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Pixel Your Pixel Art!

Discussion in 'Art' started by B|eak, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. beebot83

    beebot83 Big Damn Hero

    Why is everyone so good at art?! :cry:
    Evangelion likes this.
  2. NukeACitrus

    NukeACitrus Space Hobo

    Because the world is more beautiful that way.
  3. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Correction: why does it seem like everyone is better at art than me?! :cry:
  4. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

  5. NukeACitrus

    NukeACitrus Space Hobo

    Maybe they spent more time doing artsy stuff? With training comes excellence. Where they can paint trees in pixel styles, perhaps you're better in creating other forms of art? Expand! Explore! Find your own path! C:
  6. beebot83

    beebot83 Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, Let's review my attempts at being artsy:
    Programing: took me 2 days to get my character to move.
    Sketching: only good at copying images line for line.
    Pixel art: I've already explained.
    Music composition/songwriting: Never more than 2 bars/sentences
    So in conclusion... I suck at every creative activity I want to do. (sorry about semi-ranting)
  7. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    No, you don't suck I really like your small character sprite, and programming (Never tried my hand at it yet, but my dream career is game creator/developer/artist) takes practice! I'm not sure how to do music so I don't have any pro-tips there... So in counter conclusion practice makes perfect!
  8. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Trust me, people are just naturally better at it than me. If everyone started at the same level, I'd still be behind them. I've taken classes too... I'm just doing something wrong and I don't know what yet.
  9. Kuri

    Kuri Aquatic Astronaut

    Ahh, I'm sorry ;-;
    I've never really though that art is all about deciding who's better at what than others personally, it's about expression, blah blah, that stuff. It took me a lot of time and effort and really really bad art to get anywhere near where I've gotten, and I still have a lot to learn (hence why I chose to go to art school :D). So yeah, I hope that helps a bit I suppose.
    NukeACitrus likes this.
  10. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    Ded Thred
  11. CatBerry

    CatBerry Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Elffa and B|eak like this.
  12. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    *Likes Jamming Kitten*
  13. Magikat

    Magikat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    [​IMG] Don't like the default human eyes all that much no correct sprite templates online atm the closest from the sprite tutorial guy in this stance was a bit different than from ingame so I fixed it
  14. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    The outline on the hair needs to be a bit lighter; it'll be easier on the eyes.
  15. Magikat

    Magikat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I thank you for the suggestion I sort of rushed mine. I spent more time on this tho for my bf [​IMG]
    B|eak likes this.
  16. B|eak

    B|eak Void-Bound Voyager

    I like it a lot!
  17. CobaltCrysis

    CobaltCrysis Seal Broken

    Here's a picture of myself I did a while back.
    Magikat likes this.
  18. Ragnerock

    Ragnerock Void-Bound Voyager

    :3 i love my gf who made me this sprite
  19. SpyStone

    SpyStone Void-Bound Voyager

    A little weirdo with 3 fingers no leg only 2 rockets...

  20. Magikat

    Magikat Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    My last post on this pixel art forum [Don't want to intrude] Just made it bai peeps it's been fun <3

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