RP The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Clan TDS, Jul 26, 2013.

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  1. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale glared at him but noticed he wasnt looking at her face.
    " Oh yes take your time. Im sure this is quite the polite thing to do with a releativly new acquintance. Ill just be here waiting for you to be done. " She said leaning on the wall.
  2. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar leaned back a bit to get a better view, smirking and nodding approvingly,"Yes yes...very nice. Mind turning for me a bit?" he smirked again.
  3. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale gave him another glare.
    " Nice perception at picking up sarcasm. " She said kicking his leg.
  4. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar laughed a bit,"No im not. But I know a fine woman when I see one..."
  5. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale slapped his face again.
    " Here's a hint: I meant " Stop staring you ridiculus pervert. " about a minute ago. "
  6. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar held up his hands in a defeated manner," 'Ridiculous Pervert?', thats a little harsh. Can you blame me for starring at your perfect form? Or are you going to blame the Gods for having a body like that?" He smirked again.
  7. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale giggled a bit.
    " Im flattered but id prefer if you keep your eyes up. You could always ask before you start staring at me~ " She teasingly said.
  8. Stu and Improved

    Stu and Improved Spaceman Spiff

    After some more aimless wandering, Tomas found something he recognised and eventually found the mess hall. He went to the pantry and started restocking his bag while looking out for any denizens.
  9. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar brought his eyes level with hers,"Oh...? I can do that?" he smirked.
  10. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    "The idea you are proposing would require a fitting body. We might be able to make a clone of Carstel, like we do with sheep. But the gender part and mind switching would be difficult. And you would have to wait for the clone to mature." Marco says as he follows.
  11. Sir Sandbags

    Sir Sandbags Void-Bound Voyager

    Zuerst giggled, "no no, most of the research has been done, mostly as a side effect of carstles study into necromancy, provide with a suitable specimen and a willing subject he could switch bodies with ease, sadly in practice the mental state usually decays do to the trauma, in theory slimes for what ever reason, I think the core is less susceptible to this, are the only ones who he could switch with no problem. and what he knows I know, that's why as I speak he is slowly slipping out of his amnesia." Zuerst sighed "even then there is really no one I trust to preform this operation. we are the cutting edge in this field, hell there are some cults that follow carstel's work like scripture"
  12. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale giggled a bit in reply and leaned back.
  13. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    "So you are having trouble with the clones you transfer to being vegetables? Well, we put some considerable research into slime cores and their assorted properties, mainly when they are mixed with chemicals and the like. But nothing into the consciousness of the cores, just how their color slowly fades." Marco says, happy to have a half-sane scientist to share a chat with.
  14. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    After eating most of the squirrel, harnackam wandered over to the castle, climbed up a wall, and went in through a window. ((Finally! In the castle at last!))
    Ominethious likes this.
  15. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar smirked,"So Miss Tall, Blue, and Sexy, may I admire your body?"
  16. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale glared at him a bit.
    " Eh alright, I cant stop you anyway without ripping your eyeballs out. Dont get any funny ideas though. "
  17. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar instantly went to running his gaze up and down Aracle's body. Running over every curve of her perfect form,"Mmm...course not. You dont seem like the type..."
  18. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale looked a bit confused.
    " What type? "
  19. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Tar chuckled,"The type that doesnt seem like they've...you know..."
  20. Blackleaf

    Blackleaf Oxygen Tank

    Acrale grinned at him.
    " You're a naive pervert Tareek. "
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