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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. DrPhibes

    DrPhibes Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm pretty sure you don't quite get the concept of video game development. Fixing bugs/tweaking isn't something you exclusively do in beta.
  2. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    refund plz

    @ Phibes and whats about fail adverstiment? Do you really tought i would bought this Game 5 months ago if i would know that they dont release a simple alpha or Beta?
  3. KungfuJoe

    KungfuJoe Astral Cartographer

    I've gotta say, Starbound is looking pretty good. Beta good, in fact, in my opinion. Obviously CF disagrees, which is fine. I just wish they'd release sort of a, "these are the last things we want to do before we release the beta" list, and then, you know, track their progress (as best as humanly possible) to that list.

    Meh, they promised it by the end of the year, which isn't TOO far off. While I hope they don't drop in on Dec 31 (Both because that seems like too long to wait, and, also, because if they did that, then they'd probably be doing it just to not break a promise, as opposed to thinking that beta was actually ready), I suppose that's not too long to wait if that's how it shakes out.

    My 10c anyway.
    Lycaon and sammanzhi like this.
  4. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    a simple "This Game won't be playable until December 2013" would fixed all problems for me , but they didnt wrote this down when i purchased it
    BrakSampson likes this.
  5. JSlade

    JSlade Orbital Explorer

    They added in over 700 items and a couple new bosses. It's a pretty damn big update. How fast you went through it is irrelevant.
    BrakSampson, PlayMp1 and totallybob like this.
  6. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Point out where I said it was exclusive..

    Nope nowhere. In fact the whole point to the first few sentences was: They could have released beta already and still be doing everything they are now. They probably could have done so shortly after I49 and still fit within the confines of stage one.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
    Arkitech, misho and Pingeh like this.
  7. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Did I offend you somehow? You came at me with a lot of piss and vinegar for no reason, bro.
    I never said they deserve a break, and wasn't trying to win an argument.
    People on the internet are assholes, its practically the internet's primary export.

    And I know that they have to deal with dissatisfied customers, what I was saying basically implied that their practices generated a lot of dissatisfaction.
    I was just saying that we need to all get over ourselves. If you don't like having to wait as long as we all have then demand a refund, but bitching about it on the forums isn't going to get the game out any faster.
    BrakSampson, sammanzhi and bazvink like this.
  8. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person here who played minecraft back when it was alpha, hell even back when it was just a crummy creative mode.

    But, that was Mojang, this is Chucklefish. Granted one of them is game developement and the other is game publishing, respectively, but we don't get to decide when the beta is released. If we were, we'd have it before I49 and still be as pissed about all the crashes instead.
    BrakSampson likes this.
  9. Zody

    Zody Weight of the Sky

    But then again, they may push it over into 2014. Chucklefishs' current track-record when it comes to estmations dosn't exactly leave me brimming with confidence for a 2013 beta.
    BrakSampson likes this.
  10. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Only time I've complained about a game crashing is when I messed up my cpu and tried generating a world in dwarf fortress, resulting in a BSOD. Even then, I only bitched about my cpu.
  11. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Off topic, I always enjoy seeing a fellow Dorf Overseer.

    On topic, well yeah but thats you, I'm talking about the ignorant masses who are only going to cause problems for the rest of us.
  12. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Have you seen the list of issues they expect in stage one? This is going to happen regardless.. even if they waited to stage three the chances are good something will happen to cause a large loss of data at some point.

    The only difference being people wouldn't be as overhyped now, expectations wouldn't be through the roof, and people wouldn't be as disappointed by the mistakes since that would help smooth things over. Now? As someone said before.. they are likely to reap what they have sown.
    BrakSampson, Pingeh and LeifGram like this.
  13. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Well yeah, they've dug themselves deep into a shitpile, nobody is arguing that, but they're feverishly trying to dig their way out. Unfortunately they seem to be going in the opposite direction. I'll give them until the end of 2013 to come out with something, and I won't expect anything until then.

    I just don't understand why we're all complaining about things that aren't in our power to change. Yeah we can have an effect on their decision, but we've been complaining for months now and it obviously hasn't had any effect. So why bother?
    BrakSampson likes this.
  14. If you're unhappy with your purchase then I would advise you to contact Chucklefish at support@chucklefish.org.
    Usually It's better to make a thread in an appropriate section of the forum or ask a staff member about refunds rather than posting in some random topics where your posts will be lost to the internet.
    Just you know... a friendly advice :p
    Hazmat and totallybob like this.
  15. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i honestly don't know what to say so i'll let Lurch say it for me.
    totallybob likes this.
  16. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Gotta love Lurch.
  17. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    it feels good to talk about things.
    Cowboypunker likes this.
  18. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Different things sure. Same things? No not at all
  19. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    This is the beta thread. Coming here expecting people to /not/ talk about the obvious elephants in the room, is a little silly.
    Same thing totallybob. The criticism from people will only stop when Chucklefish gets the act together, starting with beta.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
  20. Mathoryn

    Mathoryn Orbital Explorer

    Buddy of mine on Steam says he's been making negative posts about starbound beta on steam forums but they keep getting deleted

    I told him to have patience im sure it will be here soon enough.
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