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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you, Finn & Co.
  2. Solomon Darling

    Solomon Darling Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Don't get too excited guys. Tiy said "assuming arrangements go through with steam". Considering my experience publishing for Steam, this is never good. Steam is a great platform for players and that's why I love it so much, but it sometimes screws over with developers; Steam can be surprisingly unorganized when it wants to :(

    ... screw this. December 4th night's the night :iswydt:
  3. PlayMp1

    PlayMp1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Even if there were to be issues with Steam, the game itself will be ready for beta release by that date. That's a fantastic thing to hear. Any issues with a one or two day delay can, and should, be blamed on Steam/Valve for having some byzantine rule about how early access games are supposed to be initially published or something.

    What Tiy's posting indicates to me is that they're just getting some last minute bugfixes in, and they're negotiating stuff with Valve - so otherwise, the game is beta-ready either now or in two or three days.

    Edit: Guys, guys. The perfect .gif for the announcement:

  4. Gnomechompski

    Gnomechompski Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  5. Solomon Darling

    Solomon Darling Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Mhmm, I agree.

    It's been a while since any game made the butterflies in my stomach fly so high in anticipation. This is very exciting :giggle:
    Artem likes this.
  6. Psygnosis

    Psygnosis Ketchup Robot

    This is the perfect Gif for the Starbound Beta Announcement ( replace cocaine with Starbound ) :

  7. Kujar3

    Kujar3 Existential Complex

    Oh my, it's finally here!
  8. Phantom-Wolf

    Phantom-Wolf Big Damn Hero

    This. So much this.
    PlayMp1 likes this.
  9. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Hiding under his bridge with the rest of the trolls
    Paco495 and PlayMp1 like this.
  10. Plooters

    Plooters Orbital Explorer

  11. Okay I know this is the thread for all beta-release talk, but holy crap this is huge news! Maybe Tiy will make an announcement thread somewhere.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
    Solomon Darling likes this.
  12. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Then it would be the perfect opportunity to... HAVE THE BETA ON HUMBLE BUNDLE INSTEAD!!! ;)

    (I'm just kidding, no flames please. :) )
  13. Anemun

    Anemun Void-Bound Voyager

    i will just say YEEEEEEHHAAAAAA!!!!
    *dancing on the office table*
  14. Aureas

    Aureas Big Damn Hero

    But BRIAN DIED. ;-;
  15. Combine_Kegan

    Combine_Kegan Phantasmal Quasar

    Is. Is it really happening? For really real?
    PlayMp1 likes this.
  16. If it isn't I am really scared for the team. :badpokerface:
  17. Vin

    Vin Void-Bound Voyager

    YES their projected release date is even before my English teacher expects me to turn in the paper I'm currently working on! And I have a secret: its already finished!

    Edit:Grammar. And i'm talking about an english paper too... :facepalm:
    KirasiN and MrHiggle like this.
  18. MrHiggle

    MrHiggle Existential Complex

    I don't get a break.
  19. pythonxz

    pythonxz Industrial Terraformer

    December 4th...that is all. Source: Tiy's twitter
  20. bazvink

    bazvink Star Wrangler

    Better give my boss a heads-up that I'll be calling in sick on december 5th....
    Vin likes this.
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