Race Meet the Frostborn (Addressing the name 12/23/13)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Autzome, Nov 4, 2013.


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  1. no! bad idea!

  2. Yes! i think it's alright!

  3. could be better.

  4. Banana

  1. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Ooh, I like 1 and 3, see what Xenalith comes up with though, could be nice
    Autzome likes this.
  2. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    My first idea is this:
    - This applies to the anatomy, of which you are still developing.
    ...in the inside of the rest of the body (other than the core that contains all their guts) instead of hollow ice, it should be filled with just heat, generated by the nanites.
    If you use this idea ^;
    1. They could have heat signatures that glow through the ice skin in specific parts of the body: eg the eyes - having no eyes would look cool, so have them as heat signatures.
    2. They could have a 'steam' effect - and at the top of their head it could be a hole (much like the core) that would release steam (with a redish color the same as the heat signatures). Or no hole and just steam at the top of their head.

    My second idea is this:
    - This applies to the hairstyles, i know you are working on some sprites now but.
    ...this depends on the style you want the species to be in, in terms of technology.
    If you want them to be more 'natural':
    Then the hairstyles should be extended ice from their head in different shapes.
    If you use this idea ^;
    1. The frostborn species would appear less advanced and more 'curious' in terms of knowledge of the universe and advancements in technology.
    2. It would be easier for you could use human hairstyles but just make them ice.
    If you want them to be more 'advanced':
    Then you could have hovering ice sculptures above their heads.
    If you use this idea ^;
    1. You can show the ranks of a frostborn depending on their hovering head ice sculptures (so queens could have very beautiful ones).
    2. This would allow for fancier head customization.

    My third idea is this:
    - This applies to the naming of the species, of which you are looking for a better name.
    If you want the names to sound more like a species:
    Then you would use scientific names (Avians, Humans, Apex, Floran)
    If you want the name to be like an army/nation sort of thing:
    Then you would use non-plurals (The Glitch)
    If you want a random name that turns out to be cool:
    Then you would use generic mixed with scientific words (Novakid)
    The Hylotl use a Aztec sort of word, (central american) so you could even use mythological names.
    Let me know what type of name you want, and I will make it for you.
    Autzome likes this.
  3. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    i actually have a fully fleshed out anatomy in a document! i just need to edit it in later, they are not hallow though. they're like large containers of water that's been bonded with nanites to keep structure.
    i like the heat sensor though, it justifies the crack on the face. might use the heat sensor bit! credit will be given!

    they are just above the avians with tech, primitive but still managed to reach the iron age without help of outside sources.
    i am also gunna use human-like hair but exotic and icy.
    i sadly cannot use the floating hair :c they have to fit the character skeleton and i can only imagine them looking funky

    i decided on frostborn. i was afraid it was taken but after some checking i noticed it was open game because it wasn't taken.
    Model QT-377665 and Xenalith like this.
  4. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Sounds good man :)

    ....frostborn does sound cool but it doesn't fit, for they are technologically advanced beings...frostborn sounds extremely mythological, and not sci-fi at all.

    Remember these are just some concepts, no need to feel sorry :D
    ...i'm thinking of making my own species, even though it has no chance of getting in the game. xD
    Autzome likes this.
  5. Cathriana

    Cathriana Phantasmal Quasar

    I agree with above, the name really bothers me actually.

    I imagined the same almost, but the sprite sort of put me off, I wanted these kind of.. Ice elementals? Who's home planet are frost and ice!

    That's just the impression I get from the name.
    captainrandom21 and Autzome like this.
  6. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Cathriana is right :p
  7. Piratedcopy

    Piratedcopy Big Damn Hero

    Really likin dem improvements :D
    As fo dat name problem....Frost...BURN? I unno.
    You could do something with like words in different languages...."Freeze" in ICElandic....:p...is "frysta". Additonally, a synonym for frost is "Hoar".....vikings?
    I still think a snowflake "tattoo", like that dude in Ender's Game (movie), would be sick. And the snowflakes would be randomly generated....cuz no 2 snowflake are alike :D I dunno about the last one, but still, SNOWFLAKE TATTOO [HAIR]!
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  8. SpaceHyena

    SpaceHyena Zero Gravity Genie

    Haha... banana....
  9. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Hoarfrost is a word, that sounds cool.
  10. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    sadly the name is way at the bottom in the list of To-do. it's already been changed once and i feel like having proper sprites/art is more important. the name might go through a change again but fleshing out the sprites it just on the top of the list!

    To-do list:
    1) complete sprites
    2) concept at least 5 hair designs by the end of the weekend
    3) finish the melee armor
    4) continue to flesh out lore to fit the new sprites
    5)create history tab and "famous figures in history" sub-section
    6) banners! banners! clicking Banners!
    6)name change
  11. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That's where we come in! :D
    - you need a small team to work on other things while you work on your top priority.
  12. Piratedcopy

    Piratedcopy Big Damn Hero

    hint hint nudge nudge........ :D
    Here is some hairstyle concepts:
    1.) Snowflake Crowns
    2.) Snowflake Tattoos
    3.) Ice Crystal Hair
    4.) Treebranch Braids (Vikings...had braids....., and treebranches as in fir, with snow laying on top - Chronicles of Narnia Style)
    5.) Viking Helmet (Ice Crystal Horns)

    New "theme" should be Viking Royalty, King System, with Rites of Passage (changing appearance as aging, for NPC aesthetics), hoarders of gold (HOARFROSt-HOARDERS....)
    I liked this eye the best (you made it, i just copied and pasted). It should correspond with the chest core.
    Or, you could make a thinner, wider eye similar to that of Cyclops (X-Men).

    For the racial armor bonus, they should be able to walk faster on ice, and walk ON water, but freezing the water underneath.
    A common armor-style would be a cloak, and warm-ish clothing, paying homage to the Viking/Nordic aspect.
  13. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Your ideas are cool man, but the frostborn are not of mythological/fantasy aspects, (not saying vikings aren't real) but having nordic vikings references does not work for a species of technologically advanced beings. Even though the Glitch are medieval robots, there is a reason for that, they were held back in time to advance from medieval.

    The frostborn, (and yes hoarders sounds cool but does not fit) are actually nanites, (artificial micro-organisms) who created a layers of ice around themselves to work the same way our skin does. They're digestive, cardiovascular and respiratory systems are all fitted into they're core. Does this sound at all relative to a viking/nordic background? with 'branches' growing off their head? :p

    On that note @Autzome, what about their nerve system? Is all feedback returned to the core which would be their brain...but the actual nerves extend to the rest of the body? The one ting I dont understand is what the nanites are actually doing, do they just live inside spread out among the water in the ice?
    The digestive system is almost pointless, because the body doesn't need the food, the nanites inhabiting the ice need the food. In fact all organs are basically pointless, the brains come from the nanites working together, so they all need food separately....so feeding the frostborn would be putting stuff in the water, but because the water covers every part of the body but the core, that means they feed via the core, considering the core doesnt need to contain guts.
    Wow this has made a hole different outlook of your species :S

    Your idea is very cool, but its distance from this concept makes it another species.
  14. Skippy3

    Skippy3 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oh boy, another faceless race.
  15. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    The nanites don't run indefinitely so the core breaks down the energy and destributes it equally into each individual nanite, the water is constantly flowing like a blood stream to send out the needed energy supply("digested food") and the oxygene to burn the energy supply(breathing).
    As for the nerves? The frostborn are more like a massive colony of ants. They send chemical signals across the body to a main nanite cluster(center of the core that holds 'personality, behaviors and instinct). The main nanite cluster uses the water nanites to send signals to the outside ice nanites and the ice nanites move accordingly.

    When the skin breaks and the ice nanite breaks, the water nanite adapt and quickly fill in the holes.

    The body, in other words. Is a giant, walking, thinking and adapting ant colony rather than an actuall body.

    Ice nanites protect the insides and act as the main stimuli sensors for the colony(drones)

    Water nanites destribute energy, oxygen and orders as well as changing jobs when needed.(worker ants)

    core nanites work as the decision making and break down of resources.(queen ant)

    I have the reason why Viking was chosen, I just have been busy with resource making such as sprites.
    i should also mention that the core nanites are also binded with water.
    will also work on some tattoos if i do get the chance
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  16. Piratedcopy

    Piratedcopy Big Damn Hero

    Well, the hairstyle of branches is mainly just like a "crown" of leaves, with .... snow on it..... i unno...... :D wanted to give some hairstyle ideas out der.
    Autzome likes this.
  17. Piratedcopy

    Piratedcopy Big Damn Hero

    In my opinion, this complicated (IMO) ... sciences bring a different race from that of a viking tribe. They would....be more....like a giant ant colony, of mini ant colonies (each "person). Maybe you could base your race off of that, the aspect of a tight, class based system (class as in each "Frostborn" is ... born into a worker class, royalty class, etc.). It might still keep the viking tribe as .... a giant colony of .... dudes that capture treasures to bring back. I'm probably taking your analysis of the Frostborn body as an ant colony, and taking it too seriously.....

    Sidenote: I dont really enjoy the crack in their face.....ICE BUTT.....<immature dude>......yea
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
    Autzome likes this.
  18. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    This IS pretty much how It's going to work, different colonies fighting each other for dominance and control over resources as there is literally not enough resources in one planet to sustain more than one colony of frostborn.

    It gives reason for your character in game to leave the planet, your tribe basically eats the world dry. Your over all instincts force you to make a decision that breaks every rule the book and commit the ultimate sin for the species, betraying your tribe by leaving the constant slaughter and devouring of life on your homeworld.
    The betrayal means you can never return to your tribe without facing punishment.

    As the main post said, betraying the tribe even a little is warrent for public execution.

    I didn't make this race without thinking how it would be viable ingame, all the info I posted in the main will be updated and will make more sense as i update info and reworks lore.

    I was going to bloop this info down when I was finished with at least 5 hair styles.

    Edit : I think I found a happy medium with the face, the main square in the face buy keeping the cracks as a body thing, maybe I can work it in as a tatoo option, as I noticed avians had them and they are tribal, I figured the frostborn could use them to distinct them between the social classes.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2013
  19. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The question is, what type of technology do they use in combat? o_O
  20. Xenalith

    Xenalith Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I re-read everything and I've been thinking. A LOT.

    A nordic/viking theme would suit this race well. Mainly because it's a theme that is not already taken (Novakids are cowboys, Hylotl are ancient Asia, Glitch are knights etc.)

    We would need to change some things around to make them more 'Viking'.
    - Making them, dumber, in a way.
    - Make their Cores more relevant and not as..advanced.
    - Change the races name to the theme more.
    And lastly,
    - I think they shouldn't realize what they really are. And that's part of what i mean by dumber. They see themselves as strong warriors of great honor, and do not actually ever realize that they really are a build up of nanites. This would help fit in to a Viking theme, and stop confusion of them being technologically advanced beings. Because the nanites wouldn't have the same capabilities of a Human brain. So there are some things they should just, not be able to achieve in order to keep this theme in touch.
    Catching my drift?

    I was browsing the web for names and such and i attempted some Viking/Nordic plays on scientific names.

    Do you remember Beowulf?
    From that I got:
    Beofrost (a play on Bifrost)

    The 2 words that you liked 'Verglas' and 'Graupsel'
    From that I got:
    (They sound like Viking tribes)

    This other name I found was Frostguard.
    ..the suffix 'guard' fits better than 'born'.
    Blizzguard. Etc.

    I noticed Vikings used the conjoined AE and other letters. Maybe if you infused these into your race's name it would make it original and remembered.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2013

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