Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    Tec-ums's lab away from home. She will rebuild.
  2. Wolfedg

    Wolfedg Pangalactic Porcupine

    You're gonna have fun rebuilding that when the game is actually released... make sure you write down the coords.
  3. markgodine

    markgodine Void-Bound Voyager

    Go ahead! I destroyed a Glitch civilization for the bricks. I'm not even that sorry about it either >.>
  4. Seredoc

    Seredoc Void-Bound Voyager

    Never got to show off my place last time, oh well.
    Here's what I've dug out, literally, so far.

  5. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

    Finally decided to build a house after getting into the beta sector.
    SirKaldar, BL00DIEDHELL and Seredoc like this.
  6. OrientAcorn

    OrientAcorn Void-Bound Voyager

    Apparently people liked that so I decided to show my more recent ship from after the wipe.
    I love ship houses.
    Jackie2581 and SirKaldar like this.
  7. krnzmaster

    krnzmaster Starship Captain

    wow....... i havent even left my first planet yet and u already have the molten anvil! lol
  8. Ghen

    Ghen Aquatic Astronaut

    i just wanna ask you guys who really have a house here did you manage the item storage when exploring to other planet?, or are you leave all the items on the ship and in your house just simply decorative item?
    2.the idea of have a house is that mean you staying on one planet or if you exploring other planet you will choose as close as possible to your home planet?
  9. markgodine

    markgodine Void-Bound Voyager

    I usually left my stuff in my ship's locker. And as for exploring, you can set your homeworld to the planet where you build your house. You can go anywhere in any of the sectors and just click "Go Home" on the navigation panel in your ship to go back to your home planet.
  10. PicklePackle

    PicklePackle Phantasmal Quasar

    You can cheese the UFO now with this patch.
  11. Spzi

    Spzi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My Cool lookin ship home First House.jpg
  12. TheCourier

    TheCourier Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    My house before the character wipe. I had some lab equipment below ground which is why that hole is there. Also there was a nice little banana farm to the left. That's me in my beautiful wedding dress I found in a castle :rofl:
    SirKaldar and alvaro1000 like this.
  13. Firestar

    Firestar Void-Bound Voyager

    My home. :) It needed more plating but with the wipe incoming.... meh.
    Took me forever to get some of the blocks. Like the stupid wicker that's only used in one tile high in the garden.
    And clearly I didn't get enough light metal to finish in time, but I'm so proud of this regardless.

    I think the entrance is my favorite where it looks like the side of another building.
    I think I'll build my own village on a nice planet whenever steam starts working again.
    The kitchen feels cramped and I really wanted to add a chef spawner to it. Not all that inappropriate to feel a bit cramped on a ship though. I love the different lighting effects and all the little details that went into this project. Sad to see it go.

    Wanted to expand the entrance to include archery targets... Yeah, I think next time around, I'll build a nice village somewhere and have only the basics and the large garden on my ship. No need for all that fancy nonsense. It'll go planetside.

    What? What do you mean you don't steer your ship by pressing a big, red button? I thought everyone did... ;)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  14. Noble

    Noble Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The house I built last night pre-wipe, I thought of it earlier but never had the resources. I went on a mad dash around planets and finally created my moon base... when suddenly an NPC stim merchant spawned in my house. (she's on the torture table, for some reason)

    such cool
    Akula079 and SirKaldar like this.
  15. OrientAcorn

    OrientAcorn Void-Bound Voyager

    The trick is to build a small bunker with hole in the top to fire your bow at the boss ;)
  16. PicklePackle

    PicklePackle Phantasmal Quasar

    I cheesed him even without doing that.
  17. sankto

    sankto Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well the wipe has come and gone, and i've made a new base, that is until the next wipe :

    I found a way to zoom out :
    - Open the file starbound.config in the starbound installation folder;
    - Find the line "zoomlevel", set the value to less than 2 (like, 1.5, 0.8, etc)

    My picture was taken with a zoomlevel of 1.5.

    It even comes with a beautiful sunrise !

  18. Hanfree

    Hanfree Big Damn Hero

    My friends take materials i build this snow base in the photos is undercosntruction but now is gone with the reset
    Shador, Jackie2581, SirKaldar and 3 others like this.
  19. Vicius

    Vicius Aquatic Astronaut

    Wow! some of you are truly inspirational... thank you for giving me some great ideas :D
    Shador likes this.
  20. Korva

    Korva Astral Cartographer

    Houses are meaningless. I carry crafting equipment with me.

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