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Closed CURRENT WORK-AROUNDS (Try these if you're having issues!)

Discussion in 'Starbound Support' started by mollygos, Dec 4, 2013.

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  1. RedFirePanda

    RedFirePanda Space Hobo

    I have some FPS issues too, but I have a AMD graphics card and not a NVIDIA card. I'd like to know if there is a fix for AMD too.
    BagOnuts and Zorik like this.
  2. Aeroplanes

    Aeroplanes Space Hobo

    However, if you are running an older version, you can update to OSX Mavericks for free! This is OSX 10.9, located here. I have yet to run Starbound, though, as I am downloading said OSX, so no verification that it works from me.
  3. Overseer

    Overseer Space Hobo

    How far are you talking about? The game launches for me, yet hangs at the chucklefish logo
  4. NovastarX

    NovastarX Big Damn Hero

    I have a 64 bit OS and there's only a 32 folder in there... so far! :idea:
  5. NovastarX

    NovastarX Big Damn Hero

    On my card's graphics options, it seems to be called "Threaded Optimization" which manages applications taking advantage of multiple CPUs. It could be that, but it didn't do anything for me...
  6. mccahon

    mccahon Big Damn Hero

    I am in nvidia control panel and see nothing about "multicore optimization" in the settings. Closest thing is multi display/mixed GPU...
  7. Lemonader

    Lemonader Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes, if you wait, the menu appears eventually.

    Note: It takes less time to load in OpenGL (safe) mode and the game is also more stable. (for me at least)
    That hanging (loading) time on logo screen is like cut in half in OpenGL.
  8. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    How do I drop through platforms?
  9. Crimsonhazard

    Crimsonhazard Space Spelunker

    I have another work around that may help a number of people. When my game crashes (either after attempting to load a character or simply exiting the game) I attempt to start the game back up and get an error that says the game is already running even though the application isnt. use ctrl-alt-delete to check the processes that are running. You may see two starbound.exe *32 in there. If you do simply stop both processes and try to boot the game again. It should work then :)
  10. KarrsGoVroom

    KarrsGoVroom Astral Cartographer

    I'm planning to download it, but i'm worried if the new OSX will slow my computer down. Is that even possible?
  11. feralferret

    feralferret Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm also having the issue with the game hanging at the logo splash screen.

    Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium
    Intel Core I7 3.4GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GeForce GTX560

    So far I have tried running all game executables as administrator, disabling steam overlay, running all exe files in Windows Vista compatibility mode, copying all files into the launcher folder and running steam in offline mode. I have also waited approximately 45 minutes and the main menu never loads. Le sigh. None of the common workarounds seem to work on my machine.
  12. Kellins

    Kellins Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll be blunt here, but telling those who are stuck on the logo screen to just "wait it out" doesn't exactly help. How long did you guys have to wait till the game loaded? How long are they suppose to wait? I'm sure most of the people here have waited at least 15 minutes (others for much longer) and just don't know what to do next.
    I guess for those of us, we have to wait a week to see what bugs are fixed and either hope for a better solution, or scrounge up the money to get better PCs. It's probably what I'll have to do because it's either the fact I'm using windows XP, or I just need a faster possessor. But if the game is somewhere compared to the stats for Terraria, (though I think it's a bit more higher than that game) My computer should still be able to run it.
  13. Sokaz

    Sokaz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Note to all: Amd makes better graphics cards. Buy one.
  14. gaad

    gaad Space Hobo

    It has worked for me, the game now works perfectly fine and smoothly on an old macbook pro from the end of 2008 ! Mavericks was the solution.
  15. srecinto

    srecinto Big Damn Hero

    Yes same here and I posted that. I have Win 7 64 bit nvidia 580M
  16. Originzero

    Originzero Space Spelunker

    I don't seem to be having the same FPS as everyone else. I am on an Nvidia card; however, I don't suffer from low FPS unless I get to a very crowded area it seems. Like an Avian Boatship starts to make be drop FPS like crazy. Kinda annoying. I tried the Nvidia solution but I only found threaded optimization. I turned it off for the starbound Launcher.exe. I don't have an option to turn it off for any of the other exes. I did set all exes to run as admin; though. Still not fixing the odd FPS issue.
  17. rykno

    rykno Space Hobo

    On Windows XP When the game stops responding after the Chucklefish logo I just pressed ctrl+alt+del, opened the task manager, right click the application then select end now - when prompted tell it to wait for the program to respond then it should work. did for me.
  18. srecinto

    srecinto Big Damn Hero

    UPDATE: I got it working. Another thread recommened that I copy this file

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\libeay32.dll


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\launcher

    And I got the launcher to launch... i'll report any other issue I run into

    Hope this helps you guys
  19. Aeroplanes

    Aeroplanes Space Hobo

    From what I've noticed so far (I was on 1.6.8 prior), it works just fine. Not slow at all. No need to backup files or anything, of course. I'm still having problems loading (that is, the game just doesn't seem to start, but doesn't send me a crash report), however.
    KarrsGoVroom likes this.
  20. SplinketSnake

    SplinketSnake Space Hobo

    Crashing on startup
    Some people are able to fix this by right-clicking Steam and selecting "run as administrator".

    This did not work for me. It keeps getting stuck at chuckle fish screen,........this problem did not happen yesterday.
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