Building/Ship Show off your house :D

Discussion in 'Screenshots' started by TheVulcanKId, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Incredipede

    Incredipede Title Not Found

    Wow, these pictures made me remember Terraria again. I'm glad that I bought the game today, yey!
  2. Risukage

    Risukage Giant Laser Beams

    After gleefully faffing about and engaging in random acts of kleptomania all over the Avian planet I orbited, I returned to my ship to assemble this nonsensical collection of trinkets and tools. I'm rather pleased with it, as rubbish as it is. Got a bit of a "hoarder" vibe going on already. :)

  3. ljc923

    ljc923 Space Spelunker

    omg so nice!! keep it up!!
  4. DonaldDTS

    DonaldDTS Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is my ship
    This is my room. 5 stories total. I went for scary, advice?
    The rest of the house that I live in with friends, in case anyone wanted to see.
  5. GrandTickler

    GrandTickler Void-Bound Voyager

  6. Emenii

    Emenii Space Spelunker

    Nice stuff. May I ask where you found this rainbow wood? :O
    That stuff looks amazing.
  7. Wolfedg

    Wolfedg Pangalactic Porcupine

    Mine is somewhat basic as I don't want to get too far into the game only to have it wiped
    Dargona1018 and Show like this.
  8. Dsurion

    Dsurion Big Damn Hero

    Welcome to Storage-ship (I´ll have to build something decent after the wipe :X)

    SirKaldar and UrashimaStar like this.
  9. PurpleMonkey

    PurpleMonkey Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Here's my farm and lab...



    SirKaldar and piinyouri like this.
  10. DirkLarien

    DirkLarien Void-Bound Voyager

    Incredible creations. Its really amazing what people can do. :up:
    Here are my humble houses.

    Avian character, My first house. (Andulak is jamming for some squatters that now live with him, i guess :) )

    Second house was made just for the fun in building.
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  11. Lonejoe

    Lonejoe Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Mine beats all of yours by far mwuhahahaha! ( not really) [​IMG]
    SirKaldar and skulledrebel like this.
  12. GrandTickler

    GrandTickler Void-Bound Voyager

    remade my ship real quick :p went from hi-tech looking to cozy looking :)
  13. puenboy

    puenboy Space Hobo

    I once tried to fit as many things in as possible, and found it to be too messy. What do you think?
    BL00DIEDHELL likes this.
  14. QShadow

    QShadow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is my Ship, there are many ship like these, but this one is mine.
    Without my ship, I'm nothing.
    Without me, my ship is nothing.

  15. DakoShark

    DakoShark Pangalactic Porcupine

  16. Flux_fur

    Flux_fur Space Spelunker

    Attached Files:

    SirKaldar likes this.
  17. Raton

    Raton Aquatic Astronaut

    Here's my house.
  18. ldjulius

    ldjulius Space Hobo

    [​IMG] Work in progress. Though I'm particularly proud of the chainsaw trap to the right.

    Attached Files:

    SirKaldar likes this.
  19. Bob3104558

    Bob3104558 Lucky Number 13

    Heres mine
    SirKaldar, StarScorcher and Sikab like this.
  20. rakrimes

    rakrimes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    In progress.jpg

    Its a work in progress

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