Please Implement A Warp Beacon, Doing Anything Underground Is Tedious Without It

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Pizzarugi, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. AhmNee

    AhmNee Big Damn Hero

    The exploit some are worried about could be mitigated. I'd like a surface beacon you can get early on in the game so you can set where you warp to.

    Then later, a point to point teleporter. Once both ends are placed, you need to interact with both to link them. Making you visit both ends once to set it up. If you move one end, you have to link them both again, so you can't just throw it down for an instant get out of jail free.

    If it's in a stationary position, it's not really different from a quick "save and exit" to get out of trouble. But still reduces travel tedium.
  2. Lorgarmor

    Lorgarmor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay, you got a point in that, but what I was trying to point out is, that teleporting back does not help you proceeding if you meet monsters, that are difficult to defeat. It would prevent you from losing pixels, but the process is the same like dying. If you prevent using the teleporter in combat, your risk would nearly be the same but it would help miners that to dig very deep to get rare ores.

    Real elevators like in Clonk would be nice!
  3. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just so you know, tedium =/= challenge. Tedium is tedium, and its bad for games.
  4. multieyedmyr

    multieyedmyr Starship Captain

    I dont care about warping to the surface, its the setting a spot on the surface to warp too that i would love. heck they can even set it so the item warped too needs to be above ground.
  5. Doc Honcho

    Doc Honcho Big Damn Hero

    Fixed in latest patch
  6. Cavenyanson

    Cavenyanson Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I could not agree more.
    Warboss_Spriggs likes this.
  7. kik4444

    kik4444 Existential Complex

    As you've noticed, even if there aren't any blocks above you, you still can't warp back to your ship if you're deep into the ground. I'd like to be able to beam back no matter how deep in the planet I am, as long as there's at least a 2 block wide hole leading up to the surface
    Warboss_Spriggs likes this.
  8. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    This sounds like a good idea to me. :)
    That's how I imagined teleport working before I got my hands on the beta.
  9. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    -1 useless post, no thanks.

    I couldn't care less about what you've already pointed out. This sort of thing is a fast track to ignore lists, though, so go ahead and keep it up.
  10. multieyedmyr

    multieyedmyr Starship Captain

    I didn't point it out but i think it is interesting you can dish out a smarmy post but you cant take one in response.

    Edit: in fact your right the ignore button is fun thanks for the reminder!!
  11. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Nah, I just have a severe hatred of stupid, and people who support stupidity.

    Enjoy I suppose, you know what they say is bliss and all.
  12. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That doesn't sound aesthetically pleasing, leaving a massive gash through the planet like that. And that sounds just as affective as, say, making a helevator from the default warp point.
  13. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wouldn't mind doing a little work to establish a means of getting in and out of deep caves quicker, and it does keep people from using it as a quick escape despite there are already ways to do so.
    Warboss_Spriggs likes this.
  14. daniskarma

    daniskarma Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think at the begining is good have to walk all the way back (maybe with a more funny underground, with more things and mosters and dungeons). But in some point of mid game, we should have some way to go back easy to surface, or even to our ship. Maybe not instantly, or maybe yes. But a way to do it.
  15. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    No you can still do it, but not from really deep underground. At the depth where you can no longer drain water to the background, mine out the background to get daylight, that's the point I think where you can't use the background hole to port back to your ship.
  16. GrumpyZombie

    GrumpyZombie Dark Lord of the Sith

    Thread moved to "Suggestions".
  17. Theodrim

    Theodrim Zero Gravity Genie

    I'm not sure I like the idea of items that allow you to beam in and out anywhere at any time. Just seems like it trivializes the exploration aspect(s) and difficulty of the game.

    That said, it would really help to be able to set your beam-in location on a planet's surface. It does suck to find something really worth exploring, have to beam out for whatever reason, and spend 15-20 minutes walking back and wading through trivial monsters when you beam back in. Or, when you've decided to build an outpost away from your initial beaming location.

    That said, I can suggest some goodies that would increase convenience without wrecking exploration or outpost-building. The first being a dish that can be wired to an interior (or underground) teleport pad to allow for indoor beaming. Signal booster items that can be placed, that allow for beaming out but not back in, that work either by line-of-sight or in a fixed radius (which require building a contiguous relay network back to the surface) would not be a terrible idea, either. A costly, consumable, emergency teleporter could work as well.
    Lazerballs likes this.
  18. PackShrine

    PackShrine Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Don't know if it's already been suggested, but just make the portal a one time use. It costs a lot and people are discouraged from wasting it as a checkpoint. Yeah the people with tons of resources can do this, but if they have tons of resources they won't need to.
  19. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wouldn't that punish people who want to build their base underground? Or... am I the only person who thinks like a dwarf? :cry:
  20. PackShrine

    PackShrine Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I meant you can only place it once, if you try to pick it up and move it, it's destroyed.
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