RP The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Clan TDS, Jul 26, 2013.

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  1. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    "God? Heh, I'd like to have a chat with him..."
    "Also, it's rather rude to generalize us as demons, we are simply a mixed mash of monsters."
    "And you should know that it's generally frowned upon to intrude in places where you're not supposed to be."
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  2. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Rix smirked, touching her he said, "Doesn't feel fake to me..."

    Jonathan pushed Crazyon aside, and said aloud to the squad, "Alright, since i'm guessing that Daemin's com.'s gone offline she screwed up, lets head in there, and get Ominethious if we damn have to kill for him!" Then they went into formation towards the castle while Johnathan moved to a far enough distance away from Crazyon, and the castle to set up his Sniper Rifle.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  3. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar scooted a bit away from him, glaring at him,"S-shut up! And dont touch me!" Tar said angrily. Her Draconic Tail swished a bit behind her.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  4. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Rix leaned on her, now taking a bottle of Vodka, and drinking it, saying, "Oh, looks like we got a Feisty Lassie in the room~"
    ImmortalFrog and Covert0ddity like this.
  5. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar blushed hard and wrapped his head with her tail, none too gently. She took the Vodka from him,"Thats mine! And quite talking to me like that! I am a man!"
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  6. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    "No you're not, I'm pretty certain you are a girl."

    Replied Scavenger, thoroughly confused.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  7. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar glared at Scavenger,"I am! I...took a potion the Queen gave me for the occasion...so I am a woman...for now..."
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  8. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    "....... So you are a girl." Repeated Scavanger, smugly.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  9. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar looked down at her plate,"Y-yes..."
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  10. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota chuckled at the whole situation. "Well at least it made you damn sexy," She replied with a mischievous grin.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  11. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Rix Looked at her again, resting his arms on her back, and said behind her, "Well i then we shouldn't let the Potion go to waste~"
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  12. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar looked up at Iota then back to her food, blushing a bit. She grabbed on to her tail nervously.

    Tar growled as he touched her,"If you enjoy having multiple limbs I suggest you take your hand off me..."
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  13. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Rix laughed, and said, "Not like a Girl's gonna do much to me. I've survived far worse..." ((He literally has... If anyone wants me to explain a moment that it is, ill say it in the OOC))
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  14. Con7Rad7

    Con7Rad7 Giant Laser Beams

    Scavenger glared at Tar after she said that.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  15. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar growled again,"Watch your tongue, your talking to a Dragon..."
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  16. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Rix smirked, and said, "And your growling at a Soulless... You DO know what we do..."
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  17. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    "Hmph" Tar said, turning away from Rix. She grabbed the Vodka and gulped half of it down.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  18. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota smiled inwardly to herself and munched on her food, idly enjoying the show these guys were putting on.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  19. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar glanced at Iota, then downed the vodka bottle, blushing a bit.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
  20. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Rix went to grab a bottle of Vodka, popped the cork, and started to drink it, now it was catching ablaze as he drank it, fire sputtering from his mouth.
    ImmortalFrog likes this.
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