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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. PlayMp1

    PlayMp1 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd say a week's worth of game is quite the friggin' patch. Most patches are just, "oh, we fixed this bug and this bug, and there's this new UI doohicky that's useful sometimes." Terraria 1.2 would qualify as DLC for any other game, and not just DLC, but more like an old school full sized expansion.

    It lasted 60 hours for me. For free content, that's pretty frickin' amazing.
    BrakSampson, Inco, Wulpher and 2 others like this.
  2. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    So here I sit in my hunting blind, with no deer, beta, or substantial weekly update in ssight.Not a very exciting opening weekend. At least my little brother got a spike horn yesterday.
    Xander and Pingeh like this.
  3. NonBritGit

    NonBritGit Cosmic Narwhal

    Sure, the natives are getting restless, but it could be worse. Wollay went an entire 3-4 months without a peep one way or the other. These devs seem to be doing everything they can to keep interest alive in SB.
    PlayMp1 likes this.
  4. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    "but it could be worse" have you seen what totalbiscet sed about chucklefish in his Risk of Rain review. it was harsh.

    ps he like Risk of Rain. gz to the Dev's. lots of ppl love there game.
    Hazmat likes this.
  5. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    Solution: Announce beta for December 31st. Point.
    No more disappointments, no more "waste of time" checking this site/forum. :wtf:
    totallybob likes this.
  6. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    I watched the entire video and there was nothing "harsh" said about Chucklefish
    Inco likes this.
  7. White935

    White935 Big Damn Hero

    just watched it too, he praised and he criticized, i love tb, for his reviews, and honestly, he praises the game a lot, but he finds the graphic pretty meh, also the lack of details what items do, but he does say he loved playing and praised several other aspects so really, nothing harsh about chucklefish at all.
  8. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    maybe you mist were he said this it's about 0:40

    personally i think that was a harsh comment.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2013
    Pingeh likes this.
  9. Alucard I

    Alucard I King Homestuck I

    [sarcasm] How harsh! How offending! O_O [/sarcasm]
    Paco495 and BrakSampson like this.
  10. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    it was a lot more of just reskins than I would have liked.
    I was happy, but I wasn't impressed.
  11. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    If by 'harsh' you mean a passing observation about the fact that Chucklefish technically hasn't released anything yet, then yeah I'm completely offended for the whole of Chucklefish.
    BrakSampson and PlayMp1 like this.
  12. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    It wasn't a harsh comment. If the creators of Shaq Fu suggested what a good game to buy was, and that portions of those sales would go to them. Would that make you more or less interested in buying said product?
    in that same vein, Chucklefish has nothing to show except screenshots. We have yet to know if starbound is actually a good game or not, or if its just editing magic making it look good.
    their publishing would go a lot further if they had a good product under their belt already. So, I would agree with TB. It is actually quite strange.
    More so given that they are publishing multiple games.
    Xander, misho, Hazmat and 2 others like this.
  13. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Another week.. another round of bugfixes/tweaks and things implemented that could have been during beta. Ah well, shame this is the biggest impression Starbounds likely to leave in peoples minds. Well that and the lengths the developers have gone to, to try and keep interest alive during this time, as you said. I mean a whole year of... stalling on stage and floundering at it off and on not even able to keep up with those short term goals. A trailer that never came, roadmap people had to pester to have updated, and variable daily updates about as informative as we fixed bugs and here is a cute image.

    A near whole year of improvised song and dance while trying to get the main act on stage.. and after they realized they wouldn't be able, just trying to get a single part of it out for people. That is going to leave a horrible impression, but they keep hyping things and failing to follow through even now. So - about the only way it could be worse is if they actually pushed back beta into 2014, or outright canceled the game. Silence? Wouldn't do much, they already are growing quieter steadily.
    Konsai, Lycaon, Inco and 5 others like this.
  14. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    You must be new to Total Biscuit then. You want harsh? Go watch his COD Ghosts and the day one garry's incident vids.

    Not really given how long overdue it was
  15. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    imo Total Biscuit isn't harsh, If I was a critic I would butcher any AAA game, the max score for any of them would probably be 4/10 because I do my research and I catch EVERYTHING.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2013
    totallybob likes this.
  16. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    Do i look/sound like a fanboy of this Staff , so for sure i know wich name i have to put in the search bar.
    I guess u tried to help me but you really didn't .
  17. Zody

    Zody Weight of the Sky

    And then they have to push the beta back into 2014 and there is more disappointment.
    totallybob likes this.
  18. gotTodance

    gotTodance Sandwich Man

    Don't ask me how i did this , but i just replied to a Pm from a Helper and the Comment ended up in this Thread,
  19. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    You kidding, right? They pretty much said they weren't updating anymore back when Starbound was first announced. Then they hinted at an update when the XBLA port was announced.

    When the XBLA port released they started to leak out bits and pieces of what will be in the update, and a few months later we got the update.

    Going from dead to a revitalizing update is pretty impressive.
    PlayMp1 likes this.
  20. totallybob

    totallybob Big Damn Hero

    Yes, and you managed to sound like a total douche, congrats.
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