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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Retnuh

    Retnuh Space Penguin Leader

    I'm expecting the release around a week before Christmas because it's only logical to release it then since more copies will sell.
  2. Cowboypunker

    Cowboypunker Star Wrangler

    There may be some truth in what you're stating, however why even release a beta this year then? There are many more things that obviously need to be implemented for a full content release, such as novakids and FTL style combat just to name two.
    Now I understand there's a difference between beta and release, but for a full content beta, they are pretty far off of implementing all the content they desire for the beta, according to what your opinion of CF's views on beta content are.
    Pingeh likes this.
  3. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    Well, there is the minor matter of them having said that the beta would be released this year. ;)

    They did say fairly early on that certain things wouldn't make beta. I don't know the reasoning behind it though, given that they also said that the beta would be relatively complete feature-wise.
    PlayMp1 likes this.
  4. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    That's the spirit!

    Why do so many people always have this mindset? You can always change things, no matter what it is. It's just not always beneficial to do so.
    DaviDeil, Hazmat and Cowboypunker like this.
  5. Cowboypunker

    Cowboypunker Star Wrangler

    I'm hoping they release the beta this year.. Admittedly I'm not 100% confident that it will happen.

    Hopefully they have some checklist or idea of what needs to be done. If they do I think it would behoove them to share it with everyone, then we at least have an idea. As far as "sorry can't cuz spoilers", I say screw that, how much could you honestly spoil when we are so close to beta.

    I'm assuming this because of phrases like SoonTM and "Beta 2013"
  6. Calris

    Calris Existential Complex

    They have stated that they are going off a list of things to complete for beta. Would be nice to see it, I admit, but I doubt we will.
    Maruku likes this.
  7. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There goes off-topic thing, but it's okay, I guess? :)
    I agree, but it's not about mindset here, OzzytheFist, it's about being realist. For example, people who want to leave smoking can just don't do it (so simple), but most of them can't succeed for years. Another example: you can code and draw game like Starbound by yourself (you need just learn how to, hard, yet simple enough, but it takes time), but only a few of millions of people will make it for real, right? You can imagine you can do anything and keep thinking like that, being optimist and etc., but only a few things of those you really can do. Peak point: you can steal hard drive with the game or something, for example, but human nature (like every other animal) mostly is about choosing the most comfortable and safe variant (or risk to live). I may be totally wrong, but these are my thoughts at moment :monkey:
  8. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    It's on topic. It's related directly to whether or not Chucklefish cares what this thread thinks about the beta. Since I rather like the company, I would like to assume that they do, meaning it's not as impossible as you think to get some change.
    DaviDeil likes this.
  9. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    just something to think about guys. terraria will be on sale for the ps vita in Nov and were still waiting for a starbound beta :(
  10. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold


    I've been waiting for it since early summer. Just saying, before we play the waiting card.

    Edit: No, it's not an attack on anyone. Just that sometimes people wait for things. Some things, longer than other.
  11. Servilus

    Servilus Big Damn Hero

    I don't know if i want it or not. Have a Vita en all, but i already have Terraria, and if its going to be the same price as the PC version then i'm even more unsure. :rofl:
  12. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    im sorry it was like shooting fish in a barrel. i just wonder if the release of terraira 1.2 and now the vita release as lead to delays in releasing the stabound beta after all timing of releases are important.

    edit: on the bright side maybe we will get a vita release of starbound ;)
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
  13. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    It's not as big of a deal down here on the lower rungs of the ladder.
  14. whitewizarde

    whitewizarde Void-Bound Voyager

    Waiting for anything is hard stuff, but i think sometimes the most important thing is to keep a cool head about beta. No matter what your opinion is of anything Chucklefish is doing, its important to realize that for every side of the argument that you feel strongly about there is another person who feels just as passionate. Im not saying its wrong to voice opinions, or that people who have a passion for this game are wrong. I just feel its important to note that nobody wants their feelings hurt by a comment.
    Cowboypunker and OzzytheFist like this.
  15. Therevan789

    Therevan789 Big Damn Hero

    I never knew that someone can get their feelings hurt just by a comment, i still dont care about that interesting.
    Well, i think that everyone in this thread has something in common: they all want starbound (sooner or later)
    Skarn, Cowboypunker and misho like this.
  16. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ok so I did one of these about a week back, time for a recap (if not for my own sanity).

    There are only 5 more 'Weekly Updates' in the year.

    Assuming its not coming out the 31st (which it won't, c'mon they aren't that evil) that rules out that last week, so really 4 updates. ALSO, assuming they don't wan't a Christmas week update, because god knows thats a crazy stressful time, with the travelling and the meetings and the planning, they won't want their work to hang over their heads, so we can rule out that update as well. So really a window of 3 updates, or 3 more weeks.

    The November drop isn't happening if they plan on the announcement being a part of an update, and looking as the next update will coincide with a newsletter update that seems the best time to do it. Also, I am going to use this as a source: The words 'RELEASE DATE" have been on the icon (something I'm sure you remember me raging about, even if it is silly on my part) for the newsletter since forever. So, doesn't it make sense that THAT is whats going to be the announcement?

    I predict using this extremely vague model that the beta will be the first week of December. The leaves us enough time before the Holidays to get some bug-finding done, and the team enough time to eliminate the bigger more obvious bugs before they too take the Holidays off. so we can have a semi-stable version to play with while they are on vacation, and they don't have this added stress over that period of 'relaxation'.

    I'll accept all hate mail via PM, as undoubtedly a handful of readers will over react to this post.
  17. DaviDeil

    DaviDeil Ketchup Robot

    Sounds legit.
    Wulpher likes this.
  18. 97raven123

    97raven123 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That, good sir, is some of the more sound reasoning I've seen on the forum. I do hope your right.
    onerb2 and Wulpher like this.
  19. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Sounds like we had much the same reasoning when I made my first week of December prediction with newsletter announcing.
    That said, newyears is right around the corner now. Not exactly an achievement if it happens. Same if someone guesses the 31st, or Christmas. Its like shooting fish in a shrinking barrel at this point.. someones bound to hit one sometime.
    Wulpher likes this.
  20. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i still say they're playing a dangerous game of chicken with their reputation. it would be a good time to release before the steam sales ;)

    like i said before there is the seed of a good game here. one that my well end up being the next big thing :cautious:
    DaviDeil, Karamunin, Skarn and 5 others like this.
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