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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Therevan789

    Therevan789 Big Damn Hero

    Well, i will make an quick review of how much i care about those things
    Windowed, wrong aspect ratio: I really dont care that much, it is an 2d game anyway, and i plan to play starbound windowed.
    ninth conclusive reinstall: I really doubt that it will ask for reinstall, every beta/alpha/full released game never asked me to reinstall (maybe to check the integrity of the data, steam has an option just for that, so it is really simple)
    Seventh attempt to generate an character: Random characters FTW
    No volume control on the sound: Lower my speakerĀ“s sound manually
    Waited long enough, readed nearly every book i have (and ended reading all the hunger games books)
    Do something, anything: Already doing something, but i would like to play starbound anyway
    Play terraria 1.2 update: Stuck in plantera, played already a lot
    Exxil3d, onerb2 and Cowboypunker like this.
  2. 97raven123

    97raven123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If I read books I wouldn't have bought starbound! I'm kidding.

    I can't say I'm tired of waiting having only recently discovered starbound, However, the streams I've seen along with several weekly updates show the game is pretty damn close if not ready for beta. I know I can't see behind the scenes and I bet there's a few nasty problems they're working on right now, but from the impatience in the forums (along with my own), I'd think it would benefit them more to release what they have. There would be issues, there would be bugs, there would be some glaring issues, but it would certainly help find the bugs and give people something to do while they sort everything out.

    I think I just repeated what was said by maybe eleven people? I don't know. I've voiced my opinion. I mean no offense to anyone and especially chucklefish. I know they are working their butts off for us.
    Skarn likes this.
  3. Ricky Rouse

    Ricky Rouse Zero Gravity Genie

    I wouldn't be so tunnel-visioned on Starbound if they didn't keep edging on with

    "Something BIG is coming"
    "Its going to happen, be ready"
    "Sorry i'm so quiet guys, i'm just SO busy working on...big things ;)"

    You ever knew a kid who would just be over in his corner, doing whatever it is he would be doing, and then he would suddenly say "WOW, WHOA, OH MY GOD"

    And then when you say "What is it?!"

    they just respond "Oh, its nothing :::::))))))"

    This is exactly what is happening. To the letter. Its an attention grab. And its working. People are more antsy than ever and we're still probably going to have to wait for another few weeks.
    Anthanil, Mathoryn, Zody and 4 others like this.
  4. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Thing is, even in some of those same streams, people watching have been able to lead the developers in the right direction for bug testing. Where Bart hadn't been able to figure out what had caused a tree to pivot on it's axis, one of the viewers suggested that maybe it was the rain, since when Bart saw the bug it was raining in game. If I recall correctly, it did have something to do with weather variables, possibly the sway of the tree in heavy winds.

    My point being, sometimes those bug reports might be able to bring some insight into some possible factors in creating/removing the bug. A list of known bugs (And solutions if it's something that can be avoided) and an in-depth bug reporting forum/website/etc could potentially go a long way in helping devs get rid of even the most confusing bugs.
  5. 97raven123

    97raven123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you for putting that into words. Releasing the game now would give us access to hunt for said bugs and get them fixed sooner. People would get their beta and the developers could fix the bugs sooner. Everyone wins!
    Cowboypunker and UltraSnaky like this.
  6. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    this game gets 2 more weeks... aka consider this my 2 weeks notice... if the game isnt out in 2 weeks ill be taking my money back
    LeifGram, Pingeh and BrakSampson like this.
  7. Therevan789

    Therevan789 Big Damn Hero

    The beta deadline is 2013, so if i wanted a refund, i would say something more like 3 weeks.
    Also, SUPPOSING that the next week they will announce the beta, it will be the week next the release, so you will be asking a refund anyway. Because 2 weeks already passed by then (also, i think that the announcement will be the 7 of december, so three weeks)
    PlayMp1 likes this.
  8. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Odd question but popped into mind since Hazmat mentioned it.

    What are the Staff/Mods plans for beta, in regards to the forums? I don't remember if you've stated anywhere if there will be a subforum or if you have anything in mind and setup for bug reporting and the like? Is the site ready for the likely increased flow of people (posting at least)? Anything you can tell us on that and any forthcoming site changes, ect?

    It's something I wouldn't expect in a daily (edit: weekly now) update for the game, yet would be cool to know with December around the corner.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
    BrakSampson likes this.
  9. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    sir you might just want to count the days... because your math is about as far off as it can be <.<
  10. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Here's something I'm curious about. Do you think that there may be a ton of redundancy with most bugs, do we think it will overflow the forums, are they prepared to handle the reports, etc.? Xander brings up a good point in that we have no idea how this is going to be handled at this point.

    Tickets won't work, obviously. Is there some way to root out the redundancies?
  11. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Yes. Have someone sift through it.
  12. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    Shouldn't you keep that to yourself? The people who aren't looking to get refunds, i apologize if this offends, don't care. Those that are considering it should make the decision for themselves, they don't need to be spurred along by someone else's opinion. By declaring that you're going to get a refund you're just posting unnescessary replies that make it more difficult for moderators to sift through and make sure nobody is posting offensive things or rude replies and it also is somewhat irritating for those who read the forum to read it. You've got a point, yeah, it's annoying to have to continue to wait, but you can either be patient or keep it to yourself, man.
    yes posting a reply to his topic reply adds more replies that are either irrelevant (it's semi relevant as it relates to the game so hush) but come on it's starting to get annoying to see "i want a refund by this date" everywhere
    Fyreflyte, White935 and Hydeo like this.
  13. Pinchy

    Pinchy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It would be ideal if the first, second and third weeks of December were Stage 1, 2 and 3 of the beta.
  14. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    This won't happen xD
    Forums exist to post opinions, and he is not alone with this one. Anyway, you can post anything you want here, since this is the dumpsite. That's the whole reason of this thread ^^ issue/s they don't like concentrated in one post (beta release), where they can ignore it/them more easily. Psychologists would call this denial.
  15. TheOrigin79

    TheOrigin79 Tentacle Wrangler

    Pingeh likes this.
  16. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    That was an excuse for PAST delays. Do you have selective reading disorder or something?
    White935 and UltraSnaky like this.
  17. UltraSnaky

    UltraSnaky Pangalactic Porcupine

    From the looks of it, most people in the Starbound community seem to have selective reading disorder.
  18. TheOrigin79

    TheOrigin79 Tentacle Wrangler

    Yeah call it foreign language. Read between the lines and you can find an excuse for a delay ..

    If you cant argue - just dont post. There is no need to jump on others grammar/language etc.
    Hazmat and Pingeh like this.
  19. Annoctatio

    Annoctatio Pangalactic Porcupine

    If someone doesn't want to wait the game, they have their right to do so. They also have their right to say why.
    People are getting way too hostile over things like that.

    What I'd really like you to consider though, is that this is their FIRST GAME (you really can't consider Terraria to be their first, since it wasn't really made by Chucklefish). Of course they can't handle everything perfectly. Sure, they could've handled it way better, but it's not like they want to piss off people on purpose.
    Hazmat and Litagano Motscoud like this.
  20. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    I could help you out.
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