Please Implement A Warp Beacon, Doing Anything Underground Is Tedious Without It

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Pizzarugi, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. MarZ

    MarZ Space Hobo

    It would be good if you could craft maybe one or multiple beacons in which you can place around a planet so you can then beam down to them. They could also be nameable which allows you to know which beacon your going to. It would definitely make travelling to important locations on planets much easier.
  2. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Seems like a fine idea, I also think the deepest layer should become a little bit more interesting, so far it's just a big hole filled with tough rock, spikes and emptyness, with the occasional chest containing pure junk...
  3. Noobscrublucker

    Noobscrublucker Lucky Number 13

    Beacons are not really exploitable, you can save quit and get back to your ship instantly at any that argument is silly. The issues is after you mined down to the molten core of the earth do you want to drop dangle and kill through all the respawns again and have you mined it out in such a way that you can.... personally i think a placeable object that exists in the world and can be destroyed if damaged that was crafted would be a good could place the becon and then warp to it at any time but if it got killed by a mob or another player your sol that would be a good middle ground.
  4. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    If we're getting beacons/teleport pads, they should be either no longer destructible once placed(or require high tier tools to remove, so you have to think and be careful when placing them and worry less about some jerk coming and destroying it with his stone pickaxe for giggles. ESPECIALLY if it's expensive to make.) Or they can be easy to make, but unique to the planet, can't place more than one.

    I would prefer any kind teleporting to be limited to the surface area(including areas beneath ground as long as surface background is in effect) and make elevators to go down the cave areas. And have elevators take time and require power to be used. Otherwise, place ropes/platforms while you're building the tunnel for the elevator.
  5. HarleyD

    HarleyD Space Spelunker

    I was going to suggest this very same idea, but someone did it for me, hurrah~ 100% agree, a deployable beacon on the planet for your ship to beam you down directly at would be somewhat essential.

    On top of that, why not make it a default thing? Say you start in single player and you beam down to your first planet, tadaa there is the beacon you can pick up and move to a better location and beam yourself down to it. A sorta like...drone that your ship drops down onto the planet. For science fiction reasons and such, naturally a "reciever" would be needed, unless this is startrek and they just need the one platform which is kinda silly but awesome.

    Still, give us warp beacon plox.
    poboy likes this.
  6. poboy

    poboy Void-Bound Voyager

    This sounds bad but suicide is an potion: pixel cost is 30% but it brings you back to your ship. Also "save and quit" also an option. No need for magic mirror.
    As for going back down to where you were, the ship's pad should have options: the different platinum-level pads you placed.
  7. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's exactly why I made this suggestion! I'm positive a number of people are like you and don't bother building bases/digging holes far from your warp point because it takes too long to travel. There's absolutely no incentive in this game to encourage people to go deep into caves for any reason, especially since you can just play hopscotch with the planets and skim the surface for towns and dungeons to loot minerals. Hell, the first dungeon I found when I started playing this game bagged me a handful of platinum!

    If there's no incentives to go down, then you need to add reasons to encourage people to dig. Larger ore deposits, increased frequency of rare ore deposits the deeper you go, adding warp beacons to significantly cut down travelling time to leave/exit these depths, etc.
    Warboss_Spriggs likes this.
  8. SlowShootinPete

    SlowShootinPete Void-Bound Voyager

    If you keep all the dirt you dig up in one of your hotbar slots and use it to build platforms for yourself as you climb back up, getting back to the surface doesn't take long at all

    I've gone down to the cores of planets before and getting back up took only like 5 minutes of following my trail of torches
  9. Master_Discord

    Master_Discord Big Damn Hero

    "took only like 5 minutes of following my trail of torches"

    Yes, but wouldn't that time be better spent doing something fun? Sometimes I try to take a different path back to the surface, but being able to explore a whole planet from a base in the depths would be vastly more interesting than "diggy diggy oops pack is full let's quit and relog to get home" or "diggy diggy oops pack full let's climb back out with dirt platforms". Some automatic mining tools would be a great option as well, as long as it's not just a huge hole from sky to lava.
  10. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    I feel like being able to teleport to the surface would take a lot away form the risk of exploring the depths.
    That's also a big part of why pickaxes have durability: Durability was meant to discourage digging helevators.

    I do think that the depths need more to see, though. More mini-bosses and treasure... more ruins with cool stuff.
    Lazerballs likes this.
  11. Lorgarmor

    Lorgarmor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you explore a huge cave system, with lots of branching paths and you put your torches everywhere to see something, there is barely one trail you can follow back up. When I dig really deep and want to get back up I have to remember significant formations or such or place them myself to roughly mark my trail. But that does not change the point that the teleport from the ship makes you search for your cave everytime you die or need to go back up.

    Hm, the risk is, that there can be monsters that kill you. If you teleport back you are alive but cannot proceed, so a teleporter wouldn't lower the risk down there, it would just prevent you from dying or be a useful replace for crawling all the way up again.
    Since the durability of (my gold-quality) pickaxe can be repaired with lower ores, it does not really discourage intensive digging. My gold pickaxe takes roughly 10 copper ores or so to completely repair it (I don't know how it is in higher tiers, though).
  12. Cavenyanson

    Cavenyanson Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But I don’t WANT to spend 5 minutes every time I want to go to my base. If I just want to get an item or drop something off, I don't want to spend all that time walking there!
  13. irongamer

    irongamer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yep, this is what I ended up doing most of the time. Would be better to have an in game tool or device as the OP suggested.
  14. SlowShootinPete

    SlowShootinPete Void-Bound Voyager

    Ehhh it's really not that bad, at least in the early game
  15. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I looked around to create an alternative mid way to allow the teleport to be upgraded via Tech Levels.

    At the same time laying foundation for a " multipart advanced machine"

    Idea is simple
    It breaks down the telepot to various tech levels

    Tech 1- You teleport back to the last location you teleported from. Not back to starting point.
    Tech 2 - You have beacons upto 3 you can teleport too per planet. You cannot teleport between beacons just to beacons from ship.
    Tech 3. You can create a special chain of Laser transmitters and recievers to teleport back to surface, but must be in a straight line with no obstructiosn
    Tech 4. You gain an additional teleport location store
    Tech 5 - Quantum teleporter which lets you teleport inbetween beacons.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  16. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    "so a teleporter wouldn't lower the risk down there, it would just prevent you from dying"
    That seems like a contradiction. :p
    Isn't that meant to be the risk?
    That you die and lose a lot of pixels and need to go all the way back in there from the surface.

    And yeah the durability is mostly pointless in practise, but I just felt like pointing out the design decision behind it's existance. :)
    It was a pretty hot topic with people freaking out about it back then.

    Personally I tend to just die on purpose to get back to the surface. I'm too lazy to climb back up.
    I think that they should just allow us to build actual elevators so that with enough patience you could build an electric "helevator" to travel back underground.

    I think that fighting against helevators is pretty futile, and they are fun to make anyway.

    But outright teleporting back without having to work a lot for it just seem somehow... cheap to me.
    Same as all the people making mods to bypass pixel loss.
  17. Cavenyanson

    Cavenyanson Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But its unnecessary, what if I have a base on the other side of a planet, because its in the perfect place? I dont want to spend 20 minutes walking and then tping up to my ship, only to realise I forgot something! It's tedious to walk back and forth, because you aren't even exploring! Just walking along the same route.
  18. SlowShootinPete

    SlowShootinPete Void-Bound Voyager

    Being able to craft teleportation beacons so you can beam down to specific spots on the surface is something I'd like to see implemented, so I agree with you there
  19. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    If I had my way they'd have the option to build teleport beacons on surface (to tele there from your ship), and fancy elevator systems you can build to take you underground without needing a gazillion wooden (metal ,temple, whatever!) platforms.
    I feel like it'd be a nice balance between completely ignoring the death penalty at any time and having to constantly walk way too much.

    But of course that's just how I feel about it and I fully expect many to disagree with my opinion. :)
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
  20. multieyedmyr

    multieyedmyr Starship Captain

    -1 already pointed out but thanks.
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