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(Community Made) The Starbound Beta Release Party

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Left 2 Die, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. MSJesterkid

    MSJesterkid Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'll be there!
    Rozark Pie likes this.
  2. Derfpace

    Derfpace Cosmic Narwhal

    I submit to code all the party things. Or not really, but at least i plan on making a lot of neat stuff. Like disco balls and what have we.
    I plan for my IGN to be Derfpace
    Rozark Pie likes this.
  3. TharDrain

    TharDrain Aquatic Astronaut

    Sure, I'll join... Please post the time it begins in CET (GMT +1)
    Rozark Pie likes this.
  4. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sounds like a lot of fun, I'll figure out the time in my timezone, GMT -3, and post it here, for anyone who wants to know. I'll try to be there!
  5. Remamian

    Remamian Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sounds like fun! Count me in! ~Remmy
  6. xHorowitz

    xHorowitz Big Damn Hero

    I'll definitely be there!
  7. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Seems interesting, I want in
  8. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Wulpher shall be in attendance.
    Though he is confused as to what to bring.
    Beith a casserole appropriate?
    MSJesterkid likes this.
  9. CorruptedEvil

    CorruptedEvil Void-Bound Voyager

    i'll totes be there
  10. lockleus

    lockleus Poptop Tamer

    YAHOO PARTAY!!!!! My ingame name for steam is lockleus
    Rozark Pie likes this.
  11. Alexooox

    Alexooox Phantasmal Quasar

    I'll be there :D .
    Rozark Pie likes this.
  12. TharDrain

    TharDrain Aquatic Astronaut

    need... beta... starbound... must wait
    Rozark Pie likes this.
  13. Coramnis

    Coramnis Industrial Terraformer

    Can we dance if we want to?
    Can we leave our friends behind?
    Pseudoboss likes this.
  14. SirGuar

    SirGuar Master Chief

    because our friend's don't dance and if they don't dance then they're, no friends of ours

    So I presume central time is CST, in which case it's 7pm for anyone in the UK.
    Model QT-377665 and Pseudoboss like this.
  15. Show

    Show Phantasmal Quasar

    If you're in need of moderators for your party just let me know.

    I normally work until 7pm or so CST on Saturdays, but could come on after that.

    Have the age part more than covered and a couple working mics.

    In-game name (going to be): Show
    Reason you want to moderate (3-5 sentences): Help out with what sounds like a fun project (if the help is needed...if not, I'll just show up and have fun). I'm generally really laid back, and able to talk privately with people about problems to resolve them without it blowing up into a bigger issue.

    Previous roles in administration:
    mod on mcspacecraft, on a break at the moment, but the admin and most of the other mods will know me as Show if you want to ask around (200+ players every day at peak times, 70-100 at normal times).
    Run several guilds in different mmos.
    Was in charge of 900+ people in the Air Force for a while.
    Currently general manager / c.o.o. at work (main reason I'd prefer just to play, sometimes being a mod is too close to work, but like I said, sounds like a fun project to help out on for a bit : )

  16. harb6975

    harb6975 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll definitely be there, and I'll try to be one of the first in so that none of these other suckers can take my spot. I'll bring the most awesome weapon I can find, a violin, and cake.
  17. TundraBlade

    TundraBlade Void-Bound Voyager

    Yea i'm gonna partake in this party : P

    Gonna try and get the Beta Tomorrow : )
  18. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    You do know they haven't even announced the release date for the Beta right?
  19. Pseudoboss

    Pseudoboss Spaceman Spiff

    So it might be tomorrow, ya never know.
  20. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Well considering they'd announce it with the weekly update, I seriously doubt tomorrow
    Pseudoboss likes this.

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