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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    i'm a clean guy!
  2. Exoterra

    Exoterra Space Spelunker

    I preordered starbound the first day preorders were available. I've checked back with this site a couple times a month to keep updated, but otherwise I haven't said anything... mostly just been waiting patiently.

    Today, I decided to humor myself.

    Looking at the roadmap (assuming it's updated regularly and accurately), I'm really starting to wonder what the deal is.
    Below is a list of the roadmap categories, next to each category is a fraction showing the number of items within that category that are 80% or higher in completion
    World Generation 8/9
    Creature Generation 6/8
    Dungeons and Villages 1/2
    Core Mechanics 4/4
    Player Mechanics 4/4
    Server Stuff 0/4
    Quests and Missions 1/3
    Universe Generation 4/6
    User Interface 10/11
    Items 5/8

    This equates to 16 out of 59 total items that are below 80% completion, which is, roughly, 73% total completion.

    This is based on the idea that any item at least 80% complete is prepared for beta, as 100% would imply a preparedness for retail.

    Chucklefish has been working on this game.... for a long time, and I'm not the guy who likes to be impatient or push, but I gotta ask... how 'complete' does this game really NEED to be? For beta to get released in 2013, you guys realize there's barely over a month left, and a Dec. 31st release, while technically 2013.... would be incredibly cliche.
    Inco, RynCage, Hazmat and 1 other person like this.
  3. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    It's not. Molly said she would most likely update it every month, but even with the small percentage changes the roadmap isn't a very accurate representation of how far along they are. When people hear 'beta' they think about a game that is bare bones and feature incomplete, when in reality that's nowhere near what a beta should be. They just recently started work on mechs/vehicles which are much smaller features in comparison to planet/terrain generation, etc. We're getting closer, however you shouldn't base that off the roadmap but instead how far along they are with actual features that they want to have implemented before the beta stage. While we don't have a perfect list of these features they wouldn't be working on dungeons, random encounters, and vehicles if they didn't want them to be included in this phase.
    BrakSampson likes this.
  4. Exoterra

    Exoterra Space Spelunker

    I've participated in plenty of betas before, I'm plenty familiar with what to expect. In terms of basing it off feature implementation and progress, I don't check the site frequently enough to read every single detail, so checking the roadmap is about as good as it gets for me. I'm aware the release must be close, but they have a history of pushing it further and further. On the one hand, sure I'd love to see it before 2014, but I would also see chucklefish not rush things just because they 'promised' 2013... either way, only time will tell.

    POCKoCLOCK Void-Bound Voyager

    Minecraft's beta was plenty playable and had things added in long afterwards on a regular basis...pretty much making the "release" just a continued beta. From all of the videos I've seen of starbound including the first public showing with yogscast....it looks plenty playable. Weekly or biweekly updates to a released beta would be so much less stressful to everyone. The 3 step beta plan that Tiy posted seems like we would already be in phase 3 if not late phase 2 based off of available footage.
    Inco, PlayMp1, Xander and 2 others like this.
  6. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Which is why, Pock, some people think chucklefish are either showing doctored screenshots or have no concrete plan...
    LeifGram, Pingeh and misho like this.
  7. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    Sorry but the Point is we have nothing, i Pre Order a Game and end up kickstarting for it.
    It's simply a big fat lie (to me).

    If they know they don't release a alpha ,beta , prototype or whatever the next 2 Months they don't need to start offer a Pre Order Service, so easy.
    Indie Companys abuse the range given by Customers to much ......kickstart / pre order / early Access are diffrent things , but it seems like it turned into "give us Money and sometimes in the Future u have a Game"

    E: But i wanna thanks to whoever is making this Game, because i learned to save my Money and take more care of it.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2013
    Pingeh, misho, RynCage and 1 other person like this.
  8. Megs & Mia

    Megs & Mia Master Chief

    :( Man, you guys are bumming me out. By what I'm reading, it feels like this game is never going to be released... D:

    I want le Starbound!
  9. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    that's the nail in the coffin for me too.
    I would've had no problem kickstarting starbound, But lets not try and pretend its something it aint. I also am not a fan of how they went out of their way to spice it up and still call them predorders.
    #1- preorders! release in 2013!
    #1.5- Tiers of purchase with rewards.
    #2- stretch goals! [preorder stretch goals, lol] I know steam does some of this too, but it just feels so much more kickstarter.
    #3- Buying this or that game will help fund Starbound! that alone should be reason enough to buy it right? You want starbound right?!

    and then theres silly things like "the release date will be in the news letter!" that's still misleading all across the front page. and don't get me started on the road map.
    Yeah id say the abuse is becoming common place, "lets not call it early access or kickstarter, because people don't like those words as much as pre-order".
    Lycaon and Pingeh like this.
  10. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Welcome to the Starbound forums
    You can leave your soul at the door
    Someone will be with you soon to relieve you of your patience
    BrakSampson and Megs & Mia like this.
  11. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    hmph. You know, I got the starbound 4pack soon after preorders because that was several months before a friend of mines birthday. I figured that it would strike the same chord that terraria did, and would make a pleasant gift.
    If only I knew...
    "Happy birthday! you'll get it whenever. I suppose."
    "don't worry it wont be much longer"
    "Look, im really sorry okay. here, have a copy of Xcom"

    But in all seriousness, the experience has certainly killed my faith in "preorders". Or at least, I know what warning signs to look out for.
    Lycaon, Inco, Karamunin and 3 others like this.
  12. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    I hope being attached to chucklefish doesn't hurt treasure adventure world or Stardew valley too much
    Inco, Pingeh and Wulpher like this.
  13. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So does any of this mean this is how we are going to remember this game? I mean, like, a year from now, why the game is out and we've played and the community is finally at some sort of peace, will it still be 'that game that got pushed back forever'? A lot of the dissent being posted here seems to have cut really deep...

    Like, starting up a conversation with someone, and your explaining the game, will the recognizable factor of the game be, "it was the one that took forever to release?"

    Does is really stain the game or the developers that much? Or will the merits of this game outshine the nastiness of pre release....
    PlayMp1 and POCKoCLOCK like this.
  14. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    fuck i need to learn english
  15. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    Not that it took forever to release. Perhaps "that game that missed umpteen deadlines".
    Pingeh and Wulpher like this.

    POCKoCLOCK Void-Bound Voyager

    If only people weren't so into instant gratification. I'm not the slightest bit angry over the delays...nor should anyone else....I'm just anxious. I feel that by the time Starbound is released, beta or otherwise, that it will be in competition withe the rest of the gaming world considering next gen is happening NOW. There are only 24 hours in a day and I have work, a relationship and sleep that need tending beyond my free time gaming.
    PlayMp1 and Hazmat like this.
  17. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    Why they couldn't just say the truth and write that there is no beta coming out ?
    I wouldn't bought it back in JULY , when i knew i have to wait until NOW (5 months later) , to be able to play at least A BETA. I would just waited until now and bought it now.....

    So whats the conclusion ? they cheatet us (me) ? Sounds hard , but for me its the trueth.

    Serious thats money making, or what is it else?

    I don't wanna flame the company i just wanna understand why they act like this.....

    I mean i see this page, i see this awesome description of th Game and i see those awesome Pictures of the Game, i was like "damn i want to buy this Game and spend even more because it looks nice" , after 5 months waiting it turned into "if this is not the next WoW generation MMORPG im gonna hate this Company"
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2013
    Pingeh likes this.
  18. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Money spent or not, it doesn't change anything. Whether your preordered or you didn't, you would still be just as excited for this game to release. It only seems hard now because you ARE financially invested in it.
    Hazmat likes this.
  19. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Notch made Minecraft, and is still known for vacations, laziness, ect.
    Red made Terraria, and is still known for vanishing for a year even after recently updating.

    The game being awesome or not in the end doesn't always reflect in how dependable they are. Two different things Wulpher.
    Edit:Rewrote the last bit, to be a bit more clear.
    PlayMp1, RynCage and Wulpher like this.
  20. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    no really im not excited anymore , it turned into pure hate.
    I saw so many Screens on the News Pages , i'm almost bored. oO
    All i want is something worth of the Money i spend back a half year ago.
    Im 0% hyped about this Game anymore (and thats not just rage spamm , its how i feel right now)
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