ship? Assuming that death and the other possibilities are all equiprobable, the expected value of the shrine is (20% loss of pixels + locationChange)+buf1+buf2+buf3.../n, where n is the number of outcomes for the shrine.

    Considering that the loss in pixels increases with time and gameplay, the value correspondingly drops over time. Eventually it gets to the point where even receiving all buffs combined wouldn't make up for the possibility of loosing the pixels you'd keep otherwise.

    Perhaps, in order to keep the element of uncertain reward, these containers should summon a heroic monster? I mean, I'm not sure about others, but I'd rather die from a monster than just die from my own curiosity.
    CJx101 and XaoG like this.
  10. DasRav

    DasRav Big Damn Hero

    I am in the rebalancing boat for these things. With the death penalty on pixels, gambling on a random buff or unavoidable death is not worth it at all. I see the shrines as free torches underground, it is their best use currently.

    At the very least I want to know what buff I will get before I click. Then if the buff is what I need right now, gambling on the shrine maybe exploding is more of a meaningful decision. Even better would be if it spawned enemies instead of outright killing you. Enemies that do not drop loot. That way, you have gameplay to avoid the damage (and if you fail you might die), but it is not a coin toss of life/death.
  11. dooder39

    dooder39 Big Damn Hero

    LOL no, that you blindly activate things is your problem, you should've known that they can have negative effects too.

    And if you can't handle the gamble, then stop playing the game kid.
  12. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    That first part makes a hell of a lot of sense, and the last part is exactly what I expected to be a common negative outcome. I honestly don't understand how someone thought it was a good idea to make on of the negative outcomes "explode the player" as it lacks any form of interplay and is entirely imbalanced against nearly anything else the shrine could do. At least with a dangerous boss monster you have the option to try to fight or run to survive, and if you manage to come out on top you might get something decent for your efforts still.

    I actually wouldn't mind seeing PoE style shrines, for that matter, which is to say an always positive buff, however surrounded by dangerous monsters that get that buff until you pick it up.

    Also, as a side note, the value for dying would be valued at -infinity if and when people play the game on a Hardcore mode, since permadeath would make attempting shrines absolutely out of the question until you got to the point you could somehow face tank the damage. Even then, it would likely be too risky to really bother with.
  13. Bearo

    Bearo Contact!

    Shrines are basically useless. Sometimes they can heal you, but its pointless for the option of instant death. I think they are just to impractical to be in the game for any good reason. Instead they should offer the possibility of a good item. Then we could risk the instant death.
    dooder39 likes this.
  14. dooder39

    dooder39 Big Damn Hero

    True that, the positive effects are pretty pointless (except the healing one). It should get better positive effects, or also a chance to give items. But removing the instant death is just a retarded idea.
    Bearo likes this.
  15. piinyouri

    piinyouri Aquatic Astronaut

    Yup. I pass them by all the time.
    Not remotely worth the risk.
  16. Chandrak

    Chandrak Phantasmal Quasar

    KillerNacho basically says what I think.

    They need to either get rid of the instant death, or add in some kind of REALLY good rewards to balance it. Right now the buffs are far too temporary to make it anywhere NEAR worth dying or being badly injured.

    Its just not worth it right now. Like the above, I just ignore shrines entirely currently.
  17. Bearo

    Bearo Contact!

    Yep, if it gets redone it will just be a little risk/reward chest.
  18. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

    Just whipped up an SP/host mod for anyone that actually wants to like those shrines.
    1 file being replaced:

    No fire or poison, now there's a chance to drop a lit flare or be shot by a nude-survivable Bomb that's on a normal fuse if it misses.

    Attached Files:

  19. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    What changes does this bring?
  20. Zweirazor

    Zweirazor Aquatic Astronaut

    And your reply shows how your just a baby that wants it handed to him on a plate even more.
    it's a Survival game not a Rainbow and unicorn game. and on top of my comment about that, I dare you to walk up to a gang in the street and act like your hot stuff tell me how well that goes for you. ( when or if you can walk and type again) and on top of that you stated intelligent people (that you spelt wrong) wouldn't even hit you they would laugh at you and walk off, also not everyone is intelligent so again it comes to chance like with the shrine, one group would walk off and laugh and then again another group could or with out a doubt beat the crap out of you just for laughs.
    But most people would look at the person and their cloths and make a judgement on what kind of person they are before approaching them, same as in the game, you look at them they don't look friendly and you take steps to deal with them.
    And if you're to mentally challenged to tell the difference, don't comment acting like you know.
    Also I wasn't Trolling I was stating a point for someone that ones things handed to them with risk free repercussions.
    And as for your sad come back about my computer and what other people think of me, I am not here to post comments about what people think of me like you just did.
    I'm posting comments on how people play the game and how people see the game.
    I'm not out to make friends or enemy's, but I won't let wannabe comedian.
    Also it's very small minded of you to assume that I'm stupid in the hope that some one else will find it funny.
    Nice quote by the way, it instils in me your level of intelligence and open mindedness.
    You have just marked me as unintelligent cause of how I commented on your post about complaining that the game is instant-killing me cause don't take percussions when approaching something that I don't fully understand.
    And I won't be replying to you cause I don't wast my time talking to small minded people, that like to blow them self's up on trying to belittle people.

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