Please Implement A Warp Beacon, Doing Anything Underground Is Tedious Without It

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Pizzarugi, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. hellspawn3200

    hellspawn3200 Void-Bound Voyager

    I like this ide, but make them a bit costly and can only be placed done once and if borken they dont dop as an item. maybe make it cost pixels, or cant be used if there are monsters on your screen. It would be nice to have something like this for under ground bases, and mining tunnels
  2. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sounds like good balance to me, and would enable you to do other fun projects such as making a nexus somewhere on the planet where you have multiple teleport pads. :DD
  3. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    If we're gonna go with placed telepads, how are we gonna deal with griefing? Suppose someone comes along and is all "Darn kids and their teleportation, when I was their age, I had to walk everywhere and didn't have Tech either! Better smash them to let them know how it should be!"

    Only allow the person who placed them remove them, have some kind of remote coded to them or something?
  4. dphan27

    dphan27 Intergalactic Tourist

    You can warp out underground via breaking the wall w/ rightclick pickaxe and a side note you can go pass the lava by putting it out but after a few more you'll fall out of boundries
  5. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    Breaking background wall to warp only works while it's still on surface, once the cave wall starts, no more warp.
  6. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Save+Quit and then reload the game.
  7. FDru

    FDru Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is an interesting idea. And it wouldn't necessarily be imbalancing, so I'm not sure why it would need to be locked to higher tier content. I would look at it just like beds in Minecraft/Terraria where you can choose the spawn point. With some stipulations, this could be made available to even low level players without being overpowered.

    Make it cost a significant amount of the high end resources for whatever tier you're in, like iron bars for tier 1, platinum for tier 2, etc. The reason I suggest this is because they should have a cost, but the materials should be readily available, and traveling to different sectors to collect materials is a hassle (so, for example, if they always cost iron that would be annoying if you're a high level character and want to craft one). Maybe make it 3D printable so materials won't need to be farmed at all late game and you can just make one and buy the rest.

    Put some kind of activation cooldown on it so it can't be used as a get out of jail free card. Like 30 seconds or something.

    Maybe require the player to click on it to bind themself to it on that particular planet (or not, this was mainly just an idea to prevent griefing players to death in multiplayer situations, but I suppose anyone who wants to do that will find a way).
  8. Yoshiru

    Yoshiru Void-Bound Voyager

    So I take it that your ship isn't made of solid matter?
  9. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    Man, that would be hilarious, watch your character beam up and faceplant into the bottom of the ship..."Oops"
  10. h0ax

    h0ax Void-Bound Voyager

    I think there should just be a beacon on the surface. Underground doesn't make sense for me.
  11. Yeah, actually some sort of diablo-esque "town portal" style craftable that is a bit costly would be pretty awesome. Maybe different tiers of a mini worm hole that have varying lengths of time (90 seconds for beginners wormhole, 3 minutes for intermediate wormhole, etc)?

    I think they way it would be used as a preparation tool and less like an exploit.
  12. Lorgarmor

    Lorgarmor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I also would like a system like in Terraria. You place a beacon somewhere (in your base or underground) and with the ship teleporter (and later maybe a carryable item, like the magic mirror in Terraria) you always teleport to the beacon. If none exists on a planet, you simply teleport to the point like it's now.

    Until now I always dig and build near the arrival point, since it's really exhausting always running round half the planet to get to your cave entrance. Such a beacon wpuld give a lot of freedom and safety.
  13. FDru

    FDru Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, theoretically teleportation generally works on the principle of folding space, so you don't actually "pass through" anything between point A and point B.
    Warboss_Spriggs likes this.
  14. Yoshiru

    Yoshiru Void-Bound Voyager

    I like this idea more. But hey, I've been told that spawn changers are planned already. If you'd need a beacon for each person in a server, you could even set up a beaming room. :giggle:
  15. LuckyRare

    LuckyRare Phantasmal Quasar

    Give us Improbability drive based teleporters! Then we should be able to go anywhere! Or Anywhen...Imagine ending up on a planet with dinos or superhightech city as part of possibility xD
  16. sniperium

    sniperium Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  17. NavyDragons

    NavyDragons Void-Bound Voyager

    i also have this issue i like to dig deep and occasionally i will hit a patch of sand or gravel with some good ores in it silver gold etc, sometimes knocking out an entire chasm while digging through this sand have no way back to the surface other than death
  18. Crazher

    Crazher Void-Bound Voyager

    You can pay 20% of your current pixels to be beamed back up to your ship. That's what I do. Sometimes it can be a little expensive, but I am a lazy spelunker who does not want to climb back up.
  19. Neroh Lamia

    Neroh Lamia Void-Bound Voyager

    I would just like to be to set where I spawn on a planet I've colonized. Simple spawn in my castle when I land or spawn next to the mining pit I've made on another planet. That'd be enough for me. No warping or whatnot.
    MarZ likes this.
  20. Leto II

    Leto II Master Chief

    A high cost, permanent teleportation beacon to set at a town would be fine for me.
    Just make it that removing it destroys it. Have it cost like 5000 pixels and 20-50 of several types of bars. This way people can make a base anywhere they want, but people wont throw them down constantly for easy underground exploration.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
    Lazerballs likes this.
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