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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    What was that supposed to be an example of, bickering? Because I can show you some bickering if that's what you want :rofl:

    Look, I already said I'm not perfect, but weren't you guys the ones that wanted it to be about arguments and not people? This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  2. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    no a example of hypocrisy. you can't stand there saying "oh won't someone please think of the children" when you are just as much to blame as the rest of us. no one forced you to be in here to debate with people you chose to do it. so get off that high horse and play the game or get out the room :up:.
  3. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    I'm not entirely sure how you managed to interpret that as hypocrisy, to be honest. I've tried different strategies to convince people, yes. And as it turns out, not all of them turned out to be a good idea. Is that such a surprise to you?

    I'm talking about what people are doing right now and how it affects the way others view the forum and how it reflects on CF. Because as it turns out, people read this thread, people who might be on the fence about whether to buy the game. And this thread only shows the community's bad side when it doesn't have to be that way.
    Maruku likes this.
  4. Maruku

    Maruku Void-Bound Voyager

    To Skarn:
    While I do agree with you about this negative vibe and the misplacement of it all, I have to admit that if someone would change their purchasing decisions based on the sometimes childish antics seen here, they probably wouldn't have bought it anyway, out of fickleness at some other thing, way before it reached a specific forum topic such as this.

    Additionally (edit): Assuming the gameplay is of the same vein as Terraria (it appears to resemble it at least a little gameplay-wise), this is the kind of game where you play alone, with a small group of friends, or at largest on a small, dedicated server of like 20-50 people. You'd rarely have to deal with the community.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
    Skarn and misho like this.
  5. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    Oh please, at this rate I would be amazed if the game was "released" in 2015. And I mean an actual release state. Not just the Devs sticking the word released on the cover.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
    LeifGram and Pingeh like this.
  6. Treble_Rider

    Treble_Rider Aquatic Astronaut

    So my opinion is the beta will be worth the wait whether or not they keep their word on the release date.

    P.S. This thread is crazy.
  7. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    Well.. Speaking purely as a gamer, my experience with multiplayer is that it can enhance the fun of a game or ruin it, and it all depends on the players rather than forum. But even so, the forum becomes something of a 'face' of the community, so if it's in turmoil it can affect whether people are even willing to test the waters, so to speak. And for people that prefer to play multiplayer games that could mean they don't buy the game after all.

    Remember, anyone that makes a new account gets directed to this thread through that announcement thing when they enter general discussion, so for a lot of people this is basically the first impression they'll have of the forums. Everyone knows the old saying, "never judge a book by it's cover", but speaking pragmatically, there's a substantial risk that people will do exactly that and head right back out the door. That's why I don't like the way discussion goes here.
    Hazmat likes this.
  8. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    triple edit: made it its own post.

    The community's "bad side" is a matter of perspective.
    To me, all the blind defenders who lack a single constructive thought outside of "great update! keep it up!" are the bad side of this "community".
    Just as many of you also presume that anyone who doesn't agree with you, or at the very least: assume a neutral posture on the situation are the venom of the community.
    Unless you're saying that, those who only use insults, personal attacks, and all around are just straight up rude, are the bulk of this thread- then maybe, But it's irrelevant either way.

    Personally I always seek out the "bad" parts of a "community" on a forum. It's where you'll find the most honest arguments one way or the other about a topic. Where those for and against; give it everything they have, explain themselves and put actual thought into what they write, presenting valid points [or invalid], but really. its the place where you find the most emotion, instead of the same old copy and paste "everything you do is wonderful".

    The majority of people who sign up on a specific forum aren't doing it so they can start arguments and flame down everyone and everything. The act of signing up shows they have at least a slight interest or investment in the subject- so if the opinion on that subject isn't good, I want to know why. Its up to each person to judge for themselves if that reason is a good one or not. Because what matters to you, might not matter to me, and vice versa.
    Boy I got off on a tangent with that one. See what you did to me skarn? Damn.
  9. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    well you know what i dont use strategies i just say what i feel and think and i thought i made it pretty clear why i think your being hypocritical

    well is that not the point of debating in here. after all the mods did bane people from complaining in the rest of the forum were else will people go to say there not happy. would you rather they did it over the watercooler at work or maybe in the playground at school.

    and you don't see that you're part of the problem. no one is innocent here.

    well it took me longer to reply to you than i wanted to (saver dyslexia is no fun) sorry for that i hope i made myself clear now :oops:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
  10. vimio

    vimio Big Damn Hero

    what the hell is so hard with telling us november or december.
    Pingeh likes this.
  11. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Collecting tolls if you cross my bridge.
    Newominus and totallybob like this.
  12. Princess Cadence

    Princess Cadence Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's jumping to conclusions.
    How do you know they are not trying.
    I don't think they are horrible just for that to.
    Newominus likes this.
  13. sammanzhi

    sammanzhi Sandwich Man

    Did anyone follow Fez's development at all? It took five years to get the game put out. People were sending Phil Fish death threats. They said nobody would give a shit about Fez by the time it actually did come out.

    And then it came out. It was awesome, sold a ton, and is considered one of the best indie games to date.

    Granted, there won't be a Fez 2 thanks to some dickweed games journalist. But it's a shining example of being worth the wait.
  14. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    I heard Phil Fish was kind of a douche, granted I'm sure he had his reasons. I mean, anybody who has watched the Indie Documentary saw that for a large portion of the games developement he didn't even know if he could release it due to legal reasons related to an ex-co-developer, let alone show it off at PAX.
  15. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    he had more than enough reasons to be "kind of a douche", but he stepped a bit over that line :lolwut:

    he literally told someone on his twitter to suck his dick and choke on it
  16. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Y'know, I'd respect the Starbound devs more if they told me to suck their collective knobs/strange.
    sammanzhi likes this.
  17. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    wut? no... :unsure:
  18. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    Did he estimate deadlines only to miss them, setup a kickstarter but call it a preorder year(s) before the games release? Constantly overhype his game even though its nowhere near completion? ect.
    And I wouldn't blame some dickweed games journalists. Phil was in control of his own actions, and its by his choices he put himself where he's at. Very unprofessional and disappointing, But that seems to be the definition of indie developers.
    When you put yourself in the spotlight, you need to be prepared for all the mess that comes along with it. "two wrongs don't make a right", and all that nonsense.
  19. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Hey, theres respect to be found when you let your fans know when you've had enough of their shit.
    sammanzhi and Cowboypunker like this.
  20. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    And in doing so lose thousands of current/potential fans, probably gaining minimal.

    It was a huge PR faux pas when Phil said it, why would it be different for Starbound? Especially with the current state of the fanbase.

    Of course... then you have Hideki Kamiya and his twitter antics...
    Karamunin, Kanthel, sammanzhi and 6 others like this.
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