RP The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Clan TDS, Jul 26, 2013.

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  1. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "Alright then." Kalissa said, shrugging slightly as she leaned back in her chair.
  2. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Victoria stayed silent.
    She wasnt really sure what to say or how to say it if she came up with something.
  3. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Kalissa yawned, saying "Hm... You have any questions?" and idly drawing er dagger, tossing and catching it.
  4. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar growled in his sleep. In his dream, he was fighting a bunch of demons. He lead the army of Dragoness maids as king of the Dragons. Twas a glorious dream. One that made him snore loudly, and pump his fist in the air.
    Irony, harnackam and Blackleaf like this.
  5. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Victoria shrugged. She didnt really have anything to ask.
  6. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    harnackam felt the shaking of the bed above him and woke up. He crawled out from under the bed and jumped on the bed. Finding Tar he screetches and bounces on the bed.
  7. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar roars awake,"WHATWHOHOWEH!?"
    Blackleaf likes this.
  8. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    harnackam starts moving towards Tar.
  9. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" Tar roars out.
  10. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    harnackam pauses for a moment, then runs over to the a window. He uses ice magic to cause frost to form on the windows, then writes in the frost "harnackam"
  11. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    "HARN!? WHY ARE YOU A PINK FUCKING MONKY!" Tar yelled as he held his chest,. his heart pounding. Almost having a heart attack.
  12. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    "Oh. Um. Okay. Is this the part where I run?"
  13. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "You will have to wait for about 20 hours before you have to run. It's a long story, just take it that I have two different personalities"
  14. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    You, me, and how many other people. Out loud Tomas said, "Well, I'll remember that. I'm Tomas."
  15. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "You can call me Petra. Just arrived at the castle. You kinda seem out of place, I don't think Terra would allow an human here"
  16. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    "Ah, excellent...!"
    "I get to test something of mine out..."
    Crazyon calmly walked to the middle of the desolate lab, and placed a large, mechanical, floating orb.
    "If I remember this correctly...Pressing this should activate it..."
    He then pressed the button, causing the entire lab outside of Omine's room to blur and twist, it then slowly became a field of strange static particles...
    As Crazyon stood in the middle of this, he pressed another button which caused all of the particles to reform into what once was, ultimately recreating the lab.

    "WOW! This things hot!"
    Crazyon yelled this as he was shutting the strange orb down.
    "Well, now that this is done, I should be off...!"
    He then walked in the direction of the door.
  17. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Omin, without a single word, went, and grabbed his Scythle, almost hugging it, and said, "Im starting to like that Psychopath..."
  18. Crazyon

    Crazyon Master Astronaut

    Crazyon happily hummed to himself as he carried his device to the training yard so he could work on it without interruptions.
  19. Sir Sandbags

    Sir Sandbags Void-Bound Voyager

    "no no no, I never said anything about changing into a slime, i'm just saying that that is the easiest race to change in theory and to better understand why it works so well I need a subject willing to let me switch their body with another." Zuerst sighed
  20. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    "Well, she did. Barely, but she did. And, yeah, I have gotten some weird looks and no one really takes me seriously but the slimes, but it's better in here than out there..."
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