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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Hazmat

    Hazmat Weight of the Sky

    I have a problem with DRM right now. Securom and Fable 3/GTA IV. Apparently I have something that's stopping Securom from working correctly. No idea what though
  2. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    Securom is the Devils DRM :up:.
    PlayMp1, Xander, LeifGram and 2 others like this.
  3. TuefelHundenIV

    TuefelHundenIV Cosmic Narwhal

    Hazmat: I don't think they will use Securom. Probably something much simpler.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
  4. RynCage

    RynCage 3.1415926535897...

    Xcom: Enemy Within is going to keep me occupied for a pretty long time. I haven't sat down to play PoE yet because i know when I do i wont be able to get away from it for half a year.
    by the time starbound is playable ill be too busy with other good games to give a two smits about beta. But if they don't have their shit together by 2014, ill be getting that refund on my 4pack to put that money somewhere else.
    doc Chicken and Pingeh like this.
  5. Nacreas

    Nacreas Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I purchased the game in July this year and I was told that the beta would come out this year. It is drawing closer to the end of the year and what I want to know is:
    Are we going to have the beta this year? I'm not trying to be rude or anything but I would really like to have a date for December. If we don't get a Beta by the end of December, I would like a refund.
    doc Chicken likes this.
  6. Br4xxx

    Br4xxx Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Wow you don't like waiting? O_O (I don't write this to piss you off, But you are really bumming me out man.) You must have known what state the game was in when you Pre-Ordered it, Come On! They write updates "like" every 2nd day.
    You could have read all about the wait. and the Non datet Release. It does not take 4 Brain-Cells..
  7. noclafyrG

    noclafyrG Void-Bound Voyager

    How would anyone know the state the game was in half a year ago? The updates? The "look we made a unicorn and now there is some rope!" updates? The updates that were pretty but had no actual info about how the game was actually progressing? Here a better idea, it's his money, and if he wants a refund who are you to knock him for it? People have a right to spend their money and an equal right to look for recompense if they feel they haven't gotten what they paid for.
    Br4xxx likes this.
  8. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    That's right. And everyone who is thinking loudly about a refund somehow gets "bashed" here (looks like everyone is or wants to be best friends with the developers :unsure:), which as a consequence makes them actually do it with a higher probability, which is sad. However, I am very sure that CF will be able to release beta before 2014, they know what's at stake. ;)
    Br4xxx likes this.
  9. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i just realised i sed there would be an amusement about beta ore why we cant have a DRM-free beta on the Nov 11. i was just one day out X3.

    maybe i can do it again, here goes nothing "i bet you they will announce the announcement for the start of Steam beta early access on Nov 18" :D.
  10. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    My biggest gripe with drm is, it doesn't work even when it works. The goal is to keep people from pirating but in no way is it an effective method.

    Yet see people like Hazmat get punished for the actions of others because of it. Just because you don't there will always be someone who that piece of code or secondary program causes a conflict with out there somewhere who pays for others mistakes. Somehow people justify hurting others because it stops people from downloading a copy they didn't pay for. People who do that don't give a flip about if the game works or not though, there are thousands more where those came from to keep them entertained without costing a dime. No skin off their teeth. Plus eventually no drm is foolproof if someone is determined enough. At the most its a very long delay if someone wants it bad enough to crack it. That or they wait until its dirt cheap since most games devalue in a years time to a fraction of their cost.

    Its like how the developers are waffling on a steam only beta right now. For one reason or another there are people who can't use it: These people despite being invited to beta will be excluded all because of of a secondary program that is unnecessary to the first. It isn't technically the developers fault that steam causes these issues, but by choosing it they will be secondhand condemning people for the actions of others to not participate in beta, at least until far later into it.

    tl:dr? DRM hurts innocent consumers in the end even if you've been lucky with it. No matter what kind of drm it is, even light ones like Steam there will be someone who gets screwed over from it technically. Meanwhile pirates shrug it off at the end of the day.. at worst they can't play something they wouldn't have bought anyway or will wait.

    [Puts on Johnny's turban and holds up an envelop to his head] Monday, December ninth. One week after the newsletter.
    [Opens envelope] What is Starbounds beta release date? P.S. Don't worry about the year.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2013
    LeifGram, Hazmat and Pingeh like this.
  11. Br4xxx

    Br4xxx Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know my post sounds pretty harhs. But the updates and the FAQ and every other post on this site tells us that the game will take time to make.
    And yes it is his money and he should get it back, I'm not an enemy even though it seems that way.
    "I just got bummed out, I know the (4 Brain-Cells) was abit over the top. It's just sad to see someone work for 3 weeks too earn 15$.
    Lycaon likes this.
  12. Br4xxx

    Br4xxx Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm sorry I was not out to bash or hurt anyone. :oops:
    Lycaon likes this.
  13. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    Bet my pants they'll get it done on either the 30th or somewhere between December 10th-25th. Not sure why I feel it will be those dates specifically, but hey, we're betting a pair of pants here. Who wouldn't want a pair of pants?

    ...someone that has a grudge against pants.
  14. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    i think it will be the end of Nov or start of Dec, last thing they want is to release it when the steam christmas sale is on. ofc Dec 31 is still a possib :devil:.
  15. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    Whenever they're ready, within a reasonable timeframe, I figure.
  16. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Then you're wrong, and should step away if your only intent is to silence the discontent, or to see it silenced.

    I can't tell you what to do, though. You're welcome to an opinion as is everyone else. As long as people are being civil, and most of us are, we are every bit as right to be negative as we would be to be positive.
    LeifGram, Xander, Br4xxx and 2 others like this.
  17. dhxmg

    dhxmg Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Soo... I personally feel that all the talk about how beta is going to work means they have a release ready client, they just wanna make sure that they know how to deploy it. This hopefully means beta very soon ^^

    I might be overanalyzing everything tho...
  18. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd imagine they still have some work to do before the game is in an readily/conveniently playable state. You could be right though. :DD

    i can taste beta now.
  19. OzzytheFist

    OzzytheFist Big Damn Hero

    Unless they have no internet whatsoever, I don't see Steam hindering anyone.

    DRM is a good thing, and like all good things that are new, it will take a while for everything and everyone to adjust.
  20. dhxmg

    dhxmg Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's more of a case of even Tiy himself acknowledging the effect beta talk has on people.
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