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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Yes (Also your picture wont load :/ ).
  2. GCarlos33

    GCarlos33 Starship Captain

    I love how people are talking about the beta in this beta discussion thread. I'm glad this isn't a completely off-topic discussion about how law works because that's obviously not an important matter as many of you would agree. sorry if my sarcasm offends anybody.
    BrakSampson and totallybob like this.
  3. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Its a sad pug.
  4. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    Much sad. Many tears. :p.
    Coramnis and totallybob like this.
  5. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    For beta related discussion see pages 1-190
  6. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    you now conveniently editing my posts to take potshots at me got old over a month ago could you please stop it :rolleyes:
    edit:2(sorry for more edits)
    25/11/2013 and no beta release date despite beta will be out before the end of the year?

    it is in facet relevant. as the origin question was. is chucklefishs silence about beta release an omission of guilt. we have yet to determine what the guilt is but my money is on the answer tearing out to be 42.
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
    BrakSampson and Snowfalcon like this.
  7. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Get that reddit shit back to reddit.
    Serenity, Archer and cyberspyXD like this.
  8. zothaq

    zothaq Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Like I said, take a break
    read some books
    don't look at the website for a while
    maybe check in every friday

    That's what I do
  9. Snowfalcon

    Snowfalcon Big Damn Hero

    Remembered reading about this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C/2012_S1 a while ago, wonder if it will have any relation to Beta, seeing as it is a sungrazer (Starbound) and that it will be closest to earth around 14th December?
    Skarn, onerb2 and BlueBead like this.
  10. nic329

    nic329 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    best theory i have heard in a while. well done. :)
    onerb2 and Snowfalcon like this.
  11. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Its monday, why are you here?
  12. Therevan789

    Therevan789 Big Damn Hero

    That does look like to do list.
  13. TheOrigin79

    TheOrigin79 Tentacle Wrangler

    BTT: When is the beta coming out? :p
  14. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Late december will be my guess. I am basing this on there being about a month left of 2013 and they still aren't giving any form of time frame at all, they have not told us what is left to do, and it seems like they don't even know. Why do i say that last part? It's getting down to crunch time on beta and they just redid the player ships. When you're this close i would imagine the question that each thing to be worked on would be "Does this absolutely need to be done before beta can be released?". I don't believe that question is being asked, so i can safely assume it's just a rush to see what can get done before their "deadline" of end of the year. Of which they will continue to work on stuff after beta becomes open, so really it seems pretty arbitrary. It really is just a question of when they decide to let us have it. They could just open it up right now since molly keeps showing us how she starts a character and tells us of their adventures each update so it's clearly playable. If i'm wrong they could very easily prove it by giving us some info on what's got to be done as opposed to each update giving us patch notes, but i don't see that happening.
  15. KungfuJoe

    KungfuJoe Astral Cartographer

    Because I'm pretty dumb, how does "sungrazer" = "starbound"?
    I mean, I read the article, and I get what "sungrazer" means, and I get how one could say that a sungrazer is "star bound", but is that an official term or something, or are you sort of making loose corollaries? Not that I'm slamming you if you are, because any bit of conspiracy theory regarding beta release is appreciated (and it's a pretty good theory I think), but I'm interested in these types of comets, so...
  16. Xin Kion

    Xin Kion Void-Bound Voyager

    Right now, all I am thinking and asking is "Are there any game breaking bugs like the Beamaxe still in the game?" That is what a beta is for, its for a group of people (A LARGE group in this case) to play and test the game for bugs and glitches, then report them. For me, finding bugs is half the fun of beta testing. As Lusid said, I keep seeing posts of working material, even the video streams from months ago look plenty stable. Am I excited for Starbound? Heck Yes. Do I want it out asap? Absolutely. But right now, what I want more than it being out, or even a date of release, is a small explination of 'why' the beta testing hasnt been released yet. List a few major bugs just to calm that little voice in the back of my head that is trying to convince me that it is never coming out.

    Note to the Devs, should they read this: I really appreciate the regular updates, honestly, though I won't deny anything I said above. If you feel the game is still too buggy to be considered beta, that is your choice, just remember that there is a whole mob outside your doors waiting for the copies to be handed out!
  17. Arkitech

    Arkitech Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm curious what people's feelings are in regards to the development progress in light of the very successful pre-order initiative. I can't really create a poll within this thread, but if you can (or if you want to) please respond to the questions below.

    For those who have pre-purchased the game, are you happy with how the development has progressed?

    How many people thought that by pre-purchasing the game it would help with the speed of the development?

    Would you have pre-purchased if you had known that there would be no beta this late in the year?
    sammanzhi likes this.
  18. cyberspyXD

    cyberspyXD Tiy's Beard

    For those who have pre-purchased the game, are you happy with how the development has progressed?: Nope.

    How many people thought that by pre-purchasing the game it would help with the speed of the development?: Yes

    Would you have pre-purchased if you had known that there would be no beta this late in the year?: Maybe. Depends on how honest ( Transparent etc) Chucklefish is at that time.
  19. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    such dislike
  20. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    For those who have pre-purchased the game, are you happy with how the development has progressed? Sure, as long as it's on track.

    How many people thought that by pre-purchasing the game it would help with the speed of the development? I didn't think it would be faster per se, but would allow them to be 100% committed to the game.

    Would you have pre-purchased if you had known that there would be no beta this late in the year? Probably, I bought Star Citizen knowing that shit won't be out for a couple years. EDIT: and it really wasn't all that expensive.
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