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Important BETA RELEASE DISCUSSION - DECEMBER 4TH (*ALL* beta discussion goes here. Other threads deleted)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Jul 6, 2013.

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  1. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I got 7 words into that, yelled, "That's what she said," Then laughed. Then wrote this response. Now I'm sipping on some tea and waiting for hate mail.
    Skarn likes this.
  2. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    I kinda didn't care for beta release until Tiy posted things like "Yup the title includes the word beta, that’s because it’s really not very far off now." and "So it won’t be too long now guys" , and all of a sudden Mollygos is talking about weekly updates? Tbh, I think they still don't know when beta will come out, otherwise they could just say beta is coming November or December.

    Aaand killing my hype, again.
    doc Chicken, Pingeh and Hazmat like this.
  3. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    All terms have a specific definition it's just the industry really seems to not follow it much when it comes to beta.
  4. iceLando

    iceLando Orbital Explorer

    If they had a beta date Tiy would have posted it already on that post. But like I said on another thread I think that post was just a way of giving themselves some time (post with beta info and the hype covers most of the disappointment on the forum). While it was new info and new info is good, for me it was kind of pointless to post that info without even knowing when they are releasing the beta.

    What really worries me is that we are a few week away from the last month of the year and they still can't put a date on the beta. I can understand they didn't want to give a beta date on the first half of the year, but it looks like they still have not set a point in which they say "This is ready for beta release"

    To me it looks like they're trying to do whatever they can until the end of the year and release that as beta, just for the sake of releasing it before 2014 and avoiding another "delay", and to be honest I prefer it this way, because I've always though the "I want beta to be polished before release" it's an excuse for the lack of an actual working beta, not a "polished" beta.
  5. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    Well I would call that lying.

    If so, they just could have said "beta end 2013" and not wriggle for an answer for the last 9 months - that's what makes me very disappointed.. afterwards, it's clear for me that their behaviour was either unprofessional or an insolence. But it was their first game and hopefully they will learn for future projects.
    doc Chicken likes this.
  6. Paco495

    Paco495 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Do you even read these forums?????? LOL
    I hope your being sarcastic. I have seen like 5 people complain for 5 pages over bubbles.

    Geez, did I point to another topic you complained about? Its hard to find something you havent complained about, so lets do this..... Unless I mention you specifically in a post you can assume I am not talking about you. Does that make you feel better?

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
    Darklight likes this.
  7. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Actually language is changing and evolving in a sense all the time. Many words have loose or multiple definitions.
    See: http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/15/living/literally-definition/

    Alpha, Beta, so on are only greek labels used to name rough stages of progression. You could call it red1, red 2, or something and it would just be.. a vague word used to cover a large general area of progression that has no final absolute universal meaning or boundaries. :p

    Five people, five people.. Paco your starting to sound a little like a bad conspiracy theorist going on about that. :lod:
    Edit: Woah relax dude. I just was pointing out you keep going on about five people a lot. You're not saying it was five.. but it was five. :alien: haha
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  8. iceLando

    iceLando Orbital Explorer

    I don't think he lied on that post, they just don't know when the beta is so they give us whatever they can to try to hype everybody so they forget the delays. (Which I think its pretty poor planning itself).

    And thats what I think too, I thinks its okay to not give a date to avoid problems, but I think it would have of them to say hey don't expect a beta till the end of the year. I really don't think they're so disconnected with their own project that they didn't know that the beta would not be ready for at least a few months.
  9. misho

    misho Big Damn Hero

    brilliant just 7 weeks left before the end of the year and now molly thinks a substantial weekly update would be a good thing instead of daily update :confused:.
    so what you guys think. is this good bad are a wast of time?.

    edit: and will this mean we get a beta sooner than later?.

    sorry ignore this post please. its off topic and you now what i feel like a jerk for posting it :oops:.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  10. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    I wanted to write this too, but had to leave before i could ;)
  11. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    actually language has always been changing, I am talking about the current definition of beta.
    Landlaw likes this.
  12. Lycaon

    Lycaon Big Damn Hero

    Actually I don't think it's offtopic, you are not allowed to post this anywhere else but in this thread ;) And that's exactly what I was wondering too.
    misho likes this.
  13. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Yes, but the point was. Beta is just a label for a wide stage of game development progression. The meaning changes between teams and projects constantly.
    What one group calls beta another group would alpha, and the inverse is true.

    For an example: George has reassured that this beta, will not be a beta in name only like some. This statement shows teams can very much disagree with terminology like this. It isn't set in stone and a definition in a typical sense has little use here. It isn't that they don't follow "it" as much as its just a nickname for a group of steps that needs to be done and progression. Not everyone uses the same ones consistently though.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
  14. Wulpher

    Wulpher Subatomic Cosmonaut


    I propose she was so busy uploading beta she had a momentary lapse in judgement, and used the ampersand instead of the plus.

    Also, TiY is an alien sent from Venus to keep us all preoccupied long enough for the Venusian war-fleet to come here and steel all of our bananas for their radioactive FTL engines to wage war on the Glaxons in the Andromeda galaxy.

    Nailed it.

  15. Soulcrifice

    Soulcrifice Big Damn Hero

    No you caught me Paco, I never read the forums, just like to spout off useless stuff whenever the urge presents itself. Back to my point, I don't see why you or anyone would criticize the work they've done if they let us in in the beta now. Why be critical about a game that we know will contain bugs?

    Edit: For those that do complain about bugs in a stage 1 buggy beta don't deserve to play and will probably be ignored anyway. I've been a part of many beta test including ones for Microsoft. I use to game test for VMC and then went to Microsoft a while back. The testing they do wether it be for beta, alpha or zeta all have bugs, and no ones expecting them not to. We don't walk around telling our friends at work not to play the new game because it has bugs, it's a beta! So back to what I originally said, why would anyone criticize a game that is such an early stage of testing? They'd probably be more stoked about being able to play than worried if their character saved.
    doc Chicken likes this.
  16. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Quit yer whining!

    Edit: I was going to post this and thought itd be mean, but an hour later i came back, and I feel it still applies :zzz:
  17. Skarn

    Skarn Existential Complex

    Huh? Unless I misread something...
    If not the beta, then what is damaging their PR?
    Please stop with the mudslinging. Say what you want about his thesis, but he addressed your point pretty directly. And I actually agree with what he said, well, besides the insulting part.
    The way I see it, if something needs to be changed but there's five months worth of other stuff that needs to be done first, that change will happen in five months whether it gets tested now or then. But if the beta were released now, that would be five months of people demanding "why isn't this fixed yet?" More perceived delays is kind of the last thing this developer needs right now. :badpokerface:
    (Disclaimer: I have no clue how much stuff still needs to be done, so this is all hypothetical anyway.)
    Whoa, that's deep, man. :rofl:
    I think the majority of people would be happy with that answer if not for the fact that there's money on the table, so everyone wants to deal in absolutes and know exactly what they're getting.
    Has "beta" been defined legally? That would be the go-to answer, I should think.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
    Paco495 likes this.
  18. Paco495

    Paco495 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not sure where you got that assumption other than my post replying to the subject what the Anti-Chuckelfish folks would post about if the Beta was delayed.

    There is an open discussion and then there is complaining......my interpretation is that you fall on the latter on a large number of posts I have read. You know my stance, I am not aware of yours . It appears that the Devs are in a no win situation with you, so if you can't be happy with any outcome that has been presented it begs the question what motivates you to still have a presence here?

    Darklight likes this.
  19. Mikerlantz

    Mikerlantz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Figure this is the place to get my rant about beta off my chest lol, if you get mad or don't like it that's fine just don't get mad at me if you don't like my opinion

    [rant] Just like, seriously, release the beta soon. We all know you guys are probably gonna wait till the very last damn day of December, cause we can tell you don't actually WANT to release a beta, you might as well just say "Dec. 31, 2013 is beta" but its your company so if you wanna run it that way that's up to you. You guys seem so sure its 2013 for sure this time but now you're leaving us in the dark as to whether is this month or next month. Personally, I wouldn't want to keep people in the dark as much as you guys are. Not trying to start anything, just getting a little miffed that you didn't explicitly say that "Beta isn't going to be any time soon" back in every month prior to October since that was something you knew for sure, like that would've chilled people out. It's pointless to complain about now really but meh. [end-rant]
    carcrasher65 likes this.
  20. Xander

    Xander Spaceman Spiff

    Well this board doesn't run on your interpretation of complaining and the only time wasted is yours typing it out. Still: Labeling people doesn't really help anything. As for my stance, and what would hash things out for me, people can attest I've been fairly clear on that quite a few times. I've given a laundry list before. Why not read back before making assumptions? Lastly, we are all fans of Chucklefish. Just not all of them are happy with how things have gone. Some just think they could do better and want to see them do so.

    So.. hopefully I've explained my presence on a public forum I'm something of a fan of, well enough for you Paco.
    Do I need to elaborate more, sir? I'd hate to not have a good enough explanation for you. :giggle:
    Pingeh, Karamunin and Soulcrifice like this.
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